I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

166 Controversial Ruling, Naming Lock Technology After Ye Chen? (Please Subscribe))

This position mainly compresses Chimaev's spine.

It made him unable to get up and consumed a lot of energy.

It is a well-known fact that Chimaev has a high explosive power and is not top-notch in physical fitness.

Therefore, Ye Chen seizes the time to consume a wave first.

At the same time, he locked Chimaev's arms forcefully, causing great pressure on Chimaev's arms and shoulders.

He did not give up and continued to increase his strength, trying to see if he could directly lock the opponent's arms.

Or force the referee to call a stop.

After all, in such a position, it seemed almost impossible for Chimaev to get up.

Moreover, both arms looked very painful, which was a bit dangerous, and the referee might stop it.

At this moment, everyone was confused.

I imagined what I could do if I was locked up like this.

If you find there is nothing you can do, you have to give up.

Or wait for the referee to stop.

Or wait until the round ends.

Either the arms are broken.

Many people feel their shoulders hurt when they look at it. The sense of immersion is so strong that they feel like they could be bent directly.

However, it's not that easy.

Ye Chen continued to exert force and found that the control of this lock technique was first-rate, but it was difficult to finish the opponent quickly.

Let’s not talk about whether he directly destroyed the strength of Chimaev’s shoulders.

It is not easy to directly lock the human shoulder structure at this position.

Although the audience couldn't understand what kind of locking technique this was.

But they all felt that Chimaev had no chance.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, Ye Chen...29..."

Many people are shouting Ye Chen's name.

There are Hanyu, English and Daxia...

The atmosphere at the scene exploded.

Logan tilted his head to look at the monitor, and then turned his head to the other side, wanting to experience this locking technique in depth.

Because he has never seen anyone use it like this.

Although, he completely understood the pressure Ye Chen put on Chimaev by doing this.

"What kind of locking technique is this? This is the first time I have seen it, a joint technique? If this was a wrestling match, the score should have been called out by now.

However, when used in MMA, if it cannot be ended and there are no effective moves for a long time, it may be stopped. "

Bisping also looked confused, "I don't know what to call it. It depends on how the referee makes the penalty. If I were the referee, I might just call it an end."

Whenever something extremely unpopular happens.

Or never-before-seen moves appear in the ring.

It's the most troublesome thing.

Because it depends on the referee on the field to judge whether this should be stopped or should be directly ruled to end.

No matter what the verdict is, some people may be dissatisfied.

At this time, the referee also had a headache. He lowered his head and asked Chimaev, "Are you sure you can continue?"

If he calls it quits now.

Maybe Ye Chen and Ye Chen's huge fan base will think that the ruling was wrong.

If he ends now.

Chimaev and his fans may think the ruling is unfair.

What a dilemma.

Even if he asked Chimaev, the other party responded that he could continue.

However, if something happens and the athlete is seriously injured, he will be criticized by all fighting fans.

In short, he is not human inside or out.

At this time, it really depends on each referee's judgment.

If the referee changes, the penalty may be completely different.

However, at this time.

DC, a well-informed wrestler, said: "This lock technique is similar to a joint technique, but I can't tell you the scientific name. I have seen it once in a wrestling match.

If it were a wrestling match, Ye Chen would already have a loan now.


He doesn't want to offend anyone either.

Therefore, I haven’t finished speaking yet. Let’s leave the blame to the referee for not being a good person inside and outside.

Dana also stood up at this time.

He was very confused.

If it is judged to be terminated.

Ye Chen's popularity will definitely increase.

But it ruined another supernova.

But, if it is not judged to be over.

Chimaev was given another chance.

The key is that he doesn't want Ye Chen to lose.

The audience was still exclaiming and shouting Ye Chen's name.

Many spectators even shouted for the referee to stop.

There are also quite a few people who think that Chimaev has not lost yet and this locking technique is useless.

Therefore, as time passed by, the atmosphere at the scene began to become violent, and some people started arguing directly.

"Axi, is this referee watching in rapt attention on the ring? Why doesn't he stop? Daxia Ye Chen has already won."

