【Exceptional...... Exceptional...... Exceptional......]

Inside the off-white compartment,

Men in old-fashioned clothes,

With a heartfelt smile on his face.

His joy, intense, almost through the screen.

And countless viewers in the real world,

I was also infected by this smile!

Many people burst into tears!



Dwarf Kou is defeated, and the Ming Dynasty has recovered!

I'm crying! This is the ancestor! He is the ancestor! This prosperous world, as you wish!!

A soul that spans decades, a warrior who has stuck to his post for decades!

This prosperous world, as you wish!!

I'm riding a horse! I'm crying to death!!

Heqing Haiyan, Minkang Wufu. Wow, seeing this, I'm really going to cry to death!

I seem to get it...... This is the loneliness of this work, and the will!

After so many years, how lonely he must have been, I really, I am going to cry to death......

Salute the Heroes!!

Salute!! it turns out that this is what this work calls loneliness and will......

Contestant No. 9 is a god!!




[The plot of "The Eternal Wave"]

After receiving the telegram message from the man, Agent Huang Mingguo and the others were all moved.

"He ......"

Huang Mingguo looked at Dr. Shen, and Dr. Shen bowed his head slightly, with respect in his expression, and said:

"He's a fighter who, for some unexpected reason, has become where he is today......"

After Dr. Shen finished speaking,

Suddenly, I noticed something unusual!

She saw,

The readings of the instrument used to measure the Hume index here are starting to drop rapidly!

"Look there, look at the watch! Hume in the compartment is dropping!"

Dr. Shen Lihua exclaimed!

When Huang Mingguo heard this, he turned his head to look at it, and he also found an abnormality in the reading of the instrument!

"How so?!"

Huang Mingguo also exclaimed!

"Wait! another telegram has arrived!"

Shen Lihua keenly noticed the telegraph device!

The two men quickly translated the telegram:

[Earthquake. 】


Huang Mingguo was shocked, and then he quickly responded:

[What's going on over there?]


Dr. Shen Lihua and others could not see the scene of the gray and white compartment.

But real-world audiences,

But you can see everything that happened there!

And the people saw,

The little off-white compartment.

At this moment, it was like an earthquake,

It shook violently.

There are cracks springing up in the walls,

There is a wall skin peeling off......

And that warrior in old-fashioned costumes,

Then 703 watched all this quietly.



What's going on??what's going on there??

How could it be an earthquake, my God, wouldn't it be dangerous for him to be in there!

I'm going to cry, what should I do, he can't get out, that door won't open......

Help, save him, the Foundation save him!

I understand that this warrior himself exists for special reasons, and now that he knows the current situation in the world, he, and the environment he is in, is about to disappear......

Is this just because of relief?

It's possible, hey, it's sad, but it's also touching......

I cried, why is this happening, can I save him? It really hurts!

I'm going to cry to death......




[The plot of "The Eternal Wave"]

Looking at the telegram message sent by Huang Mingguo, the soldier in the gray compartment responded:

[It's collapsing here.] 】

Huang Mingguo quickly replied:

[Is it a newspaper room?]

Man: [Yes, it's shaking badly, the walls are peeling, the cubicles are falling, and I feel weightless.] 】

Huang Mingguo: [Are you okay?]

The man in the cubicle laughed: [But I'm not afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of......]


There was silence for two minutes.

Huang Mingguo couldn't help but send a telegram and asked:

[Are you still there?Please reply if you receive it!]

Man: [There's not much time left......]

Huang Mingguo: [What do you mean?]

Man: [Thank you, thank you for finding me, thank you for telling me what the future looks like, our efforts have not been in vain......]

Agent Huang Mingguo was worried: [What are you talking about?]

Man: [I'm really happy, I'm so proud of you, but it's a pity that I can't see that kind of world myself......]

Huang Mingguo's bad premonition in his heart was even more serious:

[What is your situation like now?]

The shaking in the compartment became more violent,

Everything is about to collapse completely.

There was not the slightest look of fear on the man's face.

