I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 228: Set off

"Can I pet your puppy? It's cute." Mantis asked Draculas the Destroyer, looking at the rocket sitting beside her.

Destroyer Draculas heard this and looked at the Rocket and then at the Mantis Girl, nodded with a smirk and said, "You touch it." Waiting to see the Mantis Girl make a fool of himself.

The mantis girl happily reached out and touched Rocket's head. Rocket heard the mantis girl's words a long time ago, and her heart was on fire. Just when the mantis girl's hand touched the Rocket's head, the Rocket suddenly turned her head and opened her mouth to face the mantis girl's hand. To go down hard.

"Ah!!!" The Mantis Woman was taken aback, screamed and quickly retracted her hand, without being bitten by the rocket, Destroyer Draculas succeeded in pranking and laughed.

"This is my prank!" Destroyer Dracula said with a laugh as he looked at the mantis girl who was about to cry.

"I like playing like this very much!" Mantis Woman also laughed along with Destroyer Dracula.

"This is all I think!" Dracula and Mantis Girl laughed, and Arthur looked at them speechlessly and felt that the two were really compatible.

Not far away Quill and Gamora walked in the forest listening to the echoes of laughter.

"What are you kidding? It took him so long before he suddenly appeared in front of me and said it was my dad," Quill exclaimed.

"Yes," Gamora said.

"This might be a trap, you think Thanos Cree and the Marauders want to kill us!" Quill said excitedly.

"I know, but..." Gamora said.

"But what?" Quill asked, interrupting Gamora.

"You didn't tell me the story of the Zaduhewells before," Gamora said.

"Who?" Quill asked incomprehensibly.

"The one with a magic ship," Gamora replied.

"David Hossoff?" Quill asked.

"It's him!" Gamora said.

"It's not a magic ship, it's a talking car!" Quill corrected.

"Why do cars talk?" Gamora asked.

"In order to help him fight criminals, help him in every way!" Quill replied.

"You'd have a picture of him in your pocket when you were a kid and tell other kids that he was your dad, but he was away," Gamora said.

"I said he was filming Knight Rider or touring Germany with the band. That's what I said when I was drunk, why are you bringing it up now?" Quill asked.

"I love that story!" Gamora said, looking at Quill.

"I hate that story! It's so sad, I always watched other kids play catch with their dads when I was a kid, and I want my dad to play with me too, that's my biggest wish!" Quill said with sincerity arrive.

"That's what I'm trying to say, Peter. What if this guy is your Hossoff? Listen, if we find out he's the bad guy, we'll kill him!" Gamora said, taking Peter Quill's hand. .

Quill was silent. He really wanted to have a father's love. Since he was born, only his mother had truly loved him, and his father had always lived in the story that his mother told him.

Quill watched Gamora grab his hand and felt Gamora's feelings for him. Gamora also reacted and immediately let go of Quill's hands, stepped back and looked at Quill embarrassedly.

"Okay, let's go with him to see what's going on! If the situation is not right, we will leave immediately." Quill thought for a while and said.

Gamora looked at Quill and smiled, she really hoped that Quill could find the father-son bond that he never had.

Quill and Gamora are back in front of the crowd, all waiting for their return.

"Have we discussed Quill? Are we going to go with your dad?" Dracula the Destroyer asked, looking at Quill.

"I'm Groot?" Groot also asked Quill.

"...Well, let's go and have a look together. Anyway, we have nothing else to do now, so we can just avoid the Sovereigns." Quill nodded and said.

"That's great, Quill, I welcome you to visit the planet where I live, everyone must come, and let me treat you well!" Egg looked at everyone happily and said.

On the other hand, Arthur felt that the eyes that Egg looked at him were a bit wrong. Arthur could use the Mind Gem to sense that there was a desire and vigilance for himself in Egg's eyes.

"Then let's go now, the road is not too close!" said Egg.

Several people nodded, Egg and Mantis returned to the white egg-shaped spaceship together, and Quill and the others sat on the Guardians of the Galaxy, which had already been repaired by the rocket.

"I really don't know what you think of Peter. If you jump out of anyone and want to be your father, you dare to follow him home, and you are not afraid of a conspiracy." Rocket sat in the driver's seat and began to mock Quill again.

"Don't I know to be vigilant? I just want to see if he is really my dad!" Quill retorted loudly.

"I hope your father isn't as **** as you, little orphan," Rocket said.

"Okay Rocket, I asked Peter to take a look. He finally met his father and should recognize him. If it's a trap, we'll kill him on the spot!" Gamora said to Rocket.

"Okay, as long as you are happy." The rocket started the spacecraft and stopped talking.

Quill sat in the passenger seat and took out a reduced page of a magazine from his arms, with a picture of David Hossoff on it. This is something he treasured since he was a child and is used to miss his father. of.

"Actually, this is a very likely trap!" Arthur glanced at Quill and said to him.

"How?" Gamora said, turning to look at Arthur.

"I have a mind gem, so I can feel that the man named Egg has a desire and vigilance towards me, and there is obvious malice in the depths of his kind face." Arthur didn't explain it too clearly, just to Kui Er reminded, don't be fooled by Egg.

"Wow, didn't we just throw ourselves into the net? Well done!" Rocket said yin and yang angrily.

"So what? Are we going to continue?" Gamora asked, looking at Arthur.

"Go! Of course we are going, we still have to find out about Quill's life experience and the true face of that Egg. As for the mantis girl, I can feel that she is a simple girl." Arthur replied.

"Okay, let's go and see, if he wants to harm us, I will kill him on the spot!" Destroyer Draculas said fiercely.

"I'm Groot!" Groot meant it would protect everyone.

Quill was silent and did not speak. He believed in Arthur's ability and doubted whether the suddenly appeared father was a conspiracy, but in his heart he still had some yearning for his father, and Quill did not know what to expect on this journey. Find out what is yours!


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