I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

076 Maha Calls For Battle, Oliveira Is Overweight (Please Subscribe)

Don't wait for the UFC to take action.

Ye Chen directly liked Oliveira’s news online.

He also posted, "I need a fight, Oliveira, you have been away from the ring for too long since your last fight, and we need a championship belt challenger between us."

In just one day, this post received over a million likes.

Bar show.

In a luxurious training hall.


Even though it was already evening, the sound of hitting was still resounding in the empty training hall.

The rhythm of the sound is not fast.

It sounds like they are doing actual combat training.

“OV, protect your head, protect your head, Ye Chen’s standing is very good, if you don’t protect your head it’s easy to get hit hard by him.

"OV, I told you, don't attack, don't attack, defend and counterattack, wait for opportunities."

"Yes, that's it. Don't think about the pressing style. Now Ye Chen is one of the most comprehensive players in the lightweight class. If you press, Ye Chen may choose a defensive counterattack style. Then he will use various legs If I KO you, you won't even have a chance to get on the ground and win with one move."

"Marcelo, pay attention to imitating Ye Chen's low sweep. The low sweep he showed when he beat Connor this time was too scary."

"Ah... Ye Chen seems to be calling for battle online."


In the ring, Oliveira and his sparring partner, who were training in actual combat, stopped.

If Ye Chen were here, it would not be difficult to find that this Marcelo is very similar to him in terms of body shape, wingspan, and some standing strikes just now.

That's right.

Ever since the battle between Ye Chen and Connor became so popular.

The Oliveira team felt that they should face each other in the next game.

Therefore, early in the morning I found a practical sparring partner who was similar to Ye Chen.

This man is a professional kickboxing player who started imitating Ye Chen more than a month ago.

Now, it has been imitated in a good way.

Oliveira wiped the sweat from her face and said, "Really accepted?"

There was uncontrollable joy on his face.

It's not like they didn't watch yesterday's game.

I also know that Ye Chen’s fans have soared to more than 16 million, making him undoubtedly a traffic superstar.

He used to be called Zhen Connor and Zhen Xiaoma, wasn't it just to fight for money?

As a result, Connor ignored him at all.

Xiaoma ignored him.

Now, Ye Chen has become his new target.

Ye Chen is much more popular than Xiao Ma, and Ye Chen is the most popular right now. During the rising period, the profit from playing Ye Chen is likely to be higher than that of Connor.

29After all, most of Connor's fans were from his prime.

Now one game is better than the other.

After being beaten by Ye Chen for five rounds, it is difficult to say how much appeal he will have in the next game.

Ye Chen is different. Now countless people hope that he will always win, even against the Eagles.

However, there are also countless people who want to see him lose.

He defeated three popular players including Chandler, Gage and Nei along the way.

Fans of these three people are now besieging Ye Chen fans everywhere online.

Therefore, Ye Chen is now a traffic figure, and anyone who touches him can make a lot of money.

If it ends Ye Chen......

Oliveira didn't even dare to think about it. He really felt that after ending Ye Chen, his popularity would probably catch up with the current Ye Chen.

When the time comes, endorsements, advertisements, etc. will definitely be softened.

Even if he can't win the championship belt in the future, he will still make money.

Therefore, he is training extremely hard these days, all training for Ye Chen.

The translator took the phone, looked at it, and confirmed: "Yes, he did respond to your call online.

As he spoke, he translated Ye Chen's original words.

"Okay, follow me"

After Oliveira picked up the cage net and listened carefully, she hammered the cage net with excited hands.

His white-haired coaching staff was also pleasantly surprised.

If Oliveira makes a lot of money, they can also make a lot of money.

However, the head coach shook his head, "Don't be too happy, everyone. Don't forget how popular Ye Chen is now. Paddy and others are Dana's biological sons, and Ye Chen is Dana's biological father now. .

Ye Chen agrees, but that doesn't mean Dana and URC are also willing.

After all, Ye Chen has played so many games, mainly as a stand-up player, and he may be a stand-up player in the next game. "

When he said this, the excited people were instantly discouraged.

This kind of operation is not uncommon in the UFC.

The head coach continued: "Moreover, Ye Chen is not easy to win, although we have been actively preparing for him more than a month ago.

But, as you saw in the game between him and Connor, there were some changes in his playing style.

It seems that after every game, his playing style will be adjusted.

If he loses this time, Oliveira will have lost two games in a row and will be further away from the championship. "

Oliveira paused and his eyes suddenly brightened, "Ye Chen is now stepping on everyone's shoulders to rise to power. This time, I will let him see an evolved version of Oliveira and shock the world.

The championship has its own name. This time I will step on the shoulders of this new star and climb to the top again.

Keep training. "

Oliveira patted his sparring partner and was full of energy.

Seeing this, the head coach clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, keep your spirits up and must win this Ye Chen this time."

Immediately, the head coach made a phone call, "Silva? What are you busy with recently? If possible, I want you to help Oliveira prepare for the battle. He will have a battle that will shock the world."

