"Next, we want to show the third work of contestant No. 9......"

On the stage of the studio hall, the host Bingbing let go of his body and introduced loudly:

"Cowardly Xue No. 1"!"

With her introduction, the name of the third work was also displayed on the big screen.

"I don't know what kind of story this work will bring......"

Bingbing looked at the names on the big screen and couldn't help muttering in her heart.

Although she is the host, like thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, she is also full of curiosity and expectation for the third work to be shown!


She couldn't wait......

And under the eager gaze of the host Bingbing and countless other pairs of eyes~......

The third work,

Video version of "Cowardly Xue No. 1",

The broadcast has officially begun......



[The plot of "Cowardly Xue No. 1"]

When the video was officially played, the first thing that caught the audience's eyes was a huge road map.

To be precise, it's the Star Road-line diagram.

In the vast starry sky map, there are endless stars in the universe.

And the vast galaxies,

It's just a spot of light above!

For example, the solar system is one of the points of light, and there is a green line, starting from the solar system, zigzag, towards the depths of the cosmic starry sky that is incomparably far away, spanning endless distances.

And after the appearance of this starry sky route map, several more explanatory subtitles appeared......

These subtitles provide the general background of the work:

[Based on the extraterrestrial threat assessment protocol approved by Project Heimdall, as well as the research and application of anomalous technology, the Foundation designed and built the Tiche-1 space probe, which is tasked with conducting direct observation of extraterrestrial planets that may have terrestrial life forms, and has functions beyond the capabilities of mainstream science for the foreseeable future......]



I see, I just wondered, what does the name of this work mean by Xue No. 1, it turns out to be the Foundation's space probe!

The main plot of this work should revolve around the Xue Xue 1 space probe!

What was Project Heimdall???

I don't know, but it sounds like some kind of big plan?

It's definitely true, but it's not important, let's just watch this work......

Judging from the captions, this "Timid Xue 1" space probe seems to have used some abnormal technology!

Anomalous technology must be some kind of technology that surpasses modern technology, right?

Nonsense! It must be a technology that science can't understand for the time being, otherwise why is it called anomalous technology?

Extraterrestrial Threat Assessment ...... This means detecting if there are aliens and then assessing whether there is a threat to them.

Yes, that's what it means......

Wow! I was instantly curious!

Wait, the huge starry sky route map at the beginning shouldn't be the route that this Ti Xue 1 prescribed, right?

Tsk, looking at the road map, it's too far away to imagine!

I'm looking forward to the next plot!




[The plot of "Cowardly Xue No. 1"]

After the caption subtitles appear.

New images poured out.

And the new picture is a bird's-eye view of a huge satellite launch base.

in the base.

A huge rocket is erected next to the launch pad, ready to launch.

The camera zooms in and closes, and soon enters a room at the base.

In the room,

Several Foundation personnel, discussing:

"Human consciousness integrated command data guidance control system checked, no problem ......"

"Okay, what about the flight system?"

"The drive has been checked, everything is fine!"

"And rocket propulsion ......"


After careful discussion by several people, it was finally determined that all the work was ready.


All you need to do is ignite and launch!

And it didn't take long for

It's time to launch the ignition countdown!

The main person in charge of the project, looking at the huge rocket outside, was a little nervous and excited!

And when the countdown is officially over,

The huge rocket ignited instantly!

Fierce flames erupt from the tail!

The huge rocket, after a while, soared into the sky......

Left behind a dazzling tail flame!


The image disappears after the rocket crashes into the sky, and then a new image appears......

That's a probe that has officially gone into space.

That is, the cowardly Xue No. 1.

It has a strange shape, like a shuttle ship in space.

It was sent into space by rocket.


At this point, all the parameters have been adjusted.

At any time, you can enter the acceleration mode and rush in a predetermined direction......

And this image only lasted a few seconds.


A new picture flashed.

That's the inside of the detector.

There is a display in it.

An electronic face is simulated on the display.

The electronic face is a woman's face.