He used his last time to send a telegram to Huang Mingguo:

[We use our own blood to write hope for you...... As you enjoy the sweet fruits, do not forget those who planted the seeds......]

Looking at the telegram message, Huang Mingguo felt that his eyes were a little red: [We may be able to help you!]

And the man did not respond to this sentence, but simply sent a telegram as far as he could:

[I'm really proud ......]

This last telegram was not sent completely.

Because the gray compartment (cich) has begun to crumble.

The radio station was smashed by a heavy object.


"You can live happily, this is the meaning of our hard work......"

In the cubicle, the man looked at the ruined radio station, and there was not the slightest fear in his expression.

On the contrary, there is a sense of relief that I finally understand my wishes.

"It's the last time......"

The man looked up,

It's about to collapse completely.

He smiled freely,


Stood up.

To the ruined station,



The next moment!

Everything is completely collapsed!

The picture turned into darkness......



Gone...... Crashed......

Wow!! why! I'm really going to cry!!

Salute!! you are a hero!!

Salute to you!!

I'm going to cry blind! I apologize for what I said! I shouldn't be afraid! You're our hero!!

It's really touching!!really!

This is the will, this is the faith! This is the martyrs! This is our heroes!

We won't forget! No, we salute you!!

This prosperous world, as you wish! Go well! Our heroes!!


Honorable man!!

Salute to you!!




[The plot of "The Eternal Wave"]

The basement of the hotel. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[I'm really proud ......]

Looking at the unfinished telegram message, Dr. Shen Lihua and the others all fell silent.

After that last half of the telegram, only a screeching noise could be heard.

I can't see what's going on over there, though.

But they can probably guess it. []

It must have collapsed over there.

As for the predecessor warrior,

Nine times out of ten,

It's gone......

"How can this be ......"

Huang Mingguo's eyes were red, and he muttered in a low voice.

He doesn't even give up,

Operating the machine again, a telegram occurred:

[Please reply when you receive it!]

But after waiting for a long time,

There was no reply.


Everything is no longer there.


"The Hume index of the compartment has dropped to 100......"

Dr. Shen Lihua looked at the Hume index, sighed, and stopped talking.

Field agent Huang Mingguo looked at the machine, put down the headphones very weakly, and lowered his head.

And then

A few seconds later,

He stood up straight,

Take two steps back,

Against the machine,



And after him,


and all of them are upright,


The Last ......

The footage gradually dimmed,

Everything slowly turned to darkness......

So far

The plot is over completely!

[The end of the video version of "The Eternal Wave"]



It's over, it's over, hey......

I think it's a soul with an obsession, who works day and night, waiting for a reply, and whose will supports his existence!

A person, so lonely, but decades like a day, is really respectable!

I declare that Brother Chen is the first place in this competition!

The scene of the collective salute at the end really brought tears to my eyes......

Obsession, will, after knowing the current state of the world, he is satisfied, so he no longer exists......

To be honest, I didn't cry when I watched the antimemetics department, as well as the previous red reality, but this one really made me cry!

I think the most important thing is the sense of substitution, riding the horse, I think of those martyrs......

Yes, it feels very, very real, and the sense of substitution is strong, in short, I blew this work!




Studio Hall.

After watching the video version of "The Eternal Wave",

The judges were also moved:

This work...... It's really impressive!

Yes, the sense of substitution is very strong, and the background is the Ming Kingdom, giving people a feeling that almost happened around them!

It reminds me of those honorable people, who are really great......

Yes, to be honest, I am very touched, a soul that has persevered for so many years......

The works of the No. 9 contestant can really be said to be very classic......

This work made a deep impression on me and made me sigh......

Very much in line with the proposition, very good!

A very touching work, the warrior in it, although it is an anomaly, is an admirable and respectable anomaly!

Seriously, I'm bullish on contestant No. 9!

This prosperous world, as you wish......




After the end of the video version of "The Waves That Never Die".


Its text version,

The show also officially began......



[Text version of "The Eternal Wave"]

[Containment-CN-710, the radio waves that never die]

[Object Class: Safe (REDACTED) Neutralized.]

