I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

062 Harvest Gage’S Leg-Cutting Skills, Masquerade? (Please Ask For Flowers And Review Votes)

Catwoman, who was filming at Haolaiwu in beautiful country, also watched the live broadcast during her break from filming.

Watching Ye Chen and Gage hurt each other.

After she was so nervous, few people on the set saw her like this.

Some people even came forward with concern to ask what happened.


When he saw Ye Chen gaining the advantage, he laughed happily again.

The staff and cast members were confused.

Are you caught up in watching dramas?

Catwoman sat in the corner, silently muttering to herself, "I'll definitely send you a message later to scold you. Why do I have to beat you like this... I don't know how my legs are doing..."

In fact.

This is not the first time Ye Chen raised his knees to resist.

However, Gage's low sweep in front was fast and elusive.

Not even blocked.

This method of raising the knee to block, or turning the leg to use the shin against the opponent's shin depends on the timing, and there is a certain amount of luck involved.

This style of play is just to trade injuries for injuries and see who can replace whom.


Ye Chen won the bet and won in exchange.

The other party swiped at his knee, which could be said to have done no harm to him.

But judging from Gage's reaction, he must have injured his leg.


The atmosphere reached its peak.

At this time, even the three commentators forgot to explain and stood up directly, looking into the ring.

Because, Ye Chen felt like he was unparalleled at the moment.

Press forward and hit with combo punches continuously.

In the end, a big backhand punch directly knocked away Gage's steel frame.

Gage panicked.

His head was groggy at the moment, and he had no tactics, low sweeps, or boxing skills.

There is only one belief, that is, I cannot lose.

Therefore, he immediately raised his hand and hugged Ye Chen.

I want to relieve this wave through hugging.

However, it turned out that he thought too much.

The moment Ye Chen used his right fist to break away the hold, his left hand was already activated.

While Gage was unsteady on his feet and feeling dizzy again.

Ye Chen's left hook hit his jaw, and the braces he had just put on were knocked out again.

The violent shock caused sweat and blood to splash on Gage's head.

Some landed on Ye Chen's arms, fists, and body.

The whole place was dead silent.

Deathly silence.

Some people even held their breath and watched helplessly as Gage fell to the ring with a "bang".

Ye Chen glanced at Gage who was lying down. Although he didn't straighten his body directly, his eyes were distracted. He turned over and lay there with more air coming out and less air coming in. He didn't make any defensive movements.

This was the first opponent he couldn't determine whether he had a KO or not.

Because the head is so hard, really iron.

Ye Chen did not pursue, but glanced at He Bo next to him.

Do you really want me to catch up and fight?

Does Gage have a grudge against you?

He Bo reacted and immediately rushed between the two.

The referee called a stop.

Gage was knocked out by KO with 2 minutes and 7 seconds left in the first round.

In other words, it took two minutes and fifty-three seconds.

When He Bo lay down and looked at Gage.

"Terminator, terminator, terminator..."

The whole audience started chanting Ye Chen's name.

High-intensity fight, KO in the first round.

At this moment, there is no commentary from the three commentators.

There were only shouts of shock.

Based on their experience, they believe that this game will definitely end quickly in chaos and bombardment, and it is basically impossible to drag it to the end.

However, no one could have imagined that the powerful Pintou would be knocked out in the first round.

He was almost beaten into a bloody gourd.

Looking at his opponent's face, he saw it was almost clean and nothing happened at all.

This is one of the bloodiest and most shocking games they have seen this year.

At least it was similar to the last time Ye Chen KOed Chandler.

Ye Chen suddenly rushed up to the cage, sat on it, roared loudly, and looked around, with an aura that he would give in to others.

[Copy of Gage technology system, please select. 】

[One, boxing skills. 】

[Two, leg skills. 】

[Three, prevent falling. 】

[Four, the explosive power of heavy punches. 】

Ye Chen chose the leg method without hesitation. Gage's low sweep left a deep impression on him.

Domestic live broadcast rooms are going crazy.

The two commentators shouted excitedly. If they weren't in the studio, they would really want to do a set of boxing skills right now.

The live broadcast room was filled with barrages.

Almost everyone is celebrating and cheering for Ye Chen.

The same goes for those viewers abroad who support Ye Chen.

At this moment, they were also sending crazy comments about victory.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for fighting fans.

Catwoman, who was on the set, jumped up from her chair.

Fortunately, no one is in the dressing room right now.

"You won, that's awesome, I knew you could win."

Talking to himself, he was about to send a few words to Ye Chen.

Suddenly, a friend named Lisa sent a video call.

"Huh? Aren't you working? Why are you so happy?"

Lisa asked with confusion on her face when she saw Catwoman grinning again.

Catwoman smiled and complained, "You know I'm working and you sent me a video. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Lisa reacted, "Do you still remember my birthday? I'm going to have a masquerade party this time, and there will be many high-quality men attending. Are you interested?"

Catwoman glanced disdainfully. Her friend Lisa's family was very rich.

But, it was also fun.

"Don't refuse yet. You will be wearing a mask and no one will be able to recognize you. By the way, can you please invite your co-star Dan Steven to come with you?

He's so handsome. "

"wear a mask?"

Catwoman's smart big eyes suddenly flickered and she glanced at Ye Chen, who was celebrating in the live broadcast video on the tablet next to her.

"Can anyone please?"

Lisa, "Whatever you want, you will all be young people when the time comes, but you must agree in advance that you cannot reveal your identity, otherwise all the men will surround you."

When Lisa said this, she immediately remembered her birthday party last year.

Catwoman stole the limelight all by herself.

This time, she wouldn't let anything like that happen.

"Okay, I'll go."

Catwoman agreed immediately.

After hanging up the video call, she directly opened the chat box with Ye Chen.

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