I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

077 The Winner Has His Name, How Much Did You Bet This Time (Please Subscribe)


There is such a thing as being overweight.

Very common in UFC.

After being overweight, 30% of the appearance fee will usually be given to the opponent as compensation.

Of course, this is when the opponent is willing to accept the overweight match.

If the opponent is unwilling to fight, as long as he successfully loses weight, he can directly take the pre-discussed appearance fee and leave.

Overweight people will face harsher penalties.

After all, you almost ruined other people's business.

However, rules are rules.

But, most of them will pick it up.

Especially for the headline main event, if you don't accept it, UFC will probably put you in a tight spot.

Of course, there will usually be substitutes for the headline main event.

I'm afraid that if someone suddenly withdraws from the competition, they won't be able to find someone temporarily and won't be able to compete, which will disrupt the profitable digital competition.

The great emperor in the match between Maha and Oliveira was the substitute.

As long as the emperor succeeds in losing weight, Maha and Oliveira cannot fight, so he will directly replace him.

After the fight was completed, he also won the game.

Ye Chen and Oliveira naturally had substitutes in this match.

Fijiyev ranked sixth.

At this time, Ye Chen was backstage preparing to go back to the room.

Suddenly I heard the news that Oliveira was overweight.

This surprised him.

This kind of competition is nothing to be careless about.

Fortunately, he succeeded in losing weight.

Therefore, as soon as he came out from the backstage, he was surrounded by reporters.

Reporter, "Ye Chen, did you hear the news that Oliveira failed the weigh-in? If he fails to lose weight this time, will this competition continue?"

If it were anyone else, if the opponent was one and a half pounds overweight, there would be a high probability that he would take the fight.

There is compensation.

It can also leave a good impression in Dana.

Moreover, not everyone has a chance to play in the headline main event.

However, Ye Nong is different.

Ye Chen is a superstar now. If he doesn't take Oliveira, no one can do anything to him.

Dana didn't even dare to give her small shoes to wear.

And you can easily earn millions of dollars in appearance fees without having to go into the ring.

Who doesn’t want to make this kind of money?

Ye Chen thought for a while and said: "There are still two hours to lose weight. I hope Oliveira and his team can make good use of this time. It is possible to lose one pound. "Don't worry, everyone.

In fact, he no longer had much hope.

Because, if Oliveira's dehydration goes smoothly, he will never wait until the end to weigh in.

I basically took off my clothes to the limit.

Just wait, he doesn't care even if the other person is overweight.

Getting the opponent's Jiu-Jitsu is the key. It doesn't matter if you weigh half a pound a day.

His ambiguous answer will inevitably lead to a lot of speculation, and isn't this the point of speculation?

Before, I saw that Oliveira had been gaining weight and muscle, and she was very big.

Ye Chen was afraid that if this happened again, it would happen after all.

Two hours later.

Oliveira failed again at the weigh-in, weighing in at 156.8 pounds.

Oliveira and his team claimed to have successfully dehydrated themselves.

They weighed me in the hotel room and it was clear that I had passed.

See this result.

Ye Chen, who was rehydrating himself at home to fight Oliveira, shook his head.

However, it is understandable that this kind of words are basically meant for the audience and fans to hear.

The weighing videos of Ye Chen and Oliveira were moved back to China.

Ye Chen was also overweight in the beginning.

However, after taking off his shorts, he was exactly 154 pounds.

Weighing is up to standard.

After Oliveira's first failure.

The comment area was very lively and noisy.

[Is it a weighing issue again? Is there something wrong with the weighing this time? Ye Chen is also overweight. 】

[You don’t understand that you are within the weight limit, right? It was a little over the limit when you were wearing shorts, but you passed it after you took it off. What do you think? 】

[Brother Largo was screwed by the UFC, and now he is mainly praised by Ye Chen. Dana has always disliked Oliveira. Last time he exceeded 0.5 and directly stripped him of the belt, it was too cruel. 】

[Yes, Largo said last time that he passed the weigh-in in the room, and he suspected that the UFC wanted to take away Largo’s belt. 】

[But this time you Largo don’t have a belt. 】

[I hope Ye Chen picks up Largo and listens to his interview. It looks like he wants to consider it...]

[It’s just one pound, less than a catty, so what? 】

[The rules are the rules. If it exceeds 0.1, it is also an exceed. It is less than a kilogram. According to what you said, there is no need to weigh it. Everyone can just have fun with it? 】

[Did you break your defense when drawing fans? It’s as if Brother Chen has to take over and suffer the consequences. I suggest that Brother Chen directly beat Fijiev and let Oliveira be punished, so that fans will feel comfortable. 】

As soon as the second weighing video came out.

Plus Oliveira’s interview video.

This time it was even more noisy.

However, Ye Chen's domestic influence is far beyond Oliveira's.

Coupled with the fact that passers-by play in the lane, Ye Chen's fans have a clear advantage.

The incident continues to unfold.

At this time, the news that the UFC had been suppressing for a long time was finally released.

