Arthur and Harry were walking down the forest path, the white cat Venom following behind them.

"Your situation is not very good now. Your father passed away after handing over the company to you, but the other shareholders in the company do not want to hand over the company to a young man who has just turned 20." Arthur said to Harry. arrive.

"Yes, there are indeed many shareholders who are very dissatisfied with me." Harry said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, I will help you. Osborn is also a high-end biotechnology company in the United States. Some of your research is still of great help to our Avengers." Arthur said to Harry.

"Really? Great. I am willing to transfer 15% of the shares to you, and Osborn will fully support the Avengers in the future!" Harry promised happily.

"I don't need your shares. I'll help you get the shareholders. You can announce the establishment of a strategic cooperation with Stark Corporation when you control the company." Arthur shook his head and said.

"Okay, no problem, I'll listen to you in the future." Harry said happily.

"Then, welcome to the Avengers." Arthur held out his hand to Harry.

"This... can I really join the Avengers? I don't have superpowers," Harry said hesitantly.

"Peter Parker can join you, of course, you can join, you don't have super powers but your company has some special projects, I think you should know about it." Arthur looked at Harry and said.

"Then I'm willing to join the Avengers!" Harry said sincerely, holding Arthur's hand.

"Great, let's go, I'll introduce a friend to you." Arthur led Harry towards the Avengers base in the distance.

"Actually...I've always had a question," Harry asked Arthur after hesitating for a while.

"You wanted to ask about Peter Parker, right?" Arthur asked Harry, glancing at him.

"Yes, Peter Parker, his ability to join the Avengers shows that his identity is not simple, so who is he?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Don't you have a guess in your mind? The Avengers who live in Queens, of course, are Spider-Man." Arthur said to Harry.

"Sure enough!" Harry said with complicated eyes.

"Keep Peter a secret. No one but us knows about this. Peter didn't tell you because he was afraid of your thoughts." Arthur said to Harry, and Harry nodded to show that he knew.

Arthur took Harry to the Avengers base and introduced him to the members of the base.

Harry was very excited to see these familiar superheroes. Although Harry was relatively precocious, he was only a young man in his twenties.

Still interested in the mysterious Avengers Harry, Arthur took Harry to the door of a dormitory and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and it was a strange-looking man, Mike Dylan, who had just joined the Avengers.

"How are you today? Max." Arthur asked Max with a smile.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern!" Max turned around and saw Harry behind Arthur, stunned.

"Dong... Chairman?" Max stammered while looking at Harry.

"Are you the guy on the news last night? You actually know me?" Harry was very strange about Max calling himself chairman? This weird-looking man used to be Osborn's?

"You guessed it right, Max is an electrical engineer in Osborne's bioelectricity department," Arthur said to Harry.

"What? How did he...?" Harry didn't expect that Max was actually an employee of his own company. Looking at Max's current appearance, he didn't know what to say.

"He had an accident and he fell into a biogenic battery, and he mutated into that," Arthur explained to Harry.

Max was silent after listening to Arthur's words. What did he get after dedicating himself to Osborn Company? My own chairman doesn't know me either.

"The Osborn Company covered up this matter, and it was murder for Mike! And the culprit of all this is the top of your company!" Arthur said to Harry.

"Sorry, Max. I didn't know about this. I didn't expect them to treat you like this. In fact, I'm just a puppet now. The shares in the so-called chairman's hands can't control those shareholders." Ha Leigh looked at Max apologetically and said.

"Okay, since your targets are all the top executives of Osborn Company, then Max, your first task is to help Harry take control of Osborn Company. As for those who oppose Harry, you can handle it yourself. Come on." Arthur told Max that the top management of Osborn Company were not good people, and it would be good for Max to deal with them, so it was treated as a special training for him.

"No problem, I'll let them know that some things are not for everyone!" Max said firmly.

Arthur opened a portal to send Harry and Max away and left Wakanda together. As for the snacks Harry owes Venom, the Stark Company will regularly provide Harry with a list of snacks.

"Anyone gone?" Tony Stark asked Arthur from the second floor.

"Well, Max went to help Harry take control of Osborn Company. If nothing else happens, Osborn Company will announce a comprehensive strategic cooperation with Stark Company tomorrow." Arthur nodded and replied.

"You also trust that Max will deal with those ordinary people? You are not afraid that he will kill at the Osborn Company?" Tony Stark asked Arthur with a playful look.

"Max is a kind person. Although he was once dizzy by other people's prejudice, I have used the Mind Stone to help him control his emotions. I believe he will handle it well." Arthur told Tony Stark Speaking of.

"Well now, the Avengers have joined a powerful superpower and a rich chaebol, and their strength has increased greatly." Tony Stark said with a smile.

"Harry is not only a rich chaebol, he will also help us in our future battles." Arthur shook his head and said.

"You mean the battle armor and aircraft researched by the Osborn Company? And those biological weapons?" Tony Stark immediately knew what Arthur meant.

"Yes, the Avengers will have another superhero called the Green Goblin in the future. I'm looking forward to how he and Spider-Man will cooperate with each other." Arthur replied with a smile.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to it." Tony Stark is still quite optimistic about Harry. Harry is actually similar to Tony Stark. He has super weapons made by the company so that even an ordinary person can become a superhero.

"Let's go, let's go to lunch, I've been tossing around all morning and I'm a little hungry." Arthur stood up and said to Tony Stark.

"You're a fart, and it's not all due to Venom. You're actually standing beside you with your hands clasped and playing with your mouth." Tony Stark contemptuously complained to Arthur.

"Don't talk nonsense! Are you going to eat?" Arthur asked impatiently.

"Let's go..."


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