I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

014 The Scoop Is Opened With An Elbow, And The Upper Position Can’T Take Any Advantage (Please Give



There was a crisp sound.

The noise in the whole place fell silent for a moment.

Even the explanation stopped for a moment.

Commenting on Logan, "I bought it, wow..."

Commenting on DC, "Nice knee strike, perfect timing, what a shame."

The whole place was boiling.

The last fight was bloody in the Octagon, which was very exciting to watch.

This one is not ambiguous at all, it was such a fierce confrontation from the beginning.

However, Ye Chen's heart sank.

Because, his top knee did not kill the opponent.

The success rate of this move in the simulation space is just over half.

In the ever-changing ring, no one dares to raise a leg in front of a wrestler.

However, Ye Chen still chose to take a risk in order to play an explosive game.

Facts have proven that solving a wrestler's dive with a knee really depends on luck.

After all, there is only one opening where the motor and slippers explode like that.

Although he was quick to dodge, and his knee and kick were quick enough, but he hit the opponent's shoulder.

It was also this time that he almost pushed the opponent over.

However, the opponent is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he was originally prepared to hug his thigh.

As a result, his dive was blocked by a knee strike, and he almost caught Ye Chen's ankle.

At this moment, Jima was shocked.

Because of the severe pain, half of his body felt numb and he almost lost consciousness.

He just couldn't help but lay on the ground and grabbed his ankle trying to escape.

With a wrestler's instinct, he grabbed his ankle and stood up quickly.

I want to overthrow Ye Chen directly.

Ye Chen struggled to maintain balance on one leg. He originally wanted to use the strength of the opponent's hands to turn around and kick the opponent.

Unfortunately, the opponent was experienced in wrestling and did not give him a chance to use his moves.

He was directly pushed against the cage net.

Ye Chen immediately made a defensive lunge close to the cage net, guarding against the opponent's leg-hugging buckle.

In this way, as long as the other party mentions it online, he will be defeated without a doubt.

As the saying goes, an arm cannot twist a thigh, so with a lunge, he directly broke the opponent's hand that had just been buckled.

He could feel that the other party was very powerful.

No, the power of wrestling is great.

This is the advantage of a wrestler. When it comes to wrestling, a wrestler is invincible.

Moreover, the opponent's position is also very fast.

Ye Chen is also at a disadvantage in this regard.

It's hard to beat the opponent.

When the opponent got under his armpit, he simply threw some short punches to the abdomen, which was able to inflict some cumulative damage.

His original plan was to go to the ground if he couldn't solve the problem standing up. It would be difficult for him to beat the opponent in a cage wrestling match.

However, the face-saving work of lunging to prevent falls still needs to be done to make the opponent think that he has no choice but to enter the ground. Instead of entering the ground voluntarily, this can make the other party relax their vigilance.

The on-site commentary said, "Ye Chen is very dangerous now. It can be seen that he has almost no way to counterattack his opponent."

DC also shook his head, "At this time, we should have an advantage in preventing falls. Unfortunately, Ye Chen has missed the best opportunity. He seems to be helpless now.

And Jima is likely to fall to the opponent immediately. "


Too late to say.

That was fast.

Jima suddenly twisted his hips and shoulders, even pushing his head hard against Ye Chen's lower body.

At the same time, he stumbled back and knocked Ye Chen down.

The whole crowd cheered.

After all, most people thought Jima would win before the game, and this time it just proved their prediction.

Moreover, many people bought Jimmasheng. Although it is said that the loss is small if you win, you can definitely make a profit without losing money. Mosquito legs are also meat, right?

"Yeah, I knew this was how the fight would end."

"People from Daxia don't know how to wrestle at all."

"If you have watched the UFC, you will know that Daxia fighters generally have no ground ability."

"I bought a one-round ground punch TKO for thirty thousand dollars. Come on Jimma."

There are also people supporting Ye Chen off the court.

Such as Gazi and his brothers, and Burns.

They used to be Ye Chen's sidekick for free.

However, Ye Chen thought, it would not be good to ask others to help.

Moreover, other than himself, no one knows how much of his background he has, and there is no way to guide him as a side character.

As soon as it entered the ground.

Ye Chen immediately let go, wrapping his legs around the opponent's back and buckling them tightly.

Moreover, he clamped the opponent's right arm under his left armpit and controlled it tightly.

Since it just entered the ground.

Jima also wanted to stabilize the situation, so he put his head close to Ye Chen's chest and lay there.

His coaching staff yelled wildly from the corner.

Although Ye Chen didn't understand, judging from Jima's reaction, he was asked to withdraw his right hand.

However, Ye Chen didn't give him a chance at all.

A series of elbow strikes were directed at the opponent's head.

The opponent had no time to pay attention to the shouts from the corner, and had no time to take out his right hand. He could only use his left hand to block Ye Chen's elbow in a hurry.

Rao is so,

Jima was given two strokes, and his black hair was instantly dyed red. Blood flowed down his scalp and stained Ye Chen's chest.

The cheers at the scene stopped instantly.

You know, in the field of mixed martial arts, being on top is an absolute advantage.

Otherwise, wrestlers wouldn't be so popular.

However, at this moment, I saw that as soon as Jima entered the ground, he suffered a big loss in the upper position.

It left many viewers a little confused.

Ye Chen is very calm at the moment, which is very similar to the scene he simulated.

What he has to do now is to use the moves he used during simulated sparring.

The opponent was afraid of being hit by an elbow and did not dare to raise his head. Ye Chen suddenly raised his right leg and put it on the opponent's left shoulder.

The power explodes from the legs, suppressing the opponent and preventing him from getting up.

At the same time, move your left leg up to the opponent's armpit, preparing to buckle.

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