Ye Chen agreed to continue fighting Oliveira, who was not up to the weight limit.

This wave has really received rave reviews.

The fight hasn't started yet.

Ye Chen's number of fans directly exceeded 18 million.

Looking at this data, Ye Chen was shocked.

He guessed that after this battle, exceeding two thousand would not be a problem.

I don’t know when I can surpass Xiaoying or even Connor.

Ding dong.

The phone vibrated.

Catwoman: How's it going? Is the hydration going smoothly?

Ye Chen: Fortunately, what about you? Didn’t you say you have important things to do today? Do you still have time to send me a message?

Ever since Ye Chen confessed last time that he had recognized Catwoman for a long time.

The relationship between the two has taken a step closer, but not completely.

Originally, he thought he could have an extra game with Catwoman the night after the game.

Who knew that Catwoman had sneaked away during his interview.

Catwoman: I'm doing it now. It's so annoying. There are so many things to do.

Ye Chen: What are you going to do? Do you want my help?

Catwoman: I won’t tell you anything. I’ll give you a surprise tomorrow night if you win the game... If you can’t win, there will be nothing [bad smile]

Ye Chen: Aren’t you trying to put yourself in the tiger’s mouth? Can’t I still win the game?

Catwoman: Don't be complacent, Oliveira is very powerful, she was a champion before.

Okay, I won’t say any more, I’m going to be busy. Regarding the legal contract issues, the lawyer has to confirm them one by one. It’s so slow.

The next day.

Weighing press conference.

Ye Chen made his final appearance.

The moment he appeared on the stage, the atmosphere at the press conference reached its peak, surpassing all previous opponents, including Oliveira.

This press conference is also very grand, not much worse than the last time.

You know, there is Haolaiwu here in Luoshanji, and the entertainment media is developed.

There were more than 200 media people at the scene, and there were thousands of spectators.

As soon as Ye Chen came on stage, Dana took the initiative to come up with a smile on his face and gave Ye Chen a hug.

Then, he said: "Without further ado, the pre-match press conference will begin now, who can ask first...

Okay, you ask questions first.”

A tall reporter stood up.

"Excuse me, Ye Chen. The media has previously revealed that you took photos with many movie stars. Some insiders even revealed that you were invited to participate in a movie. Haolaiwu is next door. "Have you ever considered entering the film and television industry?"

Dana Bai's face suddenly turned ugly.

Why don't you ask me about this?

Johnson used to be a famous wrestler in WWE (wrestling is not wrestling). Since entering the film and television industry, his popularity has soared, and he has won the title of the world's most profitable star several times.

What a perfect transformation.

It was so successful that it made countless athletes envious.

Let me ask, how many years does an athlete reach his peak?

If it weren't for Johnson's successful transformation, he would have been forgotten by the world now. This is also the life of most athletes.

Dana thought to himself, how dare you ask my most profitable player in front of me if he wants to change careers.

If there weren't so many media in front of him, he would have given the big reporter a few big fights.

Ye Chen said: "At the moment, I just want to get the championship belt. I have not thought about the future. I am a person who doesn't like to plan too far. Just like when I fight in the ring, I will make decisions based on the situation on the field. , according to the opponent's tactics, adjust your own tactics and offensive routes at any time."

Of course Ye Chen would not talk randomly.

So, within a few sentences, I forcefully came back.

Dana secretly gave Ye Chen a hundred likes. He can talk and fight, and he is handsome. Ye Chen is the best in my family.

Without waiting for reporters to ask questions again.

Dana directly named another reporter.

Asking random questions, Dana thought to himself: "If I ask you to speak even once in this entire press conference, I will lose.

Another reporter stood up and said: "Ye Chen, why did you accept an unfair match? Your opponent Oliveira weighed 0.8 pounds more. You could have refused to compete with him in the ring.

And you have almost nothing to lose. "

On the other side, Oliveira, wearing sunglasses and a red suit, couldn't sit still.

Jili Gulu said something in Portuguese.

The translator said: "First of all, I am very grateful to Ye Chen for not refusing this fight. Secondly, I have already explained the reason for being overweight. I had already weighed myself in the hotel room, but after arriving at the scene, I didn't know where the extra 0.8 pounds came from.

However, I will still end the game and defeat Ye Chen. "

Oliveira's speech caused a commotion at the scene.

The last time he fought Gage, Oliveira said this because he was overweight.

I still say this this time.

Could it be that the UFC is really pulling some tricks?

As we all know, the strongest thing among netizens is various conspiracy theories.

No matter what, they will not believe the superficial evidence at all.

Instead, he will come up with a wonderful "conspiracy theory" drama.

Satisfy yourself.

Ye Chen responded: "I just want to fight and give wonderful games to the people who support me.

As for who the opponent is, I don't care, Oliveira can do it, and so can substitute Fijiev.

They are all excellent players.

However, I want to say that many players may encounter problems with weight loss.

