I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

063 Calling The Champion, Recruiting In The Ring With Whitman (Asking For Flowers And Evaluation Vot


Everyone watching Ye Chen's game was stunned.

Is this how Flathead Gage ended?

That's an iron-headed kid, especially Khabib who fought Gage.

He thought that Ye Chen would win, and that he would win relatively easily.

However, I didn't expect to get a KO in the first round.

At this time, Maha is about to come on stage.

Xiaoying said: "Play your current game first and get ready to play."

"Also, according to Ye Chen's character, he will probably call you later.

If asked in an interview after the game, don’t agree first, and then observe and observe..."

Maha nodded.

He is an opponent with a strong heart.

He will never let the performance of Ye Chen, a potential opponent, affect his mentality in this game.

He quickly adjusted his mentality and was ready to enter at any time.

On stage.

Gage finally woke up, and the doctor briefly treated his wounds.

Ye Chen took the initiative and walked over.

When Gage saw Ye Chen coming, he stood up on his own initiative.

Looking at Gage's swollen and scarred face, Ye Chen couldn't bear to see it all after the game.

The two hug.

Gage patted Ye Chen on the back, "Brother, you played well. Your style is very tough. You are one of the most terrifying opponents I have ever encountered."

Ye Chen also patted Gage.

"You are also one of the toughest opponents I have encountered so far. You also know that you have no friends on the court...so, I wish you good luck."

Gage is so friendly.

Ye Chen didn't know what to say.

Now the winner says some comforting words, which may also sound harsh to the loser.

So, just don’t say anything.

Immediately, Ye Chen shook hands with the entire Gage team, and the atmosphere seemed very peaceful.

The response from the audience was also very enthusiastic.

In fact, what the audience wants is very simple, just a wonderful game.

At this moment, they not only saw an extremely exciting game.

Also witnessed what sportsmanship is.

Both sides shook hands and made peace, embracing reconciliation.

Whitman grabbed Ye Chen's hand and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you played well."

Ye Chen nodded, "Your leg-sweeping tactic is also good. My legs almost collapsed."

Whitman shook his head helplessly.

"I heard that you don't have a coaching team yet, what do you think? Do you want to join my team? My team includes Gage, Wusman, Rose Rose..."

These three are undoubtedly people who stand at the top of the UFC.

Whitman named these three names just to attract Ye Chen and hope that Ye Chen would join.

Unfortunately, these three people failed within a year.

You know, because of these three people, Whitman was selected as the coach of the year last year.

Three have lost in a row this year.

Wu Siman was killed by Huazi.

Rose and Kara danced for five rounds, which made Dana blush, let alone the audience.

Gage lost to Oliveira again.

Only then did he lose to Ye Chen.

It can be said that their team's performance this year was indeed unsatisfactory.

It's normal for him to want to recruit new people.

However, Ye Chen did not want to join this team. As we all know, this coach is an excellent stand-up master.

Moreover, most of the tactics developed are defensive counterattacks.

This doesn't fit with his aggressive in-ring style.

"I will consider it..."

As soon as Ye Chen said this, the golden manager Bald Ali standing aside looked over.

That expression seemed to say, "Last time I contacted you to join my team, you said the same thing. As a result, there was no news after you said it."

Ye Chen saw Ali's resentful eyes and smiled awkwardly.

Indeed, many teams, many training gyms, and many agents extended an olive branch to him some time ago.

But he was put off by his words, "Okay, I'll think about it."

Post-game interview session.

Calling the next opponent is a necessary step.

Ye Chen said to the scene: "Soon, in this arena beneath my feet, there will be a showdown between two undoubted champions.

One day, I also hope that I can defend my belt as a champion.

Islam, I know you are watching. Now that I have defeated Justin, who is in third place, how many more top five players do you need me to defeat before you are willing to fight me?

You can escape, but it is inevitable that you and I will fight. One day, I will take the belt away from you. "

What Ye Chen said was actually very smart.

It means that I am qualified now. If you are afraid, Maha, you can just let me continue to play the top five players.

We all encounter it sooner or later anyway.

This shows how confident he is.

See the atmosphere on site and in the live broadcast room.

Dada looked up at Ye Chen from the audience, with stars in his eyes.

This is what a supernova should look like.

Don't look at everyone talking bad words about Connor.

However, in his peak period, he killed the King in an instant, defeated Ava in an instant... and won the league's first double championship.

At that time, his strength and hype ability were both top-notch.

Only people like this can really become popular.

Dana doesn't want to be able to talk to Connor now, because that's not realistic, but talking is a phenomenon.

However, Ye Chen's future potential may only be comparable to that of the next wolf.


What he didn't know was that after Ye Chen won the lightweight belt, he planned to go to the junior high school.

By the time.

There must be a battle between these two supernovae.


Ye Chen's injury was not minor at all. It was the most serious injury he suffered in the past few games.

He almost watched the showdown between Maha and Emperor while lying on the hospital bed.

As he expected, Mahar won.

However, he did not directly respond to Ye Chen's call.

Instead, he said, "I can fight anyone, but I need to take a break for now. Soon, I will come back and defeat all challengers."

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