Ye Chen was simulating a battle.

Not only does he switch between his opponents' various classic tactics.

He will also change his playing style and try various methods to see if he can achieve better results.

It has to be said that the intelligence of the simulated space is incredible.

In the simulation space, he tried to use his shin to block the opponent's Kraft kick.

The Li Zhengyong who was imitating at that time was in pain.

Looking at the scenes on the court now, I can’t say they are exactly the same, I can only say they are exactly the same.

The audience was noisy and roared constantly.

"Brother, you ran away and were forced to the side of the cage waiting to be beaten to death?"

"Shake and dodge, run, can you get past the opponent if you change your punches?"

"It's over, it's over, he doesn't know how to do it at all, how dare he lean against the cage?"

"It's so stupid. How can you fight with such a fast-paced fighter? You must be wandering."

"I wish I had known that I would be his corner. Although I have never practiced, I have watched the game for two years."

"That's not how it works."

The audience saw that Ye Chen was pushed to the edge of the cage from the beginning, and everyone was even more anxious than Ye Chen.

What they don't know is.

Everything is under Ye Chen's calculations.

"The opportunity has come."

The moment he saw the opponent's pursed lips, Ye Chen suddenly changed his stance, stepped back with his right leg, and quickly dodged to the right.

However, the extent of the dodge is not large.

Li Zhengyong hit Ye Chen with a front jab, but the force was average.

However, his intention was not to inflict damage with the jab, it was just a feint.

Sure enough, he grabbed Ye Chen's left wrist and pressed it down. The entire left side of Ye Chen's head lost its protection, and he immediately launched his back fist.

When the opponent presses forward.

The commentator shouted excitedly, "If nothing unexpected happens, Daxia Ye Chen will be terminated. This is Li Zhengyong's signature killing move."

"Several opponents have fallen to his tactics."

The professional referee did not dare to neglect. After seeing Ye Chen being forced into the cage net, he immediately approached and was ready to stop the game at any time.


The next moment.

Everyone's eyes almost popped out of their heads.

After Li Zhengyong pressed down Ye Chen's head-protecting arm with his hand, he suddenly punched Ye Chen with his back hand.

At the same time, Ye Chen turned his head to dodge, and an uppercut passed through both of his arms.

The punch was fast and accurate.


A piece of black braces flew up more than two meters high.

Li Zhengyong's hair stood up in an instant.


His body seemed to lose control in an instant, and he fell down.

When he hit the ring hard and the back of his head landed on the ground, his legs were still tense and straight.

Even the whole body is twitching.

Ye Chen didn't even look at Li Zhengyong. If he didn't sleep with this punch, he would have a titanium alloy chin.

Therefore, he did not rush forward to make up for the punch.

Instead, he raised his hands and faced the audience...

At this moment, he was a little disappointed with his own performance. When he saw that the other party's flaw came as expected, he didn't know whether it was because you were excited or happy.

Although that uppercut seemed fast and accurate, it was actually slightly deformed.

Although it did not affect the results.

However, it has to be said that when facing a newcomer like Li Zhengyong, his movements are a bit deformed. When meeting a top-ranked standing master, the result may not be what he expected.

It seems that you still need to adjust your mentality.

Throughout the history of UFC, which one of the dominant champions is as stable as an old dog?

As a fledgling like him, his mentality is still easily affected by the on-site environment, situation development, etc.

At this time, the referee reacted and stopped the game.

The time is frozen at four minutes and forty-two seconds.

In other words, it took eighteen seconds.

The audience didn't see what happened at all, they were all stunned.

Because it was so fast, only eighteen seconds from start to finish.

They only saw Ye Chen retreat to the side of the cage, and then it was over.

Even the commentators were dumbfounded. They all held their heads, leaned back, and stared at Ye Chen on the stage in disbelief.


Ye Chen yelled.

Before, he didn't understand why almost all the players would shout excitedly when they won.

Now he understands.

Because, I won.

Months of intense and hard preparation for the competition, giving everything I had.

I was mentally tense for several months and could not relax until the moment the referee stopped the game.

You said, how can you not release your emotions at this moment?

Just as Ye Chen yelled, the cage door was opened.

Several on-site doctors rushed to the ring and arranged a ventilator directly for Li Zhengyong.



The whole place was boiling.

Countless people were yelling, shouting, and cheering.

The three commentators were also awakened. They looked at the screens in front of their desks and turned on slow playback.

The big screen above the ring also began to play the slow-motion footage of KO.

I saw that the moment Li Zhengyong suppressed Ye Chen's embrace, Ye Chen had already taken action.

A standard uppercut, with full force, the moment it hits.

Rendered in slow motion, Li Zhengyong's face was distorted, his head shook violently, and his hair stood up.

However, this time was too short, and neither of them broke a sweat.

Otherwise, you will definitely see the scene of water mist flying.

The commentator said, "It's amazing. It's hard to imagine that he could hit such a famous hit under such circumstances."

DC put a hand on his forehead and exclaimed: "I have played for so many years, watched so many games, and commented on so many games, but I have never seen such a scene."

The commentator will not be stingy with words of praise at this time.

It's understandable to exaggerate.

Ye Chen's counter hook was indeed performed beautifully. It can be seen that his head's dodge movement just missed Li Zhengyong's punch.

The fist almost brushed his hair.

Everything seemed to be planned.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

Almost all the audience were shouting Ye Chen's name.

Only some people who bought Li Zhengyong looked at the motionless Li Zhengyong on the ring with ashen faces.

At this moment, Ye Chen was suddenly stunned.

[Crit copy. 】

[Li Zhengyong Jiu-Jitsu is being copied. 】

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