I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

165 Dawai Mao Takes Off And Reverses Again And Again (Please Subscribe)

At this time, Ye Chen's comprehensiveness was highlighted.

And the difference between a player like Chimaev who focuses on wrestling and ground control.

Get together.

When Ye Chen doesn't feel threatened, his first thought is to attack his opponent.

However, Chimaev grabbed the position and continued to fall.

Therefore, as soon as he got up, the first thing the Wolf King thought of with his free arm was to get Ye Chen's armpit to lay the ground for the next hug and throw.

However, he didn't have time to seize the position.

It was a solid blow.


Logan exclaimed, as if the elbow hit him on the head.

He said: "The attacks of these two people are fatal. It can be seen that they both think that the other is a huge threat, so they go all out with every blow [to finish off the other party].

DC said: "Chimaev should pay attention. No matter if he falls down, the number of effective strikes is still ahead of Ye Chen. This is the first person he has encountered who cannot fall.

Before "Seven Five Three", everyone was discussing how he would hit someone who couldn't fall. Now, Ye Chen might be that person. "

The explanation is still understandable.

However, many viewers at the scene did not understand, and they could not see clearly.

That elbow was too quick.

Most people only saw Ye Chen's elbow and Chimaev hugged Ye Chen.

Chimaev's head shook violently and his feet went limp.

They have never been in actual combat, and they don't know how much impact each heavy attack has on their status.

Although, the scene

This time it was heavy.

But, as we all know, Chimaev is also a tough guy.

Before the game between him and Burns, he had been effectively hit twice in all games combined.

As a result, Burns was effectively hit more than 100 times in the first battle, but he didn't fall down.

Ye Chen took advantage of Chimaev's confusion and wanted to give him a second blow.

As a result, Chimaev directly leaned his head on the side of his head to relieve his pain, and punched Ye Chen twice on the head with short fists.

Ye Chen immediately responded with a knee strike.


At this moment, Chimaev's angry roar suddenly came to his ears.

In the arena.

Most players don't talk much.

One is unfamiliarity.

Second, it requires concentration.

Third, because talking requires a lot of energy, most people choose to conserve energy and speak with their fists.

However, there are always some players who like to talk.

Don't think it's because they like to talk, but it's one of their tactics.

Use talking to confuse your opponent. As long as you pay attention to listen to the other person's words, the other party's goal will be achieved.

You may be critically hit in the next moment.

Therefore, Ye Chen usually does not speak in the ring.

He also ignored his opponent's words.

However, Chimaev obviously did not do this to attract his attention, but was just angered by the knee strike.

He did not use a knee strike, but used a short punch to attack Ye Chen's abdomen again.

Ye Chen gave another knee strike.

In fact, the purpose of his knee strike was not to injure him, but to lure Chimaev into hitting him back.

It's a pity that this guy didn't fall for it.

Don't think that it's easy for the two of them to hold each other together like this. In fact, they have been wrestling with each other for a while.

After Ye Chen hit the knee again, he was about to use his arms to force it open.

He didn't want to fight Chimaev like this. Since he had no chance to fall, he might as well stand with a greater advantage.

However, Chimaev obviously did not want to play stand-up with him, but still wanted to take advantage of Ye Chen in his own advantageous area, just as his knee hit the ground.

Chimaev performed a big yi (yi), which is commonly known as tripping with his legs. At the same time, he used his body to exert force simultaneously to stop his opponent from falling.

At this moment, Ye Chen felt like he had taken off.


Ye Chen hit the ring hard with a loud noise.

The whole audience exclaimed.

Ye Chen only felt as if his internal organs had been displaced.

However, there is no time to take care of these now.

Because the Wolf King almost fell down with him, hit him heavily, and immediately wanted to ride on him.

This is a duel between top wrestlers. If any detail is not in place, you will be knocked down mercilessly.

Ye Chen is not perfect, let alone invincible.

He can get to where he is today not just by simulating space.

He usually watches games repeatedly and studies his opponents, trying not to make any mistakes.

But, humans, how can there be no mistakes at all.

Especially in such a high-intensity confrontational sport.

Ye Chen immediately stood up, held down the leg that Chimaev had just crossed, and pressed it down forcefully.

And, he hooked Chimaev's leg with two legs.

Take half-defence first, so that you won't be as miserable as being punched by a rider or being surrendered.

At this time, Chimaev stepped on one of his arms.

Seeing the leg failed, he wanted to push Ye Chen flat and let the leg escape.

However, when Chimaev pushed him, Ye Chen immediately used his free arm to hug the leg of Chimaev that was controlled by him.

It is to give yourself a support and not be bulldozed.


Ye Chen received a punch on the head.

He immediately hid his head under Chimaev…………

Chimaev prepares to throw punches again.

It's a pity, because he was charged with one leg and stepped on Ye Chen's arm with the other foot.

It's too close to Ye Chen and it's inconvenient to punch him.

Therefore, he could only press down immediately and remove his leg from Ye Chen's arm.

Otherwise, his position will be overturned in minutes.

However, Chimaev made a slight mistake here.

Although he pressed down, he put his weight on Ye Chen before withdrawing his legs.

However, he did not completely control Tuchen's body.

If it's Ye Chen, the opponent's other shoulder will be fixed here so that he can't escape, and then the leg will be withdrawn.

Ye Chen seized the opportunity. The moment his hand was released, he first took the position under Chimaev's left armpit.

He used his other arm to push the shoulder of Chimaev, who was lying on top of him.

At the same time, his body moved quickly, hooking one of Chimaev's legs to exert force, and controlling it with his left armpit, trying to prevent Chimaev from following his direction of movement and continuing to suppress him.

After escaping Chimaev's weight suppression.

He immediately released his grip under his armpits and used both hands to push Chimaev, who wanted to continue to pounce.

He continued to move quickly to the other side.

This position change allowed him to quickly escape from the lower position.

Chimaev was not idle either.

Get up and throw Ye Chen's hand away.

"Hamza, watch your legs."

the coaching staff yelled.

However, Ye Chen was waiting for this.

Immediately, his legs exerted force and rolled his body, forcibly twisting Chimaev over who had just stood up.

After all, he never let go of Chimaev's accused leg.

1.2 His twisting caused severe pain due to the force.

As the saying goes, an arm cannot twist a thigh.

Naturally, Chimaev couldn't twist Ye Chen with one leg and his body was rolling.

Therefore, it instinctively follows Ye Chen's twisting direction.

Suddenly he knelt on the ground and put his hands on the ground.

At this time, Ye Chen's body was also lying on the ring.

He immediately stood up.

Spread one leg for support.

The other leg was still hooked on Chimaev's leg.

At the same time, two arms reached Chimaev's armpits.

At this time, the first thing to do is to control.

Otherwise, just by locking one leg, if he gets up, Chimaev can also get up.

I saw that he exerted force on his arms, clasped his hands on the back of Chimaev's head, and pressed down hard, directly destroying Chimaev's two supporting hands.

However, this guy was very tough. Tianling Gai supported the ring, continued to wrestle with Ye Chen, and tried to get up. .

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