Silva Spider, a UFC legend can even be said to be the most legendary one.

His most powerful ability is the control of the battle situation in the ring, the control of distance, and the ability to dodge countless masters.

These are exactly the shortcomings that Oliveira is missing and inadequate.

After Oliveira lost the last fight.

Many of his fans made excuses, saying that the team was not good enough and it was time to change the team.

But what they didn't know was that this team had brought out the legend Spider.

Definitely one of the top teams.


A few days passed.

Ye Chen has been having a leisurely time these days, even though this show is just a one-man show.

But he also suffered some injuries that are not easily visible to outsiders.

For example, if a heavy leg kick hits the ribs, don't think that there is no problem if there is no KO. Some players are found to have bone cracks or even rib fractures after the game.

Ye Chen was fine, but the doctor also suggested that he rest for a week and go for a review.

Therefore, in addition to crazy training in the simulation space these days, he just wandered around.

However, he is now very hot and has to wear a mask and hat when going out.

At this time, passing by Times Square.

"That Daxia boxer."

"Is he going to fight again?"

"The next fight is against Oliveira. This one will be very exciting."

"Who is the woman next to him? Bai Nvqiao...... Is this woman doing it for his money?"

"Absolutely. I heard from the media that Ye Chen's income from the last show may have exceeded seven figures."

"What? There can be so many?"

"It's not because of Connor's popularity that this kid has taken off, and I don't understand why the big boxers don't praise the boxers from our beautiful country."

"It also depends on whether your beautiful Chinese boxers have that ability. How can you praise them when they get into the ring and are beaten around?"

Everyone looked at the Asian face who spoke.

Someone asked, "People from Daxia?"

Asian, "Yes, Ye Chen relied on his own strength. If Bobby Green, Chandler, and Gage from your beautiful country beat Ye Chen, how could he have a chance to beat Connor?"

In the final analysis, I still have no ability to win. "

This Daxia guy is very tough and looks young. He should be an international student.

The conversation here caught the attention of Ye Chen who was passing by.

He glanced up.

On the huge screen.

It was a photo of him defeating Connor, sitting on the cage net with Catwoman, raising his arms and shouting in celebration.

Moreover, the photo was accompanied by a speech in which he called Zhen Oliveira.

The photos are well done.

I have to say that Dana knows marketing.

After signing the contract, various promotional methods were used frequently to keep Ye Chen popular.

The reason why he stopped was to see if anyone would provoke the international student.

After all, I said a few words for him. If you don't touch him, forget it. If you touch him, you can't pretend you didn't see him.

While waiting, I saw many people taking pictures on the big screen.

He wanted to take a photo.

After confirming that nothing happened, and after the international students took pictures and left, he also left.

Ye Chen:【Picture】

Ye Chen voice message: Mom, look who this is.

My mother sent the video directly.

After Ye Chen connected, he pointed the camera at the huge screen, and then took pictures of the crowded Times Square.

Said: "Mom, video is not convenient. There are too many people and I can't hear clearly."

After hanging up.

Mom’s voice message: Who is that girl?

When Ye Chen heard the news, he felt a black line on his forehead.

Isn't this mother happy to see that her son has become successful? All the attention is on Catwoman.

It's not like he hasn't encountered this situation before.

As long as there are women around him, or he has taken photos with women or something.

Mom will send a special video and call to ask.

It seems that in my mother's eyes, as long as they are of the opposite sex, as long as they stand together, they will have the opportunity to develop.

Mom’s voice message: What does that girl have to do with you? She’s not married, right? She looks good. Can you bring her back for the Chinese New Year?

Ye Chen:???

Voice message: Mom, this is a staff member, and a foreigner. You can tell when someone is wearing a mask or a hat? Don’t worry about getting married. I will find her as soon as possible and I will have one soon.

Don't talk anymore, I have something urgent to do.

Every time this topic comes up, Ye Chen looks for an opportunity to run away.

Not surprisingly, Islam successfully defended his title against Darius.

For this battle, Dana specially invited Ye Chen to take a special plane to Abe Zabi to watch the game.

Ye Chen witnessed the whole process at that time.

Makhachev was stronger.

This kind of strength is not technically strong, but expressive in the ring.

Highlight the steady progress of an Eagle team, step by step.

It was completely different from the opponents Ye Chen had encountered before.

Once again he felt the pressure.

Moreover, after the game, Makhachev called the winner between Ye Chen and Oliveira in the ring.

It means that the winner will be his opponent in the next title defense.

Because, at this time, Ye Chen and Oliveira had already made an official announcement for a long time.

Everyone knows that whoever wins between these two people will undoubtedly be the next championship challenger.

Therefore, Maha directly called for formation first.

Three weeks after the battle between Maha and Darius, there will be a digital match between Ye Chen and Oliveira.

Originally, the headline main event was the championship battle.

However, popular players are excluded.

