I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 247: Harry Osborne

Mike Dylan became a big fan of Spider-Man after being rescued by Spider-Man. Today is his birthday, and he still came to work at Osborn Company as usual.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, a woman suddenly shouted "Wait!"

Max immediately reached out and held down the elevator door, preventing the elevator door from closing. As a result, Max's hand was pinched by the elevator door.

"Thank you! You are such a gentleman! Most people just let the door close." It was Peter Parker's girlfriend Gwen Stacy who ran into the elevator, Gwen said to Max gratefully.

"Most people don't care about other people!" said Max, an electrical engineer at Osborn who designed and repaired circuits, to Gwen.

He is very introverted, his colleagues do not like to get along with him, and no one even remembers who he is! But Max is actually a very warm-hearted good man.

"My name is Mike Dylan." Mike greeted Gwen.

"My name is Gwen Stacy, nice to meet you." Gwen said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you too." Max replied with a smile.

"It's your birthday today?" Gwen asked, looking at the flyer for the birthday cake that Max was holding.

"Yes, the flyers they left in my room..." Max hesitated before replying.

"The birthday party, there are many friends coming, I could have invited you, but the guest list has been set... So" Max actually planned to invite Spider-Man for his birthday, but he could only slap the face in front of the lady Fill up fat.

"Got it, thank you anyway, that sounds like a lively party," Gwen replied with a smile.

At this time, yesterday's news was playing on the display screen in the elevator, and Spider-Man was rescuing the trapped people at the scene of a fire.

"It's very interesting, the whole world is paying so much attention to you! Spider-Man saved my life, he saved me in the crowd, he said he needed me!" Max said excitedly while watching the video.

Gwen looked at Max speechlessly. This was brainwashed by Peter Parker. For the first time, seeing his loyal fan, and looking at the light in Max's eyes, Gwen knew how much he admired Spider-Man.


"I'm here, thank you! Max." Gwen stepped out of the elevator.

After Gwen left, Max came back to his senses, what did she just say? Does she actually remember my name?


Between classes, Peter Parker uploads his own videos on the hero video website, and he already has more than two million fans.

Suddenly, a piece of news on a TV not far away caught his interest.

"News Release, Mr Norman Osborne, the great founder and CEO of Osborne Industries has just passed away! Osborne's estate confirmed to be passed on to his only son. Harry Osborne, he was Osborne Business The only heir to the empire..." The TV continued to introduce the Osborn Company, but Peter Parker stopped listening.

Harry Osborn? Isn't this his old classmate? He was also Peter's only good friend before.

Harry Osborn and Peter Parker read together in elementary school. Peter Parker and Harry have been good friends since childhood. When Peter Parker lost his parents, Harry was there to comfort him. When Harry lost his mother, Peter Parker was also there. accompany him.

This is how Peter Parker and Harry Osborn comforted each other together, and they got out of the grief of losing their parents, but later, not knowing what happened to Harry's family, Harry was transferred to study abroad by his family.

Peter Parker never saw Harry again, but today he actually saw his former partner on TV again, which really touched Peter Parker very much.

When Peter Parker saw Harry's father passed away, he suddenly had the urge to go see this once good friend! As soon as he said it, Peter Parker watched the address he found after school and arrived at Harry's current address.

Looking at the huge villa in front of him, Peter Parker sighed that it was indeed the Osborn Company, it was rich!

Peter Parker rang the villa doorbell and told the housekeeper who opened the door that he was Harry's friend and came to see him.

The housekeeper asked Peter Parker to wait at the door and then turned to leave. Peter Parker stood at the door bored and waited...

after awhile……

"Peter Parker? I can't believe it's really you!" Harry Osborn in a suit appeared on the second floor and looked at Peter Parker and said.

"Hi, Harry, long time no see." Peter Parker looked at Harry with a smile, he wondered if Harry still recognized himself as a friend after so many years, and did he still remember their friendship?

"Have we not seen each other in ten years?" Harry said after thinking.

"Eight years, almost ten years." Peter Parker replied with a smile.

"What do you want from me?" Harry asked blankly.

"I read the news and heard that your father passed away, so I wanted to come and see you...to see how you are doing." Peter Parker looked at Harry's calm expression, his heart sank, and he had forgotten us. friendship? Peter could only speak helplessly.

"I...I was in a meeting with a group of people just now," Harry said sadly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. Although it has been so long, I can somewhat understand your situation. You were by my side when my parents died, so here I am..." Peter Parker looked at said Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry said only two words before continuing, leaving only embarrassment between the two.

"Nice to meet you, I'm sorry about your father..." Peter Parker turned to leave, and Harry didn't seem to welcome him.

Just as Peter Parker was about to open the door and leave, Harry walked down the stairs and sneered at Peter Parker with a smile: "You took off your braces, so that your eyebrows will be more noticeable."

Peter Parker laughed too, back! This is his best friend Harry!

"This is you! This is you! Do you still blow your hair every morning?" Peter Parker asked, laughing.

"Well, I have a servant who will help me hold the hairdryer, but I still comb my hair. Well, I can still take care of myself." The two laughed when they looked at each other, their friendship was not because of time just disappeared.

Peter Parker rushed up the stairs and gave Harry a big hug, and Harry hugged Peter happily.

"Go! Take you out for a spin and show you my new car!" Harry suggested to Peter.

"Okay!" Peter nodded.

Harry drove Peter Parker in a sports car to the vicinity of the amusement park by the sea, and Peter Parker looked a little embarrassed here.

There was a plane here not too long ago because he crashed here, but it has been cleaned up now.

Peter Parker and Harry Osborn were walking along the beach together.

"I went to Brazil and Singapore, and Europe after high school. I'm still studying at Harvard, and I wouldn't be back if it wasn't for my father..." Harry told Peter Parker.

"I've seen you! I've seen a picture of you in a magazine with a French supermodel, do you know what that is?" Peter Parker asked, patting Harry on the shoulder.

"Yeah, bro, it hurts to be with models, you know!" Harry Osborn said with a smirk, and Peter Parker laughed too.


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