I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 229: Egg Star

Just after Quill and the others drove the Guardians of the Galaxy and Egg to leave the planet, a huge predator spacecraft came to the star of Bocht.

A large group of Marauders armed with weapons surrounded the fire where Quill had been.

"Damn, let them run away again!" said one of the predators, looking at the extinguished fire.

"There are traces of a spaceship next to them, they should have just left!" A red-skinned man said while holding a device to detect.

"What should I do, boss? Did Rick catch up?" a predator on the side asked Yongdu in the middle of the crowd.

Yongdu looked at the deep pit pressed by the semi-circular spaceship and remained silent.

"Boss?" the thin Clagreen asked Yondu.

"Uh, I don't think we should continue chasing." Yongdu hesitated and said.

"What? Yondu, do you know how much that golden girl promised us? Ten billion purple gold! You are going to give up this money for your beloved Quill?" An ugly man with blue veins looked at him Yong Du asked.

"Do you know who he went with? We are courting death if we follow!" said Yongdu.

"What's wrong with you, Yondu? You're actually scared? After all, you just don't want Quill to have an accident, do you?" another subordinate asked Yondu.

"I have something to say, boss, no matter how many times Quill betrays you, you will protect him, as if the rest of our brothers are not important." Even the most loyal Clarglin mustered the courage to stand up and said.

"Yeah!" "Yeah!" "You're the little Zach who is protecting Quill!" The surrounding men suddenly became a mess, venting their dissatisfaction over the years to Yongdu.

"Calm down Claglin!" said a long-haired man next to Yongdu.

"You're so right! He's cowardly now! Maybe it's time for us to change the boss!" The man with blue veins raised his weapon and pointed at Yongdu and said loudly.

With one-third of the people raising their weapons with him, they have long been dissatisfied with Yongdu!

The people beside Yongdu also raised their weapons and aimed them at them, and the looters were immediately divided into two camps.

"Put down the gun!" The long-haired man beside Yongdu said to the man with blue veins while holding the gun.

"I think you're impatient!" Looking at the people in front of him who were determined to betray him, Yongdu pulled off his windbreaker to reveal a red arrow.

"Don't be afraid of the brothers, kill him!" The man with blue veins shouted loudly, and was about to pull the trigger and fire.

"Shh~" Yondu blew his whistle, only to see the red light flashing over the man with blue veins on his face, and immediately fell to the ground while holding his heart.

The people on the side also opened fire, and the plunderers suddenly formed a group. Yondu continued to whistle, and the betrayed plunderers died under the flashing red arrows one by one.

Suddenly, someone aimed at the red antenna device on Yongdu's head, and shot the antenna above Yongdu's head with a very precise shot.

Yondu rolled his eyes and fell down, and the arrow fell from the air. Clarklin saw that Yondu fell and ran over to check Yondu's injury.

Although he was dissatisfied with Yongdu's approach, he was still very loyal to Yongdu.

Others saw that Yongdu was beaten and opened fire more fiercely, and suddenly the entire dark forest burst into a ball of fire...


The melodious music was played on the Guardians of the Galaxy. The five Guardians of the Galaxy and Arthur drove the spacecraft to the Star of Eagle with the spacecraft in front of Eagle.

It is a very beautiful red planet with blue light in some places, and it is not as big as the moon.

Arthur looked at the star of Egg in the distance. He couldn't imagine that the planet would also have life and survive in the universe for millions of years. The gods are really some magical species.

The spacecraft landed on the Star of Eagle. After getting close, everyone could see that the entire planet had a very beautiful scenery. There were trees of various colors, most of which were red, and the others were yellow and green. It was a beautiful scene in autumn.

Everyone boarded a white crescent-shaped flying device that flew out of the Eagle spaceship and flew over the forest


"Welcome all of you to my world!" Egg turned to open his arms and said to everyone.

"Wow, this is your own planet?" Quill asked Egg.

"It's nothing, and it's not bigger than Earth's moon," Egg replied.

"Don't be so humble, this planet makes people feel alive, like there is life." Arthur said suddenly.

"Thank you for your evaluation, you are really insightful!" Egg said with a meaningful look at Arthur.

There are also many colorful bubbles floating in the sky, which are very beautiful. Dracula the Destroyer extended his finger to a bubble in front of him, and the colorful bubbles suddenly exploded into a group of colorful small bubbles.

Dracula the Destroyer laughed, Gamora also looked at the bubbles above her head and felt very beautiful, while Rocket and Groot were not interested.

"It's like the Chambord Islands, you must be a fan of the old sea." Arthur looked at Egg and complained.

"What is a sea fan? Where are the Chambord Islands?" Egg asked in confusion.

"You don't have to worry about him, he likes to say some words that others don't understand." Quill explained to Egg, who laughed.

The aircraft led everyone towards a huge palace ahead. The palace was also golden, inlaid with colorful gems, and there was a huge green gem in the middle.

Arthur looked at this emerald, and it probably weighed a few tons. How many can be made into a gemstone ring? Arthur thought.

The palace is surrounded by plants of various colors, and it looks as beautiful as coming to the Moonglade of World of Warcraft.

The aircraft stopped on a platform, and everyone followed Egg down. There was a fountain pool in front of it. The transparent and bone-like fish in the pool circled around the fountain. The things here looked so interesting.

"You actually have your own planet, where are you holy?" Gamora came to Egg and asked him, trying to test Egg.

"I'm the so-called **** group, dear." Egg told the truth directly.

Kamala froze in place, the **** group? She heard that Thanos said about the legendary mysterious organization in this universe, each of them has mysterious power and infinite life! Was it a little too risky for them to come here this time?

"Celestial group? Like gods?" Quill obviously hadn't heard the name of the group of gods, but it didn't sound like an ordinary person.

"It's not particularly powerful, kid. Now I'm as humble as Jon Arthur said, haha!" Egg turned and walked towards the palace with a smile.

Others didn't ask about his subtext, but Arthur understood it. Egg said at least what he meant for now was that there was no guarantee that he would turn his face with a few people in the next second.

It has now come to Egg's territory, and every move of Arthur and his group is under Egg's control, so Arthur can't act rashly, and he must be cautious in his words and deeds.


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