I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

070 All-Round Restraint, Full Of Leg-Cutting Tactics (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

This money war.

It directly made Dana and the directors of UFC crazy with joy.

As of now.

PPV sales have exceeded three million.

It has exceeded the historical record of 2.4 million copies.

The total income from this game is at least over 100 million yuan.

It is worth mentioning that.

In addition to the appearance fee of 3 million, Connor also has a 20% PPV share.

This time, Ye Chen's appearance fee is one million, with a 10% PPV share.

Originally Dana offered 5%.

Ye Chen was certainly not satisfied.

Finally, after three weeks of negotiations, the two parties reached a ten percent share contract.

However, there is a premise.

That means that this game can earn more than 50 million. If it is less than 50 million, Ye Chen's share will be automatically reduced to 5%.

It is said that Connor signed the contract for 80 million.

20% above 80 million, 15% below 80 million.

Obviously, the two exceeded their sales volume this time.


The host drew out his voice and Goldman Sachs shouted.

Immediately, Ye Chen's usual entrance music started playing.

This one is really highly anticipated.

When the music started playing, everyone almost forgot to look at the big screen.

Instead, he couldn't help but look towards the exit.

Soon, Ye Chen's figure walked out of the darkness.

Still alone.

Ye Chen, who had just appeared on the scene, paused, then faced all directions and raised his hands to cheer.

The whole place exploded in an instant.

Ye Chen is like a world-class superstar, no, in the fighting world now, he is a world-class superstar.

Because, his Instagram followers have just exceeded 9 million and are heading towards 10 million.

The number of viewers who voted on his Instagram reached a staggering 50 million.

More than 13 million people voted for a violent KO in the first round.

The combined total of the second, third and fourth rounds of voting was less than 10 million. "Nine Seventy"

Nearly 30 million people voted to beat Connor in five rounds.

Therefore, Ye Chen has been trying to fight Connor for five rounds in the simulated space.

This game is said to be a competition.

However, from the beginning, the entertainment component was higher than the competitive component.

So, five rounds of violent beating is five rounds.

He does what the audience wants.

He believes that if he successfully wins, it will only take a matter of minutes for his number of fans to exceed 10 million.

This wave of hype can be said to be unprecedented except for Khabib's wave.

This sudden increase in fans has directly reached the entire number of fans of [a Wolf King, or Oliveira].

You know, these two are now popular players in the league, the top players.


"You must beat Connor for five rounds, Ye Chen, I am your biggest fan.

"Yes, hit slowly. It's hard to enjoy it with one punch. I just like to see Kang Nei's expression change from nervousness to loneliness and despair."

"Come on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen walked down the aisle, and countless people stretched out their hands, waiting to shake hands with Ye Chen.

Quickly, apply Vaseline, check the gloves…

The moment Ye Chen took off his short sleeves, a familiar figure appeared.

Still the same hat, still the same mask.

Catwoman: Let me get it for you.

Ye Chen smiled easily. Catwoman didn't contact him the day before.

He thought the other party wouldn't come to see him anymore.

Unexpectedly, it came anyway.

Ye Chen joked: "You can take it, but don't steal it."

Catwoman punched Ye Chen and said, "Fuck you."

Then turned and left.

That's when.

Ye Chen was surprised when he saw the first row of the auditorium this time.

He glanced over and saw Jagged, Habib, Wusman...

These are not surprising.

There are also Tyson, Bald Jason, Johnson, Rambo and his three daughters...

Ye Chen felt some uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

These guys are undoubtedly world-class superstars.

The influence will only be above Connor.

Unexpectedly, one day these people would be watching his game in the audience.

At this time.

These people also looked here, and several of them waved friendly to him.

The staff member who had always been familiar with Ye Chen and had been helping Ye Chen wrap his wristbands said: "You don't know yet, Johnson only bought it for you for one million this time.

Ye Chen looked at the staff in surprise.

The staff said, "I bought you 10,000 yuan. I originally planned to put all my capital back on it, but unfortunately..."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "However, this time I am going to buy the dog. Why don't you buy the dog? Also, what's the pity?"

The staff member smiled and shook his head, "Your voting activity scared me so much that I didn't dare to buy. You don't really want to play for five rounds, do you? With your operation, Spinach has readjusted your odds.

Originally the gap between you was relatively large, but now it's almost even.

I heard that Johnson originally bought you for five million, but when you made the move, he was so frightened that he quickly lowered his bet amount. "

Ye Chen couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

He didn't expect this.

One of my own hype plans actually influenced so many people's betting intentions.

It's too late to say it, but it will be soon.

Ye Chen has already stepped onto the ring.

The moment he stepped into the Octagon.

"Terminator, terminator, terminator..."

The shouts were like thunder, resounding throughout the audience.

At the same time, the photographer who caused the trouble showed the beautiful "Terminator" governor in the first row.

