I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 256: Surter

After being teleported to an asteroid next to Muspelheim by Heimdall, Thor, the **** of thunder, used Thor's hammer to fly away from the asteroid and flew towards Muspelheim alone.

Muspelheim is the legendary world of flames. From space, it looks like a sun that is dying. The entire planet is dark red, with active volcanoes all over it, and the temperature is terribly high. Magma flows on the surface of the planet.

The former Muspelheim was not like this, it was full of flames like the sun, but after Surtur's eternal fire was snatched by Asgard, the flames of Muspelheim went out ...

After sneaking to Muspelheim, Thor finds Surtur's evil lair.

Thor pretended to be caught by Surtur's fire creatures, successfully infiltrated Surtur's lair, and was locked in a metal cage.

"It's nice to meet you here..." Thor was tied into a zongzi by Surter's men, lying in a metal cage and talking to a skeleton who had been dead for an unknown time and only had a pair of skeletons left. .

"How long do you think we'll be here?" Thor asked, looking at the skeleton, and suddenly the skeleton's jaw dropped, as if answering Thor's question.

Ka Ka Ka Ka

what sound? As if the gears were turning, the metal cage under Thor suddenly opened, and Thor immediately fell downward.

"Hey... it hurts..."

The moment the chains on Thor's body were stretched, Thor also stopped falling, but the moment he was pulled by the chains made Thor bared his teeth in pain and took a deep breath.

And the skeleton who had just been locked in a cage with Thor also fell down with Thor and smashed to pieces on the ground.

Thor was like a wooden stick with a rope tied in the middle, and was hung one meter from the ground.

Thor looked down with his head down. This was a deep cave, and the surroundings were very dark and spacious. The temperature here is very high, and there is still lava flowing in the gaps in the ground. This is in a volcanic crater.

Suddenly he noticed a throne made of stone on the side, sitting on it was a humanoid creature with a body made of dark red magma, watching him secretly, should he die Surtur?

"Hahaha, you are Odin's son, Thor?" Surtur sat lazily on the throne, looking at Thor, who was tied into a zongzi hanging in the air, and smiled evilly.

"You are Biaozi's son, Surtur? You're not dead. I thought my father threw you to ashes 500,000 years ago." Thor asked sarcastically.

"I will not die until I complete my mission and destroy your homeland." Surtur said calmly without being provoked by Thor.

"It's even more interesting when it comes to this. I've been having nightmares recently. Asgard is in a raging fire and turned into ruins! And you, Surter, are wreaking havoc everywhere." Thor smiled at Surter Er said.

"Then you have foreseen the Ragnarok of the Gods, the fall of Asgard, a great prophecy!" Surtur said loudly.

"Who gave you this mission?" Thor looked at Surtur and asked.

"Just after I was killed by Odin that year, I saw death. It was she who told me my future destination, and it was she who gave me the ability to live forever until Asgard was completely destroyed!" Surtur also Without hiding, he answered directly.

"Death? Well, then let's continue to talk about the Ragnarok of the Gods. Can you tell me how you plan to destroy Asgard?" Thor didn't realize who Death was, he wanted to know more What is in front of him is how the flame lord who does not seem to be very powerful is going to destroy Asgard.

"My time has come! When my crown is reunited with the eternal fire, my power will be fully restored! I will grow taller than those mountains, and then I will take my twilight sword deep pierce into the core of Asgard!" Surtur was really an honest man, and told Thor his plan exactly.

Thor almost laughed when he heard it. He had never seen such a pure villain before, and he would answer whatever he really asked.

Thor was a little in love with the guy in front of him. If he didn't want to fight against Asgard, Thor could even consider spare his life.

"I'm a little dizzy with this chain spinning... Let me understand what you just said, you're going to put your crown in the Eternal Fire? Then you'll be the size of a house?" Thor asked arrive.

"It's as big as a mountain! And it will keep getting bigger, and eventually it can be as big as Asgard!" Surtur interrupted Thor and corrected his mistake.

"The eternal fire you're talking about is the one that was locked in the Asgardian treasury by Odin?" Thor asked while looking at Surtur.

"Odin is not in Asgard now, and you can't go back. Asgard has no resistance to me!" Thor's answer left Thor puzzled.

Odin isn't in Asgard? Who made me come here? Is this flame giant wrong information?

"So where is the crown you're talking about?" Thor continued to ask Surtur regardless of that much.

"This is my crown! It is the source of my strength!" Surtur said, pointing to the two long horns above his head.

Torre can't do it, this Surtur is really... too upright. If he said it was heartless or something, he directly told his hole card.

"Is that a crown? I thought it was a thick eyebrow." Thor said to Surtur with a smile.

"This is the crown!" Surtur retorted.

"Well, what you say is what it is... It seems that if I want to stop this Ragnarok of the Gods, I have to rip that thing off your head!" Thor said to Surtur.

"Hahaha, the twilight of the gods has begun, you can't stop it!" Surtur laughed, stood up and walked down from the throne, picked up the Twilight Sword beside him and came to Thor.

Thor looked at the way he stumbled while walking, as if his injuries were not completely healed.

"I am the end of Asgard! Your end is coming, and you will all fall into pain and flames!" Surtur picked up Thor's chains and lifted him in his hands.

"Sounds exciting! To be honest, watching you get so big and setting fires on a whole planet must have been spectacular! But I don't think it's better, I'll break free from the chains and take the crown on your head. Come down and put it in Asgard's treasury!" Thor said with a smile as he looked at Surtur.

"You can't stop Ragnarok, why waste your efforts?" Surtur asked.

"Because heroes usually do this!" Thor stretched out his five fingers behind his back, ready to summon his own Thor's Hammer.

But the Thor's Hammer was placed far away by him, and he waited for thirty seconds before it appeared.

"Wait a minute, sorry, I didn't count the time..." Thor said embarrassedly.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from a distance, and Surtur turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from.

"It's now!" Thor broke free from the chains in an instant, grabbed Thor's hammer that rushed out of the rock wall, and flew to a place far away from Surtur in an instant.

"Son of Odin, you have made a very serious mistake!" Surtur said to Thor with the huge Twilight Sword.

"Hey, is it?"


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