And the captions are illustrated,

Also at this time appeared:

[Dr. Taryn, Mission-Bearer.] 】

After the audience was introduced to the identity of the electronic female face, new captions appeared, allowing the audience to understand the anomalous technology on the Timber 1......

[Effective faster-than-light flight: Research and application of three extraterrestrial thrusters found within Containment-2117, believed to operate in a locally distorted space-time, allowing the experimental drive to increase the relative velocity of a small probe to a maximum (and sometimes exceed) of approximately 5.3C.] Due to the potentially destructive nature of such drives, only their use on Tixue 1 was approved. 】

[Instantaneous Communication and Control: Tixue 1 is designed to carry an augmented flight computer system, consisting of a command data guidance control system integrated by human consciousness.

Through the study and application of the phenomenon of long-distance mind-body connection in Containment-2372, it is possible to upload human consciousness to the electronic interface.

The connection between the independent human consciousness and the physical body on the Blue Star makes it possible to complete the transmission of information from the location of Tixue 1 to Earth in an instant, regardless of the relativistic distance.

This property increases the maneuvering of the outer space probes required to complete the mission.



It turns out that this is the so-called anomalous technology??? Kraft Klaas!!

Upload human consciousness??

It's faster than light, and it's not a little faster, it's several times faster!

The speed of light cannot be surpassed!

Are you stupid upstairs? This horseback rider is called anomalous technology! You know?!

I see, these two anomalous technologies were researched from the other two containment objects, but I don't know what the other two containment objects are......

That's not important, the important thing is that this so-called cowardly Xue 1 probe is approved!

Yes, faster-than-light flight! It can't imagine how far it can go!

Faster than light!

This Dr. Tarin is the chosen task performer, and the protagonist is probably her!

It should be, I don't know what kind of plot will happen later......




[The plot of "Cowardly Xue No. 1"]

A huge rocket sent the space probe "Ti Xue 1" into space.


The Ti Xue 1 will adjust the parameters, direction, and prepare to officially start heading towards the target direction......

As for the face of the electronic woman in the probe, it is Dr. Taryn's electronic consciousness body!

She was chosen by the Foundation to carry out this mission!


"Correction completed, preparation completed......"

"It's ...... officially gone"

In the display,

Electronic Taryn's face smiled.

This smile showed that Dr. Talene was excited and happy at the moment.

After all

She is about to travel to the vast and infinite starry sky of the universe. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In her heart,

There is a strong sense of curiosity.



The "Ti Xue 1" space probe officially started its drive. []

It goes in a certain direction and begins to accelerate.

It's getting faster and faster,

More and more exaggerated!

In the end, like a shooting star,

Far from Dr. Taryn's azure homeland!

And when you have left enough distance,

The detector is even more fully driven, and the speed soars again......

Soon approaching the speed of light,

Even faster than the speed of light......


"Departure ......"

In the midst of the detector, Dr. Electro Taryn's mind swirled.

Without her body, her mind is a flood of data.

Flowing and churning inside the electronic machine.

And "Timid Xue No. 1" is still accelerating.

Time and space are distorted.

Through the camera, she could only see an incomparably dazzling and almost dizzying scene.

"This is the faster-than-light ......"

Dr. Taryn's consciousness murmured,

In my heart, there was a shock!



it! really cow batch!!

I'd love to experience it! I'm afraid this kind of speed is only available in virtual works!

And the scenes in the virtual works are just imagination, because they can't be done in reality, so everything is just speculation!

Do you think Dr. Tarin will be able to find the aliens in the end?

Is the Foundation afraid of an alien threat! If so, what is the Foundation going to do?

I don't know, but I just care, where is the experience of loneliness and will in this work? Is it experienced by Dr. Talene?




[The plot of "Cowardly Xue No. 1"]

Time passes.

Under the reminder of the captions,

As the audience knows,

After a period of sailing,

The "Tixue 1" space probe has finally arrived at the first planet to be explored.

It was an ordinary planet with an atmosphere, but there was apparently no trace of life.

In accordance with the mission protocol, Dr. Taryn made detailed observations and records.