The governor was unequivocal, smiled and raised his fists, showing off his thick arms in front of the camera.

"Infamous, Conor McGregor..."

This time.

The momentum at the scene was even greater.

Connor's appearance pushed the atmosphere to an unprecedented high.

There is no doubt about this, because this is a white man's world.

It is not easy for Ye Chen to have the influence he has now.

You know, Connor's previous opponents were almost all booed when they came out.

At least when he entered the venue just now, the cheers drowned out the boos.

Connor walked as if he didn't recognize his relatives, followed by close to ten people, who were walking through the crowd in a mighty manner.

Ever since I stepped into the ring.

Connor's eyes suddenly changed, and he became less impetuous and shy than before.

On the contrary, he looked very calm, like a predator staring at his prey, and kept looking at Ye Chen who was warming up opposite him.

I have to say that Connor still retains some respect for the ring.

As soon as he steps into the ring, he seems to be a completely different person, with full aura.

Commentator Logan said, "Wow, Connor looks very strong this time, he should be over 180 pounds, and he looks very good in shape and in very good condition.

Then, he jokingly said, "Seeing Connor in this state, I want to bet on him."

DC nodded in agreement, "Connor is in better shape this time than the last time he fought Diamond three times. However, Ye Chen's body shape doesn't seem to have changed much. This time they fought at the agreed weight of 165 pounds. I always thought Ye Chen It will be much bigger.”

The audience at the scene and watching the live broadcast also expressed doubts.

I fought at 155 pounds before, but this time I fought at 165 pounds.

Logically speaking, Ye Chen's height and build should be stronger and bigger.

However, it looks like the weight is not much different from before.

Domestic commentators are also wondering about this matter.

Commentator No. 2 suddenly said: "Didn't you pay attention to Brother Chen's funny voice? He just posted a short video before the game, and there was a shot of him standing on the scale.

I took a look and saw that it was only about 185 pounds, which was about the same as Gazi's midfield weight.

Brother Chen said that he did not deliberately gain weight because he was afraid that if he gained weight and gained muscle rashly this time, he would have problems if he tried to lose weight at lightweight in the future.

After saying this.

Only then did everyone understand.

[There is no advantage in terms of weight on the spot. Connor should be over 180. I don’t know if he is as heavy as Brother Chen. 】

[Is Gazi only about 185 pounds in the second round? No wonder he always smiles one level higher than his opponents. 】

[Hammer, Gazi can only be said to be average, and a mid-range score of 185 is considered a medium level. Wolf seems to have a big body, but he is only 190 on the spot, Burns is also 190, Wusman is over 190... I can only say that Brother Chen is extremely talented and recovers well, but he did not make good use of himself this time This advantage. 】

[Calculating it this way, if Brother Chen gets a second shot, after gaining muscle and weight, he will probably be over 190 at the scene? Then if Brother Chen wins the lightweight championship, can he consider a second shot?

I think he beat up the overweight wolfdog. 】

[Wolf-dogs are not easy to beat. The wrestling is too fierce. Let’s take a look. Brother Chen may not be able to pass the maha. If he passes the maha, he may be able to beat the wolf-dog. 】

[You are thinking too far, we haven’t won this game yet. 】

[Do you still need to think about this? What should Connor use to beat Brother Chen? 】

[Don’t forget Brother Chen’s character of being true to his word. He might really want to brutally beat Connor for five rounds. As time goes on, anything could happen. 】



After the host Baffo made a passionate announcement, the referee warned the two people and started directly.

The referee for this game is also an old acquaintance, He Bo.

"come on."

Just at this moment.

A voice came from behind.

Ye Chen looked back and found Catwoman standing behind him.

Ye Chen nodded and tapped the cage net.

Then quickly enter the field.

When Connor came up, he was in a classic stance, with his right hand forward and his left hand back, ready to launch a violent blow at any time.

His right hand does more than just range-finding as everyone thinks.

There is also a very important function, which is to interfere with the opponent's punching.

If you watch Connor's previous games carefully, you will find that his right hand will always be close to the opponent's front hand, and sometimes even grab the opponent's front hand.

In this way, when he strikes hard with his backhand, he can largely avoid being counterattacked by his opponent's fronthand.

Even if it is not completely blocked, his interference, even at the moment when the opponent's front hand punches, or even interferes with the trajectory of the punch, can reduce the damage and even prevent the opponent from hitting.

However, Ye Chen had already taken precautions.

After seeing Connor's classic stance.

He switched his usual stance, with his left hand forward and his right hand behind.

His lead hand can also interfere with Conor's heavy left hand.

He had practiced this stance for three months just to fight against Connor, so there was no problem of lack of proficiency.

The most important thing is that Connor's stance is very wide every time.

As it happens, he has a Gage death chop in the leg.

You can imagine the next scene……………………

Explaining Rogen, "Ye Chen changed his usual stance. Is this his response tactic?"

This change made Connor a little uncomfortable.

