I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

037 You Have Never Been In The Top Five, So You Are Not Qualified To Be In The Top Five (Please Give


The comments under the hot search are extremely lively.

[Hahaha... I'm laughing so hard. Why do I want to enter this hot search to watch the video? 】

[What a slap in the face. How many Douyin boxing champions have the nerve to comment on Brother Chen? To be honest, Brother Chen can turn them around. 】

[Don’t insult Brother Chen. Brother Chen needs to be paid for beating people. Can they afford it? 】

[Brother Chen’s level can be said to be that of a quasi-champion. You know, he has only been playing for five months, so he is really far off. 】

[When I saw Brother Chen’s hot search, I came in for no other reason than to leave: 6]

[Brother Chen’s game was really explosive last night. Two very strong players were eliminated. I felt that he still had the energy to do another one in the end. 】

[The key point is that Brother Chen’s competition is great. It’s a variety of shows. This is my first time watching UFC. It’s really great. His kicks are just like in a movie. It’s so cool. 】

[I didn’t like watching UFC before because I thought it was boring. Today I watched the video of Brother Chen’s match. It was really exciting. 】

[Brother Chen is awesome. He is the number one MMA man in China and has surpassed Song Yadong and Gazi. 】

[Here, have you watched the interview video between Chandler and Gage? 】

Someone moved the latest interview video back from abroad.

in video.

Reporter: Mike, did you watch Ye Chen’s game last night?

Chandler: I saw it, the game was exciting, the call was very passionate, he is a good player.

Reporter: So what do you think about calling the formation? Do you agree with his call?

Chandler hesitated for a moment and smiled: "He is currently ranked ninth in the weight class, and he is a newcomer. He is very strong. If he competes with me, it will definitely be a grand and exciting match. All boxing fans want to Saw this game.

But I don’t think he’s qualified to call me yet. At least he needs to be a top five player. "

reporter:? ? ?

Chandler continued: "Before I fight him, I think I should fight Connor. We are both top stand-up fighters in this weight class. The match between us will definitely produce amazing sparks."

The reporter was stunned.

Then, he asked again: "So, you won't accept this game?"

Chandler, "He is ninth now, right? This kid is doing very well and has a good future... Of course, he still needs to fight a dozen other players, such as top players."

The reporter was a little speechless.

It felt like Chandler said a lot, but also seemed like he didn't say anything at all.

This video is a collection of moving parts.

The front is Chandler's interview, the back is Gage's.

The scene changes.

Reporter: Gage, have you seen the call for Ye Chen? What do you think of this opponent? Did you watch last night's game?

Gage: Of course I’ve seen it, it’s a very exciting game and very energetic players. He is from Daxia, right? I’ve never seen a Daxia fighter perform so well in the men’s weight class.

Reporter: He called you out after the game. How did you respond?

Gage smiled and shook his head, "Listen, his shouting is very contagious and passionate. You know, I'm not afraid to play against anyone, but he is only ranked ninth, and I am ranked third.


Reporter: He said he could fight you standing up the whole time. You are the top heavy gunner in the lightweight category and you have an unparalleled low sweep, so boxing fans are looking forward to the stand-up fight between you two.

Gage: Look, it's good to stand up the whole time, because I'm an NCAA first-team wrestler after all. You know, I'm not afraid of any opponent if I stand the whole time, although Ye Chen is very good. However, now his ranking needs to move up a step before he can fight me.

(The NCAA is a sports league organized by thousands of universities in the beautiful country and the maple leaf country. It not only includes the well-known basketball, but also football, baseball...wrestling and many other sports. The gold content is still quite high.

The video was moved back to China.

It instantly caused quite a whirlwind.

[Chandler: You have never played against the top five, so you are not qualified to play against the top five (dog head)]

[Chandler's words are of a high standard. He gives all kinds of compliments but refuses to fight when asked. He is not qualified. 】

[What about Chandler? Top five, top players? Isn't he ranked fifth? Why didn't he pick up Brother Chen? Scared? 】

[Lao Qian is still fierce. The famous little steel cannon has a winning rate against anyone. No one can bear the impact of those fists. 】

【Can’t bear it? Brother Chen was hit several times by Sarugian this time and his head was still shaking. Are you telling me that he fell down with one punch? Moreover, as for a rough guy like Lao Qian, Brother Chen can win the prize by shaking his head against the odds? 】

[To be honest, Lao Qian’s sudden attempt to win against Brother Chen was very foolish. 】

[Isn’t Gage known as having a flat head? Why don't you pick me up, Brother Chen? 】

[These two people don't dare to accept it. If they win, it's okay. If they lose, they will lose their ranking and they will be criticized. 】

[Just play with each other in the top five, and don’t pick up the people behind you, and then you think the people behind you haven’t beaten the top five, so you are still the best. 】

The video of the interview has not only caused a lot of heated discussion in China.

The same is true abroad.

Some people said it was understandable.

After all, each opponent's ranking and popularity are determined by punches and kicks, not by strong winds.

If you encounter a situation that is difficult to fight and you are not sure about it, it is understandable not to pick it up for the time being.

After all, the golden period of a fighting athlete is only a few years. During this period, it is routine to make enough money, maintain rankings, and maintain a winning rate.

PS: Thank you to Gu Yue for your monthly tickets and everyone’s flowers and evaluation votes.

The next game begins immediately after the transitional scene.

Begging for flowers and comments.

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