[Planet: Gliese 832c]

[Distance: 16 light years]

[Early Heimdall HE probability: 17% advanced civilization probability]

[Discovery: No signs of current life; no signs of former life.] 】

[Observation Note: Not surprisingly, judging by the initial chemical markers in the mission file.] Atmospheric readings confirm the presence of large amounts of oxygen, but upon closer examination, this appears to be related to other chemical processes taking place on the planet's surface. There are no electromagnetic signals or traces of construction. But it's not so easy to pick up gold the first time. 】



Records of Dr. Taryn's observations were transmitted back to the Foundation in her hometown in real time.

As for Dr. Talene, she kept going.

The lonely "Tixue 1" probe continues to fly in the vastness of space.

And until this moment,

Live room audience,

I can be regarded as having some experience of the meaning of loneliness in this work......


I seem to understand the lonely connotation of this work, the universe is too big, the first planet, only 16 light years away!

This is just the first planet, and I don't know how many more there will be in the future!

Yes, the vast starry sky of the universe, a space probe, does seem very lonely.

I don't know how it will develop in the future......

Is Dr. Tarlene finally able to find an extraterrestrial civilization?

I don't know, but I'd like to see what an alien civilization is like......

What is Heimdall's HE probability?

It seems to be a speculation about the probability that the planet may have civilization.




[The plot of "Cowardly Xue No. 1"]

Dark, cold, infinite.

The starry sky of the universe feels like that.

"Tixue 1" surpassed the speed of light,

In this lonely sea of dark starry sky, flying alone.

And what is shown through the picture is naturally an imaginary virtual, superluminal flight picture supported by abnormal technology.

Because it can't be done in reality, it can only be imaginary virtual reasoning.

And after flying for a while,


"Tixue 1" has reached the second planet:

[Planet: Kepler 186f]

[Distance: 560 light years]

[Early Heimdall HE probability: 33% advanced civilization probability]

[Discovery: No signs of current life; no signs of former life.] 】

[Observation Note: Can't say I'm disappointed.] Looking directly at these places that I never thought would be touched by humans, I couldn't comprehend the incomparable sense of awe. But given that the planet is so similar in size to Blue Star, I hope to find more signs, if there is no life now, at least sometime in the past. There are no chemical signs, not even bacterial. Go to the next star candidate. 】


On the next voyage,

Countless audiences,

Together with Dr. Electro-Taryn, they arrived on one planet after another......


[Planet: K2-9b]

[Distance: 359 light years]

[Initial Heimdall HE probability: 41% advanced civilization probability]

[Discovery: No signs of current life; no signs of former life.] 】

[Observation Note: I know Command would find it strange that I've been expecting such a discovery.] You're all so far removed from conventional science that you've forgotten about the existence of extraterrestrial life, what a shocking discovery it would be? Yes, I understand the risk assessment debate. But here, it's both inspiring and lonely. I still don't understand why there's no atmosphere here. How could the readings be so inaccurate?]




[Planet: KOI-4427b]

[Distance: 782 light years]

[Initial Heimdall HE probability: 19% advanced civilization probability]

[Discovery: No signs of current life; no signs of former life.] 】

[Observation Note: I'm glad you agreed to allow me to travel here.] We don't have much hope here, and naturally we don't find anything. I'm glad that these results have given Command some peace of mind. I'll keep watching, and here I'm formally requesting someone to check the software. I felt like I was hearing a vague, almost inaudible background noise. It was impossible, wasn't it?




[Planet: Kepler 442b]

[Distance: 1120 light years]

[Initial Heimdall HE probability: 78% advanced civilization probability]

[Discovery: No signs of current life; no signs of former life.] 】

[Observation Note: How is it possible that there is nothing?, it is stone, the same as the theoretical prediction.

] And this SETI signal, isn't it so strong that you have to block it? How can it still be taken from a cold, dead stone? I have nothing to do but test and observe, as a person without a body.

But I kept checking the atmospheric results until I was exhausted.

By the way, did you know that it is possible? You can still be tired without a body.

I haven't thought about it yet.

God, give me something that collects data, not just rocks and abstract chemistry.

I crave it.

Give me some discoveries.


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