I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

015 The Arm Is Crossed And Seriously Injured (Please Give Me Flowers And Vote)

At this time, the audience burst into exclamations.

This is completely different from the top-up punch TKO they expected.

The commentary box also became lively.

However, the most excited one was Jima's corner team, who almost jumped up and shouted wildly.

If it weren't for the rules and the cage, they would probably have wanted to rush in.

The domestic live broadcast room is abuzz.

The commentator Zonghuang shouted, "Triangle choke, triangle choke, Ye Chen's Jiu Jitsu is so powerful, this position is available, hurry up and buckle."

At this moment, he almost shouted, seeming to have forgotten that he was the commentator.

Those who didn't know thought he was Ye Chen's sidekick.

The live broadcast room was filled with barrage.

[Ye Chen666, just strangle this bearded man. 】

[Beautiful, those few elbow strikes just now almost killed the guy on the other side. Ye Chen is so fierce, I am going crazy. 】

[Lock it, lock it quickly...]

【How can it be that easy? Now both of them are very strong and it is not easy to lock. 】

[The opponent is just careless, Shui Chen can't lock him. 】

[If Jima loses, I will be black for the rest of my life, causing me to lose money...]

[What valuables are there in front? Support Ye Chen, you will lose to death. 】

Now, many people around the world are panicking.

The time at this moment is very long for Jima. His shoulder is now in severe pain and he is about to be held in the triangle choke position.

In fact, it has only been one minute and forty seconds since the opening scene.

He was so anxious that he immediately got up without fear of Ye Chen's elbow.

This is going to be buckled.

However, Ye Chen's ground-breaking move is more than just a triangle choke?

The six days and seven nights of intense sparring between him and Burns were not for nothing.

The moment the opponent got up with force, Ye Chen suddenly let go of his legs, because at the beginning, the opponent had a lot of physical reserves, and he had not yet succeeded in buckling. The opponent got up with force, and it was difficult for him to keep it.

So, he let go of the pressure on his legs.

He turned to hold the opponent's right arm with both hands before he could pull it away.

A hanging hand roll.

Jima, who had just stood up halfway, was directly knocked down by Ye Chen's strength and weight, and he fell down on the ring.

Convert the position from triangle twist.

Just three to five seconds.

The arm was in a cross-shaped shape, and Jima felt the severe pain in his arm.

At this moment, he felt like his arm was about to break.

Although he was unwilling in his heart, he still made a choice.

He quickly slapped his hand on the ground about ten times.

The referee was paying close attention and as soon as the opponent clapped his hands, he immediately shouted, "Stop."

At the same time, he patted Ye Chen on the back.

Ye Chen reacted very quickly, but in fact, his crossbar hadn't exerted much force yet.

If he had to start more darkly, he would be able to break the opponent's arm in two more seconds. There was no doubt about this.

From when he suddenly changed his position.

There were bursts of exclamations from the audience.

Until the opponent clapped his hands and admitted defeat, it was impossible to tell whether the audience was exclaiming, cheering, cursing, or a combination of the three.

Ga Zi jumped up excitedly.

Hug and celebrate with Burns, Doss and others around you.

They were really happy for Ye Chen.

The three commentators at the scene were also very shocked. This was an ending they had never expected.

"Wow... Daxia Ye Chen is so awesome. In addition to his standing skills, he also has a hidden skill of ground jujitsu. I believe that neither the opponents nor their team expected that Ye Chen can also hit the ground."

"My dear, I have to say that Ye Chen's submission skills are very good. It can be seen that he has been training for a long time, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this effect."

"Such an opponent is the scariest thing, because you don't know how many weapons he has yet to use. I'm looking forward to his next game. A person who has never competed in a ring has been in the ring in just two months. The UFC won two victories, both ended in the first round, which is scary.”

He stood up quickly, jumped directly onto the cage, sat on top and roared, looking around, as if to say, "Look, I did it, you should believe me."

Although some sports associations stipulate that you cannot flip over the cage or sit on the cage net.

However, Ye Chen had checked before the game and found that there was no such restriction in this state.

After all, Gazi was fined the last time he climbed into the cage.

The game time is fixed at one minute and fifty-eight seconds.

At this moment, Dana Bai happened to be sitting outside the cage.

He looked at Ye Chen with a naive smile on his face and clapped his hands.

Ye Chen shouted: "I need a new opponent, I can fight at any time, no matter who..."

Dana Bai couldn't help but give two thumbs up, still smiling innocently.

at this time.

Start reading out the results.

When the reading was over, DC came on stage again for an interview.

However, this time he did not interview Ye Chen first.

Instead, he went to the corner of Jimma.

I saw Jima sitting in the corner with a face full of pain, and several on-site doctors surrounded him.

This time he was seriously injured. The knee he hit at the beginning left a large bruise on his shoulder.

"Jima was hit hard by his knee at the beginning. It was thought that there might be a bone fracture. Although Jima was injured, he performed very tenaciously. Let us thank him again for the wonderful game he brought to us."

After asking about the situation, DC said this.

Hearing this, Ye Chen climbed down the cage net and walked towards the Jimma team to express his condolences.

If there is no intense pre-match conflict, he has no desire to hurt his opponent.

In his eyes, this is not a fight, but a competition.

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