I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 174: alliance

"This is the great elder of our Atlantis kingdom, Vinster Sartu, and this is our **** leader Sansa." In the Atlantis Avengers base, Arthur gave everyone Introduce the elders and guards who have heard the news.

"It's an honor to meet you, Great Elder." Steve Rogers shook hands with the Great Elder on behalf of the Avengers.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, and I welcome you on behalf of the Atlanteans," said the great elder, Sartu.

"In the future, we still have to rely on the kingdom of Atlantis for our activities in this base. Of course, we will also help the Atlantis to resist the aggression of foreign enemies." Steve Rogers said to all Atlantis. .

"Of course, we also hope to advance and retreat together with the Avengers." When the elder heard the invasion of foreign enemies, he unconsciously looked at T'Challa.

The elders paid special attention to Arthur when he heard that T'Challa was the current king of Wakanda.

T'Challa also felt the special vision of the elder, and he also knew what was going on. It was difficult for Atlantis to let go of their prejudice against Wakanda, and this matter could only be solved slowly.

"I also express my apologies to the kingdom of Atlantis on behalf of Wakanda, my father and Atlantis once waged war, but now I am the king of Wakanda, and I am with Atlantis The sea king Arthur is also related by blood, so I sincerely hope that Wakanda can get along with Atlantis." T'Challa said to the elders and all Atlantis in the escort.

"We believe in the sincerity of King T'Challa. We hope to put aside our prejudices with Wakanda, live in peace in the future, and fight against the invasion of people from humans or other planets." The elder also sincerely asked T'Challa. La said.

"On behalf of the Avengers, I hope to form an alliance with Wakanda and Atlantis. In the future, we will advance and retreat together to defend the peace of the earth!" Steve Rogers stood up and said.

"I agree!" Arthur agreed immediately.

"I agree too!" T'Challa replied immediately.

The first elder saw that his king had expressed his opinion, and he couldn't refute anything, he could only nod at the side.

In this way, Atlantis, Wakanda and the Avengers officially formed allies in this world to fight the threat from alien planets together.

The members of the Avengers have never been able to move freely under the sea, but with the help of Art's use of the portal, they came to the Atlantis Palace together as a guest.

The people of Atlantis heard that their king not only came back, but also brought back more than ten land people, and formally formed an alliance with them and the people of Wakanda, and everyone chose to support Arthur's decision.

Arthur is the king of everyone, and Atlantis cannot lose this powerful leader, so even if some people still have prejudice against the land and Wakanda, they still have nothing to say, and can only choose to silently accept the reality.

The Avengers members also took a good tour of Arthur's palace and met other Atlantis elders.

"My palace is incomparable to your Wakanda palace. The previous palace was blown up by Hydra. This one was newly built, so it looked a bit shabby." Arthur and T'Challa stood side by side on the balcony to watch the distant landscape.

The house of the kingdom of Atlantis is very magical. There is no water in the palace, and the water is isolated from the doors and windows of the palace.

"It's already very good. The kingdom of Atlantis is just as mysterious and beautiful as the stories my father and I have told. Atlantis is as magical as rumored." T'Challa said aside. .

"Okay, let's come and taste the food of Atlantis, let's have a banquet!" Arthur said to everyone.

"Yeah! It's delicious again." Princess Su Li jumped up happily when she heard Art's words.

"You know how to eat, and you're hungry again from the lunch you just had?" T'Challa complained to his sister.

"What just happened, that was a few hours ago." Princess Su Li pouted and said.

Everyone laughed when they saw the warm dialogue between the two brothers and sisters.

Under the leadership of Art, everyone came to the restaurant of the palace, and the whole restaurant was also very characteristic of Atlantis.

The tables and chairs are all made of shells, the table is a whole piece of transparent crystal, the walls and pillars are wrapped in coral, colorful, Arthur once also sighed that his palace is like the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

After a while, the maids began to serve the dishes, and they brought up seafood that no one had ever seen before, as well as other plants. The wine was pearl wine from Atlantis.

In fact, Arthur has never eaten these dishes a few times. He feels very novel every time he eats them, and the Avengers members have never seen them.

Everyone was very interested in tasting the specialties of Atlantis and drinking the fragrant pearl wine.

The first elder and another elder were there to accompany him, and Arthur was telling everyone the story of the Atlantis kingdom.

Wanda was very silent today, sitting in the distance and secretly watching Arthur, she was too embarrassed to take the initiative to speak.

Wanda will be the queen of Atlantis in the future, so she still has to give the Atlantis a good impression of being calm.

After everyone was full, they said goodbye to the elders, left the Atlantis Palace, and returned to the Avengers base.

Arthur held a meeting with the elders in the palace to discuss the problem of living together with the Avengers base in the future.


The next day, Arthur brought a person to the Avengers to meet everyone. He was Dr. Stephen Strange, who had been guarding Karma Taj.

"This is Dr. Stephen Strange, he is now the Supreme Mage of the Earth Mage Alliance." Arthur introduced Stephen Strange to everyone.

"It's nice to meet you. I basically know you all. You are all famous superheroes!" Stephen Strange said to the Avengers.

"Nice to see you again, Stephen." Wanda stepped forward and hugged Stephen Strange.

"I'm happy too, Wanda," Stephen Strange said to Wanda.

Next, Arthur introduced the members of the Avengers to Stephen Strange one by one.

"It stands to reason that Stephen Strange is also a member of our Avengers. You once promised me to join the Avengers." Arthur looked at Stephen Strange and said.

"You know that I have a great responsibility now, I can only say that we Kama Taj will join hands with the Avengers to protect the peace of the earth." Stephen Strange said.

"That's enough, we can get help from the Kama Taj Mage Alliance!" Steve Rogers said to Stephen Strange.

"Okay, then I have to trouble you to help me build a few permanent portals, one to the Wakanda base and one to the Stark Tower in New York." Arthur said to Stephen Strange.

"No problem!" Stephen Strange replied.

Everyone is also waiting to see what kind of magical items the mysterious mage on this earth can come up with.


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