I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

075 Ten Million-Level Dividends, Arranged By Oliveira (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

[Copy of Connor's technical system, please select. 】

[One, boxing skills. 】

[Two, leg skills. 】

【3. Anti-fall. 】

[Four, the explosive power of heavy punches. 】

[5. Hype education ability. 】

Ye Chen:???

During the interview, everyone was cheering for Ye Chen.

A familiar voice appeared again in Ye Chen's simulation space.

Of course he doesn't need legwork.

Anti-fall of mouth gun???

The ability to talk and hype is indeed an ability that many players want.

Even though he is being criticized everywhere, he has become the number one superstar.

There are other people who imitate, such as Covington???

A pure and beautiful Chinese, why did he have millions of fans after he was trolled everywhere, or after being attacked by a motor?

Of course, there are also reasons for his playing style.

No matter what, Zui Pao has the ability to end games quickly before, and he is also another double champion.

These are things Covington doesn't have.

However, Ye Chen does not intend to use this hype method, he has his own model.

Moreover, it always feels weird to him if he is asked to behave like a talker, so he should just be himself.

In the end, he hesitated for half a second on his ability and boxing skills.

Then he chose boxing without hesitation.

It's hard to tell how heavy the punch of the mouth gun really is.

The most powerful thing about him is that his boxing skills are versatile and precise.

No matter how hard you hit, if you can't hit anyone, it's still nonsense.

Ye Chen was very excited at the moment, but it was even more exciting than giving him a million dollars.

Connor's boxing, Gage's low sweep, Salukian's wrestling on the ground...

After he integrated all these together, he couldn't wait to face his next opponent.

DC, "You have probably become a superstar among active players, second only to Connor. From your first game, did you ever think that you would be so popular and become a superstar so quickly?"

to be honest.

Ye Chen not only thought about it.

Moreover, when he was working as a sparring partner, he fantasized about becoming a world-class fighting superstar all day long.

Make a lot of money and improve your family's life.

However, he said: "All I think about is stepping into the ring, finishing my opponents in various wonderful ways, and besides making money, I also present wonderful games to the audience.

At the same time, I'm here for the championship honors.

Islam, I know you will see it…………

Finally, Ye Chen punched the camera.

The interview is over.

When he turned back, he found that Catwoman standing behind him had disappeared.

Ye Chen was speechless.

Is it true that the dragon has seen its beginning but not its end, a real-life version of Cinderella? She has to leave when the time comes?

However, now is not the time to think about this.

Ye Chen left the stage amid cheers from fans.

As a result, when I arrived backstage, I found many people gathered together, including many reporters and media people.

Jagged Blood, Wu Siman... and other professional players.

Of course, there are also superstars such as the Governor, Rambo, and Johnson.

They come to watch the game, and these reporters, including Dana, will not miss this publicity opportunity.


Ye Chen turned on various photo modes.

Of course, it's not that he wants to take photos with others, but that others want to take photos with him.

In the entertainment, film and television industries, these people are idols and superstars.

However, in the fighting arena, they are just fans.

Tonight, especially Johnson and others who bought Ye Chen, made a fortune.

Rambo, "You are the most powerful adult I have ever seen besides Jack Long. I am very optimistic about you and hope you can win the championship one day..."

Ye Chen, "Thank you. I have watched many of your movies since I was a child. I hope you can make more wonderful works."

Jack Long's influence is huge, and Ye Chen is self-aware.

Rambo said that Ye Chen is the most powerful Daxia person besides Jack Long.

He can understand this. The other party is not referring to strength in fists and feet, but strength in their respective industries.

There is no doubt that how many people in the world dare to call themselves a superstar in front of Jack Long?

He is already one of the few people at the top of the film industry.

And Ye Chen still has a long way to go.

At the very least, get some honors.

Especially the gold belt in the hands of the undefeated Eagles.

Rambo, "I'm planning to shoot a new movie recently. Are you interested in participating in it?"

Ye Chen was surprised and immediately said: "Okay, I'll think about it..."

On the side, Ali couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard this.

It’s this sentence again, right?

This is what others say, right?

Rambo didn't know, he thought Ye Chen was interested and was very excited.

In fact, Ye Chen is just talking. In the movies of these big names in the film industry, the most he can do is make a cameo. Moreover, the opponent is facing a beautiful Chinese market, and the theme must be black and white. He will only appear for three to five minutes at most, which is boring.

You can still box seriously.

The governor and others also came up to take photos.

The next day.

It was already past ten o'clock when Ye Chen woke up.

I slept too late last night.

When I got up after ten o'clock, I was still called by Dana.

He called specifically to tell Ye Chen some good news.

Moreover, Ye Chen must go over to discuss life and death in detail.

Or they come over.

