I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

069 Ye Chen Made A Big Batch, And Sales Exploded (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

If it were the previous Ye Chen.

You will definitely find what Connor said a bit funny, even a bit embarrassing.

But after entering the industry, he understood more and more why Connor pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool.

If the other party is hyping up within a certain range, even if they attack his skills, say they want to beat him to death or smash his face... these are all understandable, and he doesn't care.

Just don’t go too far, just don’t break through the bottom line.

Reporter: Your team posted a lot of videos before the game. Your coach claimed to have found Ye Chen’s technical flaws and developed a complete set of tactics for you [is that true?

Connor, "Of course it's true. I have the most professional team, the top team. Look at my bank balance. I spent millions just preparing for this game. How can others compare with me?" ?”

There were exclamations at the scene.

If the preparation for the battle involving over a million dollars is true, it shows how seriously Connor takes this comeback battle.

The reporter turned to Ye Chen.

Reporter: Ye Chen, as a full-time fighting sports reporter, there is no doubt that your promotion speed is the strongest in history from all aspects.

Look at you, it only took a little more than a year to sit with Connor.

How do you respond to what Connor just said?

Ye Chen is neither humble nor arrogant, acting strong and confident.

"Everything you have witnessed about me is just the beginning. I will definitely surpass Connor's status in the MMA world. What the UFC needs is a strong and topical person to speak for him, not a weakling."


The scene was boiling.

Countless people screamed.

Dada looked at Ye Chen with a pleased expression, "This guy is good. He doesn't use curse words or curse."

However, what he says often shocks everyone.

At this moment, he seemed to see a beautiful blueprint for Ye Chen to become a superstar step by step, surpassing Khabib and surpassing Connor.

As for the others, follow Dana’s predictions.

It won't be long before Ye Chen will overwhelm them in popularity.

Connor sat there and shook his head. Hearing Ye Chen call him weak, he unconsciously touched his earlobe.

Once upon a time, someone called him a weak chicken.

That's right, it's Khabib the Eagle. It's a shame he will never forget in his life.

Because that was the first time he lost to a player of the same weight during his peak period.

However, he still laughed on the surface, "Ah ha ha ha... Weak chicken? I beat you as easily as a trip to the park.

It's normal for Connor to grab all the talk and interrupt during press conferences, and everyone is not surprised.

Reporter: Ye Chen, you know that everyone wants to fight Connor, even if they lose to Connor. Because fighting Connor means a very high income.

Can you tell me how much your appearance fee is this time?

Is there a PPV split?

This is an issue that a lot of media and audiences are concerned about.

So, the scene was booed again.

Everyone knows that Connor is a humanoid self-propelled cash machine, and he has been ripped off by several people in a row.

Especially Diamond, he did it three times in a row, each time more ruthless than the last, and the last time he almost destroyed the humanoid self-propelled cash machine [at that time, ten groups of people who had the opportunity to play Connor were worried that it was broken.

Ye Chen hesitated because there was a confidentiality agreement.

He was just about to fool him.

Not wanting to, Connor directly grabbed the conversation, "Everyone wants to fight me, hahaha... I came to the UFC to help the poor, and all the UFC players have my posters hanging on their beds."

Look at me every day and pray every day, hoping that God will let me fight with them.

That way, they can get rid of poverty and become rich.

For example, Oliveira, a poor bar actor, calls me "Zhen" every time on the Internet, just like a joke. "

Connor's laughter is magical, and his words are sometimes a bit confusing.

But, basically, they just keep dying without making any surprises.

It is not a good thing to laugh at other people's poverty, but Connor regards this kind of thing as a means of hype, a topic that can be talked about anytime and anywhere.

The poor people in his mouth, King, Ava, Diamond, Oliveira... He had scolded all these people, and he also said that he was fighting them to give them alms.

Their families must be grateful to him.

Without waiting for reporters to continue asking questions.

Connor said again: "People of Daxia, please remember that I gave this boy a chance to make a lot of money..."

As he spoke, he pointed at Ye Chen.

"It is an honor for a poor boy from the mountains to walk into the ring with me. He should kneel before God and thank God and me for giving him this opportunity, allowing me to beat his face to pieces, and then transform. Become a rich man.

And what can he give me? He has nothing, not even a belt. Such a poor guy, all he can give me is a victory. Let me prove that I am still strong and I am still the king of the Octagon. "

Connor's fans were climaxing on the spot and shouting wildly.

Ye Chen frowned.

He immediately picked up the phone and said, "Remember, this person..."

Ye Chen also turned to Connor and pointed at him.