"Daxia Ye Chen did not win. Chimaev is a tough guy. He did not admit defeat, which proved that he can still bear it."

"Break his arm. You should break his arm. What's going on with Ye Chen?"

"You go up and break her up."

"Ye Chen definitely saved his strength, he was afraid of breaking Chimaev's arm.

"This referee can go home, he won't rule at all."

"I think the referee is normal and I wouldn't stop it."

"Do you really understand? Are you qualified to be a referee?"

In fact, there was a direct dispute between people sitting next to each other at the scene.

It made the whole place even more lively.

at this time.

The domestic side is also very lively.

Especially the Migu live broadcast room.

[This is not a stop? Is the referee blind? 】

[He Bo is like this. After all, his family sells coffins. 】

[He Bo is old and should retire. I don’t understand why the UFC still keeps him? 】

[Haha... I just want to see how he decides. This guy might take Chimaev's money. 】

[I think we shouldn’t stop it. It’s too controversial. Those filial sons will definitely bark like dogs. I hope Brother Chen will fight him, so that it can be called undisputed. 】

[Hebo obviously bought Chima. It can be seen from the game where Connor played the Green Rooster. No matter how many times Connor fouled, he was blind. 】

[What is this locking technique called? Can anyone shed some light on it?]

[DC said it is a joint technique. I feel that if this lock technique is successful, it may be named after Brother Chen. It is not that there is no such precedent, such as Kimura Lock, Dajis Blanket Handcuffs...]

[That’s too weird. Then didn’t Brother Chen become the first person to name a lock skill after a Daxia person? 】

[Haha, He Bo is finally better than Nai. 】

[Damn it, this is not a termination, this is because the invalid action was stopped...]

On the field.

He Bo stopped the game and asked the two to separate and resume their standing.

The scene suddenly exploded.

However, this time He Bo did not simply call for a halt.

Instead, it indicates the need to pause.

He called the on-site scoring referee for discussion.

In addition, of course Dana and others were also present.

There were also other referees from Shou'er who came with them.

The players all have substitutes, and of course the referees also have substitutes.

We even connected with some other well-known MMA referees to discuss how to make penalties.

He really didn't want to take the blame alone.

Moreover, this time the penalty was awarded in a 150 match between two superstars.

If anything goes wrong, you may go berserk.

It is possible that he will not be used in the future.

You know, there was a referee, Mario, who was criticized and even directly fired because of his heavy taste.

PS: The picture shows the match between middleweight Weidman and Dreamcatcher.

The rules of the UFC are not formulated by the UFC itself, but by the MMA organization.

The rules are always changing.

In this game, Weidman took advantage of the new rules that had just been revised. Knees to the head were not allowed when landing at four points, but OK at three points (before this, it was not allowed to hit the head at three points. However,

The rules of each state are different, and some still prohibit kneeling on the head when touching the ground at three o'clock. I made a mistake in the previous article, or it was not rigorous enough. I always wrote that you cannot kneel down when you land at three o'clock. It’s hard to check the information, so if I’m not sure about it, or if I don’t understand it, I’ll just mention it in one go, so as not to mislead everyone. If I made a mistake somewhere, brothers can point it out. )

There was a big fuss over the penalty at that time. As can be seen in the picture, Weidman deliberately touched the ground with his hands to cause his opponent to foul, thus stopping the game.

If he says that he cannot continue the game, then he will be directly awarded the victory because the opponent fouled. You can refer to (the knee strike between actor Sterling and Peter Yan, Peter Yan's knee strike

Sterling rolled all over the floor and was eventually awarded the victory. He said he didn't want the belt, but after the fight he carried the belt and happily took photos every day, so he became the best actor. Although the two situations are not the same. )

When the video of Weidman's game was finally replayed, we saw that when his opponent kneed him, Weidman naturally lifted up a little without his hands touching the ground (note that New York has a strange rule that the referee cannot Watch the video replay. This happened to be in New York, which shows how much pressure there was at the time.)

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