Ye Chen thought for a while and decided that he should go there.

It's a bit inconvenient to have your own hotel, and who knows what to talk about.

Soon after, Dana's special car came to pick him up.

Office meeting room.

As soon as Ye Chen entered, he found six or seven people.

None of them look good.

All of them were in suits and leather shoes, with rough faces.

It's not that they are good at fighting, but you can tell at a glance that they are capitalists who kill without blood.

Among them, Ye Chen knew only one of them.

"Ye Chen, come and meet several directors of the company."

Sure enough, it's not a good thing.

These directors all stood up and greeted each other with smiles.

This is not surprising. With Ye Chen's current popularity, he is a cash cow.

Dana White – After the introduction.

Without further ado, he went straight to the point and pushed a document in front of Ye Chen.

Dana said excitedly: "It is roughly estimated that the income from this PPV and broadcast rights will be 140 million U.S. dollars. This is still a preliminary calculation.

It will take several rounds of calculations, and usually the calculated number will be more than this. "

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and while he was ecstatic in his heart, there was not much expression on his face, just a slight smile.

He had no idea it would sell so many.

He gets a 10% dividend.

Dana is a little confused. What's going on with Ye Fan? Isn't he excited at all?

He spoke again, "This time your dividend is conservatively estimated to be 14 million dollars. However, these cannot be paid to you now. They will not pay you until they have completely calculated everything.

However, your appearance fees, bonuses, advertising sponsorships, etc. have been deposited into your account. You can check it when you have time.

A total of 1,555,000 Dao Le. "

Ye Chen was surprised.

He thought that more than 1.1 million yuan in appearance fees plus bonuses would be enough.

Unexpectedly, it reached one hundred and fifty.

However, he deserves it.

He has heard that the wave of his vote yesterday made the PPV, which had almost stagnated, skyrocketed by hundreds of thousands again, surpassing the one between Conor and Khabib.

His appearance fee is considered low, but he was cheated by Dana again.

Ye Chen put down the document and glanced at everyone in the blink of an eye.

Found that everyone was staring at him.

He smiled and said: "It really exceeded all my expectations."

Dana looked at the other directors a little confused, and found that the others also had confused expressions.

This was different from what he imagined.

You know, those who fight are generally poor people.

Connor is a plumber, a man who has done various odd jobs.

The little eagle comes from the mountains.

Chima is a refugee from the war.

Tie Xue wielded a sledgehammer in his hometown.

When these people heard about such a large sum of money, their reactions varied.

However, that kind of excitement is difficult to conceal.

What's going on with this Ye Chen? This is the reaction.

Even when it was said earlier that he would receive a commission of more than 10 million yuan, there was not much reaction...

However, what they didn't know was that Ye Chen was already ecstatic in his heart countless times.

It can be said that the money is enough to make him financially self-indulgent.

You can spend the rest of your life lying down.

How could I not be happy?

However, when he saw this battle, he knew that there were other things, not just to tell him to make money.

If this is the case, just say it on the phone.

Before you figure something out, be careful with these old foxes.

Dana hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke, "Ye Chen, you know, we only signed a contract for three games last time, and now you have played three games.

So, we need to prepare new contracts.

However, you can rest assured that this contract is tailor-made for you and is completely different from the previous one. "

Sure enough, it was for the contract.

This really caught him off guard.

You know, he just played the last game of his second contract last night.

Today I will directly negotiate the contract with him. Someone like him who does not have an agent or a team will be at a disadvantage.

Moreover, he is not good at talking about these things.

I can only pretend here.

At this time, one of the wise men spoke.

His name is Tom, and he is the youngest one compared to other shareholders.

Looks to be in his thirties.

"Ye Chen, I have watched every game of yours and I think you are a warrior with extraordinary potential.

We are going to do our best to build you into the second Conor. By then, you can fight in cross-border boxing, you can make ten times the money you make today, you will make a sensation all over the world, and your name will even be included in Fighting History.

All these…………

Having said this, Tom paused, walked behind Ye Chen, and patted Ye Chen on the shoulder.

“All of these can only be achieved by us at the UFC and you, and they are indispensable.

His tone was passionate.

What you say is also very attractive.

Ye Chen may not agree with everything, but he has to agree with its usage.

That is, in the MMA world, UFC is almost in a monopoly position, and only they can create a second Conor.

Didn't you go around in such a big circle just to tell him to renew his contract?

At this time, Dana handed the new contract to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen opened the contract and scanned it quickly.

Sure enough, this time there were no terms regarding appearance fees, dividend ratios, etc.

Dana White said: "The previous contract no longer applies to you. From now on, before each game, we will discuss the specific appearance fees and dividends.

Now this contract is just a renewal contract, you just need to sign it. "


Ye Chen shook his head, "Ten contracts are too many. Let's keep it the same as before, three."

