I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 246: early morning event

The next day, Peter Parker continued to wander the streets of Queens, New York, wearing his spider suit again, to see if there were any criminals who wanted to try his hand at it.

At the latest, Peter Parker had a complete showdown with Aunt May. Aunt May didn't blame Peter Parker, but just let him pay attention to his own safety and remember what his Uncle Ben told him...

"Karen, help me see if there is any latest news." Peter Parker said as he shuttled through the building.

"Okay, Peter. New York Channel One has a piece of news that Oscorp Industries has a hijacked truck carrying plutonium elements, the police have started tracking it, just down the road from us! The way forward is marked for you. ." Karen's voice came from the spider suit, and Peter Parker's eyes showed a red line of progress.

"Oh, it's another exciting opening! Arthur said that day that we will face a strong enemy soon, so I must exercise my skills well." Peter Parker swayed towards the street in the distance.

"I can provide you with short training programs so you can progress!" Karen told Peter Parker.

"Oh, that's great! We have to show our skills this time!" Peter Parker looked at the road in the distance, where dozens of police cars chased a blue truck, which was in traffic Rampage.

Peter Parker flew over the heads of countless people in a red spider suit, and everyone was used to it.

There are two public superheroes in Manhattan, New York, one is the super-rich Iron Man Tony Stark, and the other is the mysterious civilian hero Spider-Man. As for Doctor Strange, who also lives in New York, no one knows his existence.

people of new york

You can often see the sight of Spider-Man flying overhead, so people are numb, only thinking that the child is more excited, pointing to Peter Parker who is far away and shouting: "Look, that's Spider-Man!"

Several robbers on the truck cut open the top of the trunk of the truck and jumped into the trunk of the truck.

The cargo pulled by this huge truck is only a small box of plutonium metal material, which is also the target of the robbers today.

The bald-headed robber was driving a truck when he suddenly saw a hand tap on the window from the side of the car window.

"Hey, open the door." Peter Parker shouted at the bald head, who was also cute, and lowered the window glass directly.

"Hey, Mr. Criminal, you can call me Spider-Man or Super Spider, but don't call me dinner in the middle of the night, understand?" Peter Parker put his hand on the rearview mirror shelf, chatting with the bald head. He even reached out to shake hands with the bald head.

The bald man had to concentrate on driving the truck, while listening to Peter Parker's mouth. He couldn't take it anymore, and he threw his fist into Peter Parker's face.

Peter Parker hops down and disappears, bald-headed and continues to drive the truck. Suddenly Peter Parker's feet came down from the roof of the car, he sat on the top of the truck, bent down to the bald head and asked funny: "Don't like handshakes? Do you like hugs?"

"I'm a murderer!!" The bald head couldn't bear it anymore, he took out a submachine gun and yelled at Peter Parker, then shot at Peter Parker.

"Okay, whatever you want." Peter Parker shrank his head back instantly and disappeared from the bald head's sight.

In the car, the robbers took the plutonium element out of the glass box and carefully put it into the box they brought.

Plutonium is a radioactive industrial element, which is particularly flammable and explosive, so the movements of several people are very careful.

The truck rushed towards the intersection and hit a yellow taxi. Peter Parker stood on the roof and saw a man standing in the middle of the road, bending over to pick up things on the ground, dangerous!

Peter Parker immediately jumped out of the truck and swung towards the man, and when the truck was about to hit him, Peter Parker threw him to the ground, dodging the impact of the truck.

"Okay, it's all right, how are you?" Peter Parker asked, pulling the man up from the ground.

"Are you Spider-Man?" The man was startled by the sudden situation, but he saw what happened just now, and it was the Spider-Man in front of him who saved his life.

"It can be seen from my clothes, take your things, Max." Peter Parker glued all the drawings that Max Allen had dropped on the ground with spider silk and handed it to him.

"How did you know my name?" Max asked.

"Your badge says..." Peter Parker helped him put his glasses back on and tidied up his clothes.

"I'm just a little guy..." Max said brightly, he didn't expect Spider-Man to pay attention to his name.

"Hey, you're not a small person, you're an important person. Listen to me, I need you, you are my eyes and ears in this city, you know?" Peter Parker said, holding Max's face in his hands.

"Okay!" Max replied excitedly, Spider-Man actually needs himself!

"Then, see you later!" Peter Parker flew away after he finished speaking, leaving only Max standing there blankly watching the back of Spider-Man leaving...

The truck was surrounded by numerous police cars and forced to stop in the middle of the road, and Peter Parker also came here. The door of the truck's trunk opened suddenly, and the two armed robbers suddenly shot at the surrounding police cars.

Suddenly, a fierce gun battle broke out on the streets of New York. Countless policemen hid behind police cars and fired back. However, the firepower of the robbers was too fierce, and it was difficult for the police to show their faces.

Suddenly, two spider silks fell from the sky and stuck to the submachine gun in the robber's hand. The robber only felt a huge force to pull the weapon away in an instant.

Then two spider silks directly stuck to the robber's leg, and the two robbers were instantly pulled up and hung upside down on the street lamp.

"It's Spider-Man!" The police responded, and it was Spider-Man who helped them subdue the robbers.

The bald man sitting in the driver's seat of the truck saw that his partner was instantly resolved, and he was ruthless, and he directly put on the accelerator and slammed it to the end.

The truck started instantly, knocked over several police cars blocking the road, and rushed forward.

Peter Parker jumped into the car, and all the plutonium bottles in the car fell off due to the inertia of the truck, and were about to fall out of the truck box.

"Spider grenade!" Peter Parker shot out the spider grenade, and the spider web exploded in the carriage, instantly sticking all the plutonium element bottles.

Peter Parker jumped directly onto the hood of the truck with his spider silk, looked at the bald **** in the driver's seat and said, "Hey, I told you, I'm in a hurry to go to class, and I'm going to be late!"

"You're screwed, little spider! Hahahaha!" The bald head opened the wiper glass and rushed towards Peter Parker's face.

"There's no way, you have to force me to be rough!" Peter Parker smashed the glass with a punch, and the spider silk shot at the steering wheel and pulled, and the truck suddenly turned and slammed into the wall on the side.

"Ah!!" The bald head watched helplessly as the truck slammed into the wall, the airbag popped out instantly, and the bald head was almost knocked out by the airbag.

When the police caught up, they only saw the truck parked on the side of the road, the bald criminal was glued to the wall by spider silk, and the plutonium element was glued into a ball by the spider silk and hung next to the bald head. Spider-Man has long disappeared...

New York University

Peter Parker ran towards the classroom with his schoolbag on his back. The class had already started. Peter Parker sneaked to his seat and sat down.

"Hey, why are you here? I thought you were going to skip class again." Ned behind Peter Parker asked, poking Peter Parker in the back.

"There's been a little bit of an episode, and a little bit of time wasted." Peter Parker turned his head and whispered.


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