"In the past few years, the only person he has beaten is the 70-year-old man in the bar. Other than that, he has never won a game in the ring and these ten times are no exception.


This hit Connor's pain, and he shouted directly, trying to interrupt Ye Chen's words.

The scene suddenly became agitated.

Especially those Ye Chen supporters.

Connor stood up directly. He was very angry at this moment. He didn't expect Ye Chen to be able to resist.

He shouted, "Tonight, I will smash his face in the Octagon, twist off his head, and then parade his head through the streets. I want everyone to know that he is a waste


I will prove that he does not deserve to be a supernova.

He was anxious.

He was anxious.

But don't worry yet.

"Kill him, beat him to death, this Daxia man, he doesn't deserve to make a lot of money."

"Connor, we support you."

"Oh oh oh oh oh..."

"Ye Chen, break Connor's legs and let him climb out of the Octagon and never come back."

"Strength in the ring speaks for itself. Unless Connor really returns to his peak level, there is no way he can beat Ye Chen, so I support you, Hui Chen.

Reporter: Ye Chen, how do you respond to Connor's words.

Ye Chen is full of confidence.

"I really want to slap his bad mouth right now, but as a professional player and a normal person, I won't do that. I won't attack others casually outside the ring.

Tonight, in the ring, I will save him from being beaten with a long-term foul mouth.

Also, in tonight's game, I will decide which round we will play.

If I want to KO him in the first round, then I will let him sleep in the cage in the first round.

So, I will launch a poll on my Instagram later, and my fans will vote for how many rounds to beat him...


"Walterfak, can you still play like this?"

"Athe, At..."

The atmosphere reached its peak at this moment. No one expected Ye Chen to be so good at playing.

How dare you play.

After all, things are changing rapidly in the arena. How confident do you have to be to dare to play like this?

Just as Ye Chen expected.

As soon as Ye Chen said this, the audience, who were waiting to see the excitement, got excited.

But, professionals.

Gambling companies are also preparing to make adjustments to their forecasts.

Ye Chen is playing with fire.

Connor is not a rookie, he is the first person to win the double championship.

However, they are all waiting for Ye Chen's voting results.

Seeing the craziness of the scene, Ye Chen was very satisfied.

Who doesn’t know how to create hype?

Ye Chen not only hypes up, but also attracts traffic to himself.

Therefore, he sent the voting updates he had prepared long ago directly to his Instagram in front of the live camera.

Beating a popular player like Connor.

It would be a failure to just focus on victory.

It must be a big job.

So, these days, he came up with the big trick of voting.

Use game trends to interact with fans.

Sure enough, less than two minutes after he posted it, the number of followers on his Instagram was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Dana laughed happily, and Ye Chen's vitality was no worse than that of Connor.

Even better than Connor, he is good at taking advantage of the audience's mentality of watching the excitement.

They are also better at using the Internet.

The more I watch this, the more I like it.

He was shouting in his heart, "Just fix it, fix it. If you can surpass Connor, you will be my father."


Suddenly, Connor stood up and the table in front of him overturned.

He did lose games.

However, I have never been upstaged by anyone at a press conference.

This comeback battle is also extremely important to him. He regards this battle as a bridge to re-establish confidence in the hearts of fans.

"Come on, don't you want to slap me a few times? Come now, I can twist your head off right here."

Connor shouted and walked directly towards Ye Chen.

Dana saw this and said, "Connor, Connor, stop it."

As one of the best people in the world, Dana stopped Connor in an instant.

At this time, the press conference is almost over.

Ye Chen also stood up, "See you in the ring."

Seeing this, Dana spoke into the microphone, "The interview time is over, the contestants are looking at each other.

Immediately, the two began to look at each other.

Although Connor was too aggressive this time, Dana was already prepared and came for Ye Chen.

Moreover, when the two stepped down respectively.

Dana also ordered several tall security personnel to protect Ye Chen.

No accidents can happen to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen is not worried.

I'm afraid that this kid Connor will cause trouble off the court and mess up the game.

To know.

The number of purchases of this PPV has exceeded 2 million, directly catching up with the match between Conor and Khabib.

For now, it is already the second highest tournament revenue in URC history.

Therefore, even if he is killed, Connor will not be disturbed.

Ye Chen must be protected.

Because of this layer of protection and the special transportation, Connor had no chance of causing trouble off the field.

Dana saw off Ye Chen, comforted Connor again, and was just about to leave to prepare for tonight's competition.

Suddenly, I received a call from the company.

“Dana, the number of PPV purchases was almost stagnant, but after Ye Chen initiated the vote, the number of purchases began to increase rapidly again.