Although he doesn't quite understand this.

However, it is good for him to sign less. If there is no problem, he can continue to renew the contract after three games.

The UFC sees that he is popular and has potential for improvement.

Therefore, prepare to bind him with a contract first.

Ten games.

Some professional players take three to five years, or even longer, to complete ten games.

Isn't Iron Blood an example?

After signing the contract, I felt like the money was too little.

He wanted to cross-border boxing and make a lot of money, but Dana White wouldn't let him.

Now, both sides are just sitting there.

Anyway, if you have a contract, you can't go anywhere else.

Now, Iron Blood is thirty-six years old, how many more years can he continue to fight? If he spends a few years like this, he will no longer have the energy to fight in the future.

After some wrangling, Ye Chen, who was a pair of seven, was stunned and refused to let go.

no way.

Now Ye Chen is the God of Wealth.

Can't afford to offend.

Both sides can take a step back, five games.

After all, UFC is going to spend a lot of money to promote him now. It would be a big loss if Ye Chen fights three times and is poached by someone else.

Therefore, the longer the signature, the better.

Ye Chen also understands, and he is really not ready to leave in a short time.

Five games is acceptable.

After negotiating this, although it did not meet the psychological expectations of Dana and others, it was finally settled.

They also breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Dada asked Mi Shu to get a few glasses of red wine.

Several people were drinking red wine, smoking cigars, and chatting.

Tom said: "Ye Chen, come to New York and come to me anytime if you have any questions. As long as you tell me, Tom, as your fan, will definitely help."

Ye Chen responded politely.

I believe these people will not be led into the ditch at any time.

Just polite words.

Dana said, "Ye Chen, just tell us which game you want to play next, and we will try our best to arrange it for you.

You also know that you are very popular now, and you often strike while the iron is hot. "

Ye Chen thought about this problem last night after seeing so much information about calling formations on the Internet.

Although he really wanted to beat Qima, the opponent was now in the second place.

He currently focuses on lightweight.

So don’t think about it yet.

Moreover, Inna would not let him hit him.

If these two supernovas suddenly move up in weight, it will be uncomfortable for the UFC if they lose.

He said: "Diamond seems to have just undergone surgery recently, and I don't know how long it will take to get the surgery.

Oliveira, he is currently ranked No. 1. If I beat him, I will be the undoubted championship challenger. No one can say anything at that time. "


Everyone frowned.

Oliveira has some potential as a genius.

He won many of the games where he was not favored, and his submission rate was too scary.

If Ye Chen loses to Oliveira now, his commercial value will definitely drop off a cliff.

Dana, "Are you sure about this? Although he was defeated by Islam, his strength is still very terrifying. Few people in the lightweight class can defeat him."

Other directors also disagreed.

Connor has lost.

It won't be a big problem if we lose again.

However, Ye Chen has never lost. The key is still on the rise. He cannot lose in 4.3 pairs.

Now, if anyone beats Ye Chen in the ring, these people will definitely be the first to take notice.

Ye Chen said: "Don't worry, I am certain. When a person has never lost, he feels invincible. But once he loses, everyone will know his technical loopholes."

If he doesn't change much, he will still fall into the same loophole. "

Everyone was stunned.

What Ye Chen said makes sense.

In the battle between Oliveira and Makhachev, most people thought that the words Makhachev and Khabib said before the game were bragging and adopting Oliveira's mentality.

It is to confuse the opponent and it is psychological warfare.

The results came out and everything they said was right.

You think others are bragging, but in fact they are telling the truth.

"Just arrange Oliveira, I need a jiu-jitsu master."

Ye Chen is very determined.


He wants Oliveira’s jiu-jitsu.

If we are talking about fighting Makhachev, he still has four shortcomings.

Let’s not talk about wrestling and ground control. Without great talent, one or twenty years of hard training will not catch up.

Even though he already has Salukian's wrestling and grappling, he is still a little inferior to Mahar.

Don't worry about physical fitness, it's difficult to make a qualitative leap in a short period of time.

When he was a child, he herded sheep all over the mountains.

When I was a kid, I trained scientifically and ran all over the mountain. There is no way to compare.

The only one left is Jiu-Jitsu.

Salugian controls wrestling, adds Oliveira Jiu-Jitsu, and adds his current stand-up striking system.

A fight with Makhachev would be enough.

This was what he suddenly thought after receiving Connor's boxing skills last night.

Fortunately, I didn't fight Makhachev before fighting Connor, otherwise the probability of losing would be extremely high.

Now he needs some different masters and then integrates their characteristics.

Dana confirmed again, "If you are sure, we will start arranging Oliveira."

Ye Chen stood up and raised his red wine glass, "As arranged, I can take up the challenge at any time.".

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