I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

036 The Eagles Are Paying Close Attention To The Scene Of A Large-Scale Slap In The Face (Sixth Upda

Inside a studio in Vegas.

More than a dozen staff members were extremely busy.

Director, "Quick, touch up Annie's makeup."

"Be careful with the props. Yes, put this over there. Advertisers require the brand to be highlighted. Hurry up..."

This is the jewelry advertising scene.

At this moment, in front of the makeup mirror, three people were surrounding Catwoman, one was fixing her hair, one was touching up her makeup, and the other was fixing his skirt.

At this moment, Catwoman and she were completely wrapped up and watching the game as if they were two different people.

Wearing a burgundy low-cut long dress and smoky makeup, she looks very aggressive.

At this moment, I was holding my cell phone with my head down.

When she saw the message from Ye Chen,

Just laugh out loud.

And laughing loudly.

All the staff were stunned and looked at Catwoman in disbelief.

She quickly realized the problem and said quickly: "Sorry, please continue, I just saw a very funny thing."

Then everything goes back to normal.

Because everyone knows her character.

Catwoman quickly sent a message, "Breaking popularity???????"

And made a series of question marks.

Finally, dozens of laughing emojis were sent.

Millions of fans? She wanted to laugh when she said it, but of course she wasn't laughing at Ye Chen.

But I think the contrast between Ye Chen not knowing her identity is quite interesting.

Over there, Ye Chen saw this message and threw his phone aside.

The daily exchanges with each other are just a few words when training is boring.

Now, he is busy with other things.

There was no time for her.

Dajis blanket in a training hall.

A group of bearded men sat against the wall, watching the screen on the wall intently.

The game on the screen was a video of Ye Chen beating Li Zhengyong.

When the game ended, the video suddenly paused.

"What do you think?"

The person who asked the question was none other than the famous Kitty Habib.

Also in the crowd was Mahar, the current lightweight champion.

At this moment, he looked a little solemn, "He is very strong. He won two games in one night, and also defeated the evolved Sarugian. It is estimated that he will be able to fight for the championship in less than two years."

The others nodded in deep understanding.

However, Xiaoying shook his head, "In less than two years, he will definitely be in the top five within half a year. Even, according to his game speed, he may be in the top five within three months."


Everyone was surprised.

Maha said: "You mean Chandler or Gage will pick him up?"

Xiaoying shook his head again, "It's not up to these two people whether they want to fight or not. As a businessman, Dana will definitely arrange this game.

If I were in Dana's position, I would not hesitate to promote this game.

Do you know how many fans he has gained since the game last night? Close to one million and growing. "


After hearing the second half, a group of bearded men were all shocked.

If Ye Chen were a beautiful white Chinese player, it would be possible for him to become famous quickly based on his performance and record of two games in one night.

However, Ye Chen is from Daxia.

One million fans overnight is amazing.

It’s not that they look down on Daxia people, it’s that the UFC is originally a white-dominated competition league.

It is also a domestic competition league in the beautiful country.

Asia, even their bearded and furry bears are not welcome.

This is a correctness that goes deep into the bone marrow.

You know, before Xiaoying signed with the UFC, the UFC had not signed any Mao Xiong players for eleven years.

Is it because there are no experts at Mao Xiong? Obviously not, Mao Xiong is a major fighting power in the world.

Therefore, they were even more shocked when they heard the news.

Xiaoying continued: "Maha, it seems that in addition to Salugian, your future opponents should pay more attention to this Ye Chen.

Next, I will contact AKA to conduct a detailed analysis and study of Ye Chen's vulnerabilities. Now you should prepare for the battle with the Emperor. "

Everything that happened last night not only made Xiaoying, a top MMA figure, remember Ye Chen.

Almost all players in the league are paying attention to Ye Chen.

Especially the top ten players in the lightweight division.

It can be said that Ye Chen is likely to be their next potential opponent.

Countless training centers are analyzing and studying the loopholes in Ye Chen's play style.

Domestically, Ye Chen is also really popular.

His game last night was the top trending topic today.

[What Ye Chen said before his first game... now it seems that they are all the truth. 】

Such a mixed-edited video topped the list of hot searches.

Most of them are Ye Chen's "amplified words" clips.

In addition, there are also various comments about Ye Chen from many professional players.

"I will bring back the first men's gold belt for Daxia and even Asia."

This sentence still rings in my ears, it happened only five months ago.

At that time, when Ye Chen said this, many people in the industry and fighting athletes in China were laughing at him behind his back.

I don’t know how many trolls sent all kinds of greetings to Ye Chen.

In just five months, who would have thought that Ye Chen would already be calling the top five fighters in the weight class.

This video is well cut.

It looks like a slap in the face.

Because the professional players who predicted Ye Chen's game and evaluated Ye Chen... now look like a big slap in the face.

PS: Thanks to IKUN, a true cancer fan, for the tip.

Finished six updates today.

I don’t know who you want to fight. You can mention it and I will arrange it (dog head)

Please give me flowers and review votes... Flowers and review votes have barely increased today, so I’m a little panicked.

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