I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

005 The Opportunity Comes, The Flaw Comes As Expected


Ye Chen comes on stage.

When passing the venue, the boxing fans on both sides were more enthusiastic than he imagined.

He originally thought that because of all the trolls online, no one would welcome him.

However, he was wrong.

[Come on Ye Chen, don’t go to sleep too soon. 】

[If you survive the first round, you win. 】

[Kill that Li Zhengyong, I support you. 】

[Come on, young man, pay attention to defense. Just run in a circle as soon as the game starts. That pickle boy's fists are too scary. 】

[Although you are not very good, I still hope you beat the little stick...]

[You kid are really not joking. You really don’t have a team. You are too poor to afford one, right? 】

Although Ye Chen was calm on the surface, he was extremely excited inside.

This is the life in his mind.

Create life with your own hands.

However, the cheers were a little quieter and the words of support were a little strange.

However, it doesn't matter, Ye Chen believes that his fist will conquer those people.

Since Ye Chen didn't have a team, no one took off his clothes, so he had to put them by the cage by himself.

Immediately afterwards, the staff began to apply Vaseline on him and check the gloves...

There is red tape wrapped around the wrist of his glove, indicating that he is the red side and Li Zhengyong is the blue side.

After everything was over, Ye Chen stepped into the Octagon with firm steps.

Of course, this isn't his first time in the Octagon.

However, I used to be a sparring partner.

This time he is a contestant, and everyone is watching.

In the octagonal cage, Ye Chen was doing some warm-ups skillfully. At the same time, he was trying to regulate his excitement.

And, until now.

His simulation space is still in simulation battle.


In the simulation space, an uppercut accurately hit Li Zhengyong's chin.

This was the killing move that he had practiced thousands of times since yesterday.

Already very skilled.

Li Zhengyong fell straight onto the ring, the back of his head hit the ground, and passed out.

At this time, the time of the first round was fixed at four minutes and thirty-three seconds.

In other words, it took 27 seconds to KO Li Zhengyong.

He was satisfied with this speed.

It is also in line with what he said before, that he must defeat Li Zhengyong within thirty seconds.

"Now let us invite the blue player Li Zhengyong, he is a fighter from Kimchi Country..."

Soon, Li Zhengyong led the team and walked from the crowd draped in the national flag.

Suddenly, there were boos.

Even though Ye Chen was far inside the cage, he heard the boos.

Only then did Ye Chen understand.

It's like you can beat and scold your own family, but you will never allow outsiders to bully you.

Why are those people trolling the Internet?

However, when it came to this occasion, driven by this atmosphere, everyone felt that Ye Chen was a loser, but they still hoped that Ye Chen could win.

After all, he is considered a member of his own country and cannot lose his prestige in front of foreigners.

However, Li Zhengyong obviously has rich experience in away games.

Therefore, he turned a deaf ear to the boos and behaved in a very high-profile manner.

Soon, Li Zhengyong also entered the octagonal cage.

The moment he first came in, he landed on the ground with a front somersault, roared, and jogged around the cage.

He even waved around, but what he was greeted with was a new round of boos.

The host Bafo opened his voice and began to introduce the players, "Blue player Li Zhengyong, he is a true master. He currently has an MMA record of 11 wins and one loss, eight first-round KOs, and three submissions.

Today is his first fight in the UFC. "

Immediately, the Eight Buddhas pointed at Ye Chen.

The whole audience cheered immediately.

The sounds came and went.

"The player on the red side is a newcomer. He used to be a professional sparring partner and currently has zero wins and zero losses in MMA. Today is his first time in the ring. He also has strong strength..."

Even the sophisticated Eight Buddhas don’t know how to play Ye Chen anymore.

There is really very little information and there is no way to brag about it.

The cheers at the scene also became lower and lower with the introduction of the Eight Buddhas, until they were completely gone.

This introduction, this record is indeed shabby.

Ye Chen had calmed down a lot now and waved to all directions.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, which was to kill his opponent, collect the money and leave.

Immediately, the referee motioned for the two to approach and then introduced the rules.

"No hits to the back of the head, no elbow strikes at six o'clock, no knee strikes at three o'clock, no..."

When the referee reads the rules.

The three on-site commentators talked about it, "The blue player is very powerful. All eleven victories ended in the first round. His fists are fast and accurate. One hit by him is fatal."

"Yes, it can be seen from the odds given by the betting company. Li Zhengyong -1600, Ye Chen +1100, these odds are true and rare in UFC history."

"Also, this player named Ye Chen doesn't even have a corner. He seems to be joking, which is crazy."

The referee motioned for both men to retreat to their corners.

Then he signaled to the two of them whether they were ready.

Ye Chen and Li Zhengyong nodded.


The moment the sound fell.

Li Zhengyong acted quickly, his pace was fast.

Ye Chen walked slowly deliberately.

He wanted to give the other party the illusion that he was scared.

As expected, Li Zhengyong occupied the center of the cage and chuckled in his heart, "He is indeed a novice who doesn't know how to fight."

Because everyone knows how strong his oppression is.

They usually occupy the center of the cage.

Because once you are pressed against the cage net, you have no choice but to fight with fists, and there is no room for dodge.

Seeing this, Li Zhengyong pressed forward directly and glanced low to test.

This was exactly the same as the situation in his sparring. Ye Chen did not dodge, but twisted his body and legs slightly and blocked with his shins.

There was a "pop" sound, which sounded very heavy.

The corner of Li Zhengyong's mouth twitched inaudibly, and the low sweep was originally intended to test and destroy the opponent's movement and support ability.

He didn't expect Ye Chen to defend so well and so quickly.

It was as if he knew in advance that he was going to swipe low.

At this moment, there was a pain on the foot.

However, this was nothing to him. He adjusted his posture and connected with his jab, forcing Ye Chen towards the cage net.

Ye Chen did as he wished.

At this moment, Li Zhengyong suddenly twisted his hips and pursed his lips.

"The opportunity has come."

PS: The fighting circle in China is small, and even fewer people read this kind of book.

So, if you think you can continue watching, please send some flowers and review votes.

Because, in the new book period, only flowers and review votes can prove that people still read the book, and the young author can feel confident.

Thank you very much, gentlemen.

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