[Special Containment Procedures: Containment Item-CN-710 is to be contained in-situ due to the immobility of Containment Item-CN-710.

] The interior of Containment-CN-710 is to be covered with a layer of acoustic panels, and the basement where Containment-CN-710 is located is to be sealed and no non-Foundation personnel are to be allowed to enter the basement, and trespassers are to be administered Class-C amnestics and repatriated.

The normal use of the rest of the building should not be affected.


After Experimental Containment-CN-710-C, only the basement compartment was sealed, and the main part of the basement was reopened to the public. 】

[Description: Containment-CN-710 is a basement compartment located in the basement of the Daming Provincial Data Deletion City Data Deletion Hotel.

The door to the compartment was deliberately disguised as the wall of the basement.

It was determined that the compartment was 4 meters long, 4 meters wide, and 2 meters high, and there were no items inside.

A small amount of cellulose is extracted from the bottom of the compartment and a small amount of biomass is extracted from its walls.

Based on the dust accumulation inside the compartment, it is determined that the compartment has been discarded for at least the number of years that the data has been deleted.

After testing, the Hume level within Containment-CN-710 has remained at around 120 all year round. At regular intervals (ranging from 6 to 28 hours), Containment-CN-710 will emit a series of audible snippets consisting of ticking sounds, preliminarily determined to be Morse code. At the moment, no known technology can confirm the source of this sound. All attempts to communicate with Containment-CN-710 have failed. (This paragraph is deleted)

The contents of the code can be found in Containment-CN-710-A.

Started in ...... The annual data deletion month was discovered by a field agent who was dining at the data deletion restaurant. While waiting for the food to be served, the agent heard a telegram from Containment-CN-710, and subsequently questioned the waiter at the restaurant. According to the hotel clerk, the basement of the hotel often makes strange noises. After discovering the anomaly using the Hume detector, the agent located Containment-CN-710 and reported it to the Foundation. 】

[Addendum: Containment-CN-710-A.]

[Appendix ......]




The text version is shorter.

In addition to the main file, there are also some appendices.

The appendix content is the content of Dr. Shen Lihua's application in the plot, as well as the follow-up experiment records.

When the audience in the live broadcast room watched the text version of "The Eternal Wave".

The barrage in the live broadcast room set off a new round of heated discussions:

This containment object is a bit peculiar, with an extra "CN" symbol in the number......

I guess it's because this containment object was found inside the Ming Kingdom, and this sign is used to distinguish this......

Brothers, why was the original Safe level deleted, and what does the Neutralized one mean?

I think it's because the containment was originally defined as Safe, and then the object disappeared on its own, so the object class was changed.

Yes, that's definitely the case, not only this, but also the special containment procedures that follow, as well as the description, there are deleted texts, which are obviously the transformation of the Foundation's containment procedures for this object over time.

Hey, it's all gone! That warrior is really impressive!

My eyes are still red to this day, this work is really touching!

Why didn't the man in the hotel suffer from this anomaly? Because he's our hero!

Yes, he is our hero!!

Brothers, in the whole work, there is a dialogue that makes me cry! It is the dialogue between Huang Mingguo and that ancestor about the current situation......

Yes, it's so touching! The martyrs in the past were really not easy, they were all heroes!

I'm going to blow up this work!!




Studio Hall.

"Hello audience friends, the second work from the No. 9 contestant, "The Eternal Wave", has been officially displayed!"

"I'm sure everyone is very impressed with it......"

On stage,

The host Bingbing's eyes were red.

She watched the whole exhibition of her works.

That touching scene,

She couldn't help but redden.

And at this moment,

The emotion in her heart has not dissipated.

Even in retrospect, I felt the urge to cry.

She felt that this work would definitely stay in her memory for a long time......


"Hoo ......"

On the stage, the host Bingbing exhaled slightly and adjusted his expression and emotions.

Then he spoke again:

"Next, we want to show the third work of the contestant No. 9, ......".

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