Their team studied all of Ye Chen's playing styles, and they didn't expect that the opponent was a double stance player.

However, it was too late to think more at this time.

Connor a test

Sex's low sweep, Ye Chen raised his leg to dodge at the same time.

Suddenly, Connor's habitual front hand patted the air.

If Ye Chen hadn't changed his stance on the spot, he would have captured Ye Chen's front hand.

Clap your hands.

Prove offense.

Ye Chen's attention immediately hit the opponent's left arm.

As expected, at the moment of hitting the air, Connor suddenly twisted his hips to exert force, and slightly shrugged his left shoulder...

However, Ye Chen was well prepared. Before the opponent could punch, Ye Chen's long arm held down Connor's left arm.


At the same time, a powerful low sweep.

Connor was half-strength and unable to hit.

Another powerful low sweep.

His entire leg was lifted up, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell down.

However, the verbal attack at full strength was still very fierce. After getting up quickly, he performed a whirlwind kick, which directly stopped Ye Chen from further attacking.

This made Connor a little confused, and he temporarily suppressed Ye Chen.

He did not approach rashly, but jumped on the spot to see if there was anything wrong with his legs.

The blow just now was so heavy that he couldn't even feel whether his right leg was still on his body at this moment.

It was like this as soon as he came on stage.

The whole place was shocked.

Cheers and exclamations mixed together.

DC, "Did you see that Ye Chen is really smart. He used his front hand to intercept Connor's back hand punch. It seems that his sudden change of stance was for this purpose.

He must have put a lot of effort into preparing for Conor. "

On the field.

One hit succeeded.

Ye Chen was not happy about this.

This first blow was just too sudden to completely prevent Connor, and it would depend on the specific situation later.

He moved quickly again to catch up.

Connor had regained feeling in his legs at this time and was fine.

The first blow was that he was unprepared.

Therefore, cold fists and cold legs cause higher damage.

"Very good, Ye Chen really has a few tricks up his sleeve. However, I tried your tactics right from the start. It was different.

Connor thought so in his heart, but he was still very cautious.

After missing a high sweep, quickly avoid Ye Chen.

Their team's tactic is not to fight hard.

Look for opportunities to hit hard.

Otherwise, his physical fitness will not be able to keep up.

The most important thing is that Ye Chen is good at changing punches. So far, he has not won even Chandler and Gage.

Coach Connor said, "Damn it, why does he have such a heavy low sweep? I've never seen him use it before."

Wrestling coach: "You're not following Gage, are you?"

The head coach glanced sideways at the wrestling coach, "No way, it's only been more than three months. Do you think he can copy it? He must be hiding his skills."

Immediately, he shouted, "Connor, pay attention to your movement, don't fight with him, try to hit him hard. Also, be careful of his low sweeps."

Connor's stance is so wide, if his front legs are wiped out, there is really no need to fight.

Connor has rich experience. Even if the coach doesn't shout, he still knows to be careful of Ye Chen's low sweep. It hurts so much and is scary.

Especially him who had a broken leg and had a shadow of 5.1.

The only thing Ye Chen can be sure of now is that Connor is in very strong form this time.

However, maybe because of weight and age, the speed has slowed down a little.

However, the power should be greater.

The two crossed paths again.

Ye Chen hit with a straight punch with his front hand.

Connor swayed sideways, bent his legs and exerted force, delivering an uppercut to the abdomen.


This punch hit Ye Chen.

However, Connor's fans didn't have time to cheer yet.


Ye Chen once again slashed Connor's front leg with a powerful low sweep.

That's right, his tactic in this game was to chop off his legs with repeated blows.

Because Zui Pao's boxing skills are fast and accurate.

Although he stands very well, his boxing skills are not as good as his verbal skills. This must be admitted.

After all, the opponent had boxed with Mayweather. Although he was beaten, his boxing skills were among the best in the entire UFC.

Connor's calf was visibly red.

He quickly ran away, then looked at the audience outside the stadium, raising his fists with both hands as if celebrating victory.

In fact, it was not the case. He just hadn't been back to the ring for too long. He was celebrating that he finally hit Ye Chen with a punch. This is an announcement to fans that he is not old and can still fight with his fists

Still fast and accurate, still able to dodge the opponent's fists with a sway.

And the blow to the stomach just now was not light.

“Pay attention to low swiping, pay attention to low swiping…………Ah cough cough cough…………

The head coach has been paying attention to Ye Chen's low sweep.

At that moment, everyone was paying attention to Connor's dodge, leg bends, and belly punches.

Indeed, very beautiful and fast.

However, he only saw Ye Chen's ability to seize the opportunity and his quick and violent leg-cutting low sweeps.

It's so scary, even scarier than Gage.

Ye Chen is not modest about this.

Because he has long legs and has good leg skills.

It's faster than Gage when sweeping low, more unpredictable, and has heavier legs than Gage. .

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