……………Please give me flowers………………

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure, I've been keeping an eye on the data in the background."

"Okay, very good. Ye Chen is indeed the supernova that everyone is optimistic about. We will continue to increase our efforts and finally promote Ye Chen and Connor.

Dana instantly became red and warm.

His whole body was shaking with excitement.

Could it be said that this time can surpass Habib's time?


He shook his head, "No, this is impossible, that battle is difficult to replicate.

In fact, he knew very well that Khabib and Connor accomplished each other in that match.

Only Khabib and Conor can have that kind of chemistry together.

Otherwise, why would Connor's matches with others not be as popular as his match with Khabib? And the gap is huge.

After Ye Chen left the background.

He also accepted an exclusive interview with DC before the game.

This kind of interview is very common, and basically the players in the headline main event will receive this kind of treatment.

When DC saw Ye Chen come in, he immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile on his face.

He pulled Ye Chen and sat on the sofa.

DC first formally introduced his program, and then introduced Ye Chen ten times.

"Ye Chen, this seems to be the first time the two of us have met at such a close distance outside the ring? I remember it seemed to be the first time.'

Ye Chen nodded, "Of course, but we only talked on the phone once."

DC slapped his forehead and said, "Yes, that time was when you were still in Flori. On behalf of AKA, I invited you to join our team, but you refused. Please tell me why you refused.

DC is pretty good privately.

Coupled with his "round" figure, he looks very happy.

Moreover, his interview style was also very relaxed. If it weren't for the camera, I would have thought it was two old friends chatting privately.


Ye Chen shook his head with a smile and immediately retorted, "Wrong, when did I reject you? I clearly said I would consider it...


DC laughed, "Brother, you have been thinking about it for more than half a year, and you think it's better to use the ball.

Okay, no joke, tell me what’s going on with you?”

DC also knows that it is almost hopeless to recruit Ye Chen, because Ye Chen is now popular, and now it is not the team who picks him, but him who picks others.

Now, he can go wherever he wants.

So, he went straight back to the topic.

Ye Chen glanced at DC in confusion, what's going on?"

"The vote you initiated, this is the first time I've seen someone play like this. This is a competition, and Connor is a top player. What do you think?

Don't hype for the sake of hype. For example, Covington often posts videos of himself and hot girls in the media.

But everyone knows that he filmed for five minutes and trained for two hours. "

DC was a little anxious. He couldn't figure out why Ye Chen wanted to vote.

Although this is just speculation, once the stock shows results.

If Ye Chen fails to do it on the court, it will have a certain impact on him.

You know, Ye Chen has never made a foul on the court since he started playing, and he wins every time.

He is crazy about hype, but he doesn't talk nonsense or attack his opponent's family, friends, or even the country.

This makes Ye Chen's current reputation very good. Although there are some dissidents, they are all die-hard fans of those who were defeated by Ye Chen. This is normal.

The public opinion of Ye Chen is almost unanimous.

But, if the voting results are not achieved this time, then...

If he messes up again, Connor will catch him and KO him with one punch.

At that time, Ye Chen's reputation will be unimaginable. How high it was before, but how badly it will fall later.

This is also the main reason why Supernova generally cannot lose.

The audience and passers-by don't care how you lose.

They will only remember the results.

Ye Chen, "The ring competition itself is also a kind of entertainment. I think there is nothing wrong with doing it. It is also good to let the audience participate."

Black Ball DC's head shook like a black rattle.

Then he checked his phone.

Immediately, he was dumbfounded and his eyes were wider than a bull's eye. "My dear, this is... one, two, three... The number of people who participated in the vote has exceeded ten thousand stones."

"The current voting result is that there are three million people who KO Conor in the first round, hundreds of thousands in the second, third and fourth rounds, and nearly six million people who vote for you to beat Conor in five rounds...

Ye Chen has not watched the voting progress.

I was shocked when I heard this. In just a short time, the number of voters exceeded 10 million.

You know, this is still the result of the domestic network being unable to vote.

Otherwise, these numbers would be even more terrifying.

As for being beaten for five rounds, he didn't expect much.

He thought there would be more violent KOs in the first round.

Unexpectedly, the number in the fifth round was nearly double that in the first round.

The data in the second, third, and fourth rounds were within his expectations. After all, people like to watch extreme games.

Game start.

All side matches and main matches have been played.

There is no co-main event in this match, so Ye Chen and Connor are the absolute top contenders.

Moreover, the previous games were all contestants with little visibility, so the atmosphere at the scene was never stimulated.

At this time, Ye Chen has put on his boxing gloves and is waiting for the host to read out and prepare to go on stage.

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