In this case, I almost ended up in the hospital because of my weight loss, although in the end I successfully reached my target weight. Moreover, maybe I will have a chance to hit the midfielder? It’s not a bad idea to hit the overweight player first to get familiar with it. "

Ye Chen made a joke.

He didn't want to dwell too much on being overweight, now that he had accepted it.

Even if his opponent exceeds one ton, he will accept it voluntarily, and there is no need to dwell on this issue.

“Papa, papa……………

As soon as Ye Chen said this, the audience burst into applause.

Cheers and shouts of Ye Chen’s name were endless.

Many people also laughed at this little joke.

Reporter, "Dana, Ye Chen said it well. So, have you ever considered whether weight loss is a necessary part of this sport? As far as I know, many athletes suffer from weight loss."

Dai Na's face turned a little red, "Yes, from the current point of view, UFC needs to lose weight.

. Because we only recruit the best players from all over the world.

However, the number of excellent players is limited.

Therefore, our weight divisions are relatively broad. Otherwise, there will be more than ten people in one weight class, all of them ranked, and there will be no competition... In this way, the players will have to lose weight.

In the future, we may divide it into more magnitudes, who knows?”

A wrong answer to this question will affect the stock price.

Therefore, Inna is usually unwilling to answer.

There is no way, who made the headline main event player who has attracted much attention overweight?

The reporter continued to look at Ye Chen, || Ye Chen, now you have surpassed the achievements of many top players. If you win tonight, you will have achieved an eight-game winning streak.

There will even be a fight for the belt in the next fight.

You just said that you might go to the welterweight division. Does this mean that you will continue to challenge after getting the championship belt? "

Ye Chen spread his hands and said with a smile: "Have you forgotten my answer just now? I said that I won't plan things too far ahead. It's possible. I'm still very young anyway."

A belt would be nice too. "1

Ye Chen did not reveal his intentions prematurely.

Some words are too full, and if they fall over, they will be ridiculed by those black men.

Moreover, if he said he intended to hit the target.

Some people will definitely say, Huazi, Wusman, Covington, etc. all called you to fight, why didn't you respond? Are you afraid?

There is no way, the only person who is stuck is the diode.

At this time, another reporter was called by Dana.

"Ye Chen, are you confident in defeating Oliveira tonight? You know that what you say before every game comes true, so many boxing fans want to hear your thoughts on this game.

forward forecast. "

Ye Chen paused, "I can't predict the direction of this game, because judging from Oliveira's previous preparation video, they may have new tactics.

However, the only thing that is deliberately determined is that although seven consecutive victories are great, I prefer eight consecutive victories.

Tonight, I will crush him in the ring. "

"Terminator, terminator, terminator..."

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

Ye Chen fans like Ye Chen's confident and domineering speech before the game, as if he doesn't take everything seriously.


Oliveira couldn't help but interject.

He said: "We have deployed powerful tactics to deal with Ye Chen, and I have a secret weapon that I haven't shown yet this time.

If, he wants to crush me.

Then, I will kill him in the ring and he will lose everything.

And I will win everything and get my belt back from Makhachev in the next fight, because I never lost the belt, I just put it with him temporarily.

This time, I'm standing in front of me. "

Oliveira is quite confident.

Secret weapon?

This immediately aroused everyone's (well) curiosity.

Even Ye Chen is no exception.

More than two months, less than three months, what secret weapon can be found?

Reporter, "Can you tell me what your secret weapon is?"

Oliveira smiled, showing her big white teeth.

Said: "This time, I trained harder than ever before. Moreover, I feel very good this time.

Coupled with the fact that Silva helped me prepare for the fight, I am full of confidence in winning this time. "


The whole place was shocked.

Anyone who is familiar with MMA or UFC will know Spider-Legend’s record.


Everyone knows that the fighting styles of Spider and Oliveira are very different.

It can even be said to be the complete opposite.

What are they preparing for?

Obviously, Oliveira will not reveal the specific tactics, although it is less than ten hours before the game.

last question.

is a very common one.

A reporter who also likes to stir up trouble.

“Oliveira, since you are overweight, before today’s press conference, Ye Chen posted a photo update of weighing 177 pounds.

Do you think this is mocking you for being overweight and unable to weigh in?"

Ye Chen:???

When he made fun of it, many fans wanted to see his live weight.

He just used the title from the backstage to say it.

Oliveira said: "The winner has his own name, and his name is Oliveira."

After saying that, he dropped the microphone and turned around to step off the stage.


It's game time.

I heard the host was already announcing his entrance.

Ye Chen looked at the Hei Ge staff member in front of him in confusion.

"Jackson, what are you doing? Why are you becoming less and less skilled?"

This time the handband was wrapped, and the other party had to wrap it up and take it off, and take it off and wrap it up again. It took almost ten minutes.

Jackson shook his head, "No, I must help you get the best of you this time, and you must win the competition.

Ye Chen was stunned.

"How much did you deposit this time?"

PS: I’m done with 20,000 words. I posted an extra chapter yesterday, so I’m a little too late to update today.

The characters in the article should not be substituted for reality. .

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