Oliveira's popularity is enough to warrant the headline main event.

Needless to say, Ye Chen is so popular now that no matter who he fights in the future, he will be the headliner of the digital tournament.

As the time for this battle approaches.


C Various publicity efforts have also been intensified.

This is Ye Chen's first headline main event, so he must not let his guard down.

This time, we can see how popular Ye Chen is at the box office.

The betting company also gave the odds early.

Ye Chen-150

Oliveira +185

[I saw someone asking, by the way, the odds, -150 is the favored side, buy 150 and make 100. If it is -1000, then buy 1000 and earn

one hundred.

+185 is the one that is not favored by the betting company. If you buy one hundred, you will earn 185. If it is +1000, then buy one hundred and earn 1000】

This time, the odds given by Spinach were quite conservative.

Although Ye Chen defeated Salujian before, he surrendered Connor and Jima.

However, the latter two are a bit inferior compared to Oliveira on the ground.

All in all, no one knows whether Ye Chen can fight against Oliveira, who has a submission record.

You know, Ye Chen's big Salukian game was very dangerous, and he was almost defeated several times.

Who knows if he will be surrendered when he meets Oliveira.

This odds will generally get closer as the game gets closer.

It is worth mentioning that the domestic discussion of this game is no less than the talk.

Because Oliveira has many fans in the country.

He is one of the most watched UFC athletes in the country.

This time, many people "professional analysis UP" gave predictions early on.

Some are optimistic about Ye Chen.

There are also some who are optimistic about Oliveira.

Netizens were in the same situation. Fans on both sides were far more noisy than the last time Ye Chen beat Connor.

Various short videos transferred from external networks are flying all over the place.

The starting point of this competition is the downhill machine.

Ye Chen arrived at the downhill machine one month in advance.

Oliveira usually lives in a bar, so he didn't come to the mountain climbing machine until two weeks before the competition.

One of the short videos.

Just when Ye Chen was about to leave the hotel, Oliveira and his team, more than a dozen people, were sitting in the lobby and were being interviewed.

Ye Chen didn't notice it. After all, players were being interviewed by various media here every day recently.

As a result, the video was moved back to China.

Marketing title [Ye Chen seems to be a bit arrogant after his fame has soared. He treats Oliveira like nothing and doesn’t even say hello. 】

The video quickly went viral.

The comments below were extremely lively.

[There is something wrong with Ye Chen. Brother Lar is a senior after all. When he sees him, he should take the initiative to say hello. 】

[Yes, he is also a former champion after all. Moreover, Largo is very inspiring and deserves respect. 】

[Brother Lar is too low-key and never hypes up. Did you see the look in Brother Lar’s eyes when he saw Ye Chen leaving? I feel sorry for Brother Lar. 】

[Laxian is in yygc again, did you see Brother Chen drifting away with that eye? Also, Brother Chen obviously didn’t notice it, right?]

[What if I don’t say hello when I see you? Do you know me very well? There’s a game tomorrow night. Do I have to go over and give you a kiss? 】

[Classics are never hyped, they are inspirational...aren’t UFC players inspirational? Brother Chen is now famous, and many videos of former sparring partners being beaten have been exposed. He came from the mountains and relied on sparring.

Step by step to reach the top, isn’t this inspiring?】

[After Oliveira became rich, every time he appeared in a gorgeous suit, sunglasses, and followed by a dozen white hairs, those who didn't know thought he was some kind of boss on the road. This was still low-key.

Ah? My brother Chen wears short-sleeved casual pants and comes and goes alone [is it floating?]

[The mentality of foreigners is like this. When you are playing games at this time, you are not being asked to be a social butterfly. You should respect that and this all day long. Why don’t you see Oliveira taking the initiative to say hello to Ye Chen?

Phew, I clearly saw it while sitting there, but I didn't move at all. 】

[There are too many Chenxian now, and they are spraying everywhere. If he loses, I will see how you still brag. Support Brother Lar. 】

[Yes, we fans don’t even have the right to breathe in the comment section. I hope Brother Lar slaps these morning immortals in the face. 】

[There are two 6s upstairs, a classic rebuff. This marketing account is obviously setting the pace. A bunch of yygc followers are pretending to be blind and can’t see it?]

Official weigh-in day.

Ye Chen was the first to be named.

156 pounds, passed successfully.

This time Ye Chen almost screwed up.

He once again wanted to test his dehydration limit and almost fell short of his target weight.

If it weren't for the simulation space, he would definitely fail due to dehydration this time.

It was not until the weigh-in was about to end that Oliveira arrived late.

Moreover, he looked very depressed.

Named above.

157 pounds, not up to standard.

Generally, in this case, two hours of dehydration time will be given.

If you don't pass by then, you will be considered overweight.

Moreover, punishment will be given.

After the punishment, it depends on whether the opponent is willing to pick up the overweight player.

If you don't want to accept it, you can just pay the entrance fee and leave. .

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