I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

078 A Feint Dive Followed By A High Sweep And A Headshot, And There Was Blood In The Opening Scene (

Hand wraps are very important.

And it’s a technical job.

If the fight is not good, the boxer's hand will be injured every minute in the ring.

After all, no matter how hard the fist is, it cannot be as hard as the skull. If it is not done correctly, it may break.

This is the eighth time Jackson has helped him.

He was very satisfied.

"Finally done."

Jackson quickly helped Ye Chen put on the gloves and said: "Come on, it depends on you whether you can succeed. This time I borrowed money and bought a total of 100,000."

Ye Chen:???

"You have to be careful. There is no guarantee of victory in the arena."

Although Ye Chen is confident in himself, he still does not encourage others to gamble.

And still borrow money.

However, that was all he advised.

The other party is an old gambler, so how can he be able to speak in just one sentence?

"I believe in you."

With a smile on his face, Jackson pushed Ye Chen's shoulders from behind, indicating that he could leave.

There is no doubt that Ye Chen is already a superstar in the fighting arena.

He was welcomed as never before.

This time, Catwoman still appeared when he was taking off his clothes and helped him hold his clothes.

To be honest, Ye Chen was not very moved.

The other party appears suddenly every time.

The only difference is that the behavior is more intimate each time.

This time, when Ye Chen was taking off his clothes, he slapped Ye Chen's butt from behind and then took the clothes away.

Step into the Octagon.

Ye Chen's heart was calm and extraordinarily calm.

Maybe winning seven games in a row has made him a little numb.

While he was warming up, he glanced outside. Catwoman was beside the cage, looking at him with her big eyes.

Ye Chen said: "You are stupid. You buy front row tickets every time. You can come in with me from the backstage and save money on buying tickets."

Catwoman was very happy today, and her eyes instantly narrowed into slits.

Because yesterday she signed a new contract with the company.

This contract places far fewer restrictions on her.

"I can't even contribute to your box office?"

"By the way, do you remember what I said yesterday?"

Ye Chen smiled, "Do you particularly hope that I can win?"

"Of course I hope... I hope you can be beaten. Unfortunately, all previous opponents were useless. This one is different, very powerful.

Ye Chen curled his fingers.

Motioning Catwoman to come closer.

Catwoman came closer, her ears almost touching the cage net.

Ye Chen said: "Don't worry, we will definitely win."

At this time, Oliveira had also entered the Octagon, still his usual style.

Stand in the center of the cage and bow to all sides.

This time I will introduce Ye Chen first. 697 After all, Oliveira is a former champion who was just beaten down, but still has some status.

"The player on the red side, the killer from Daxia, currently has seven wins and seven wins...

Baffo's voice fell and he immediately walked towards Oliveira.

"The blue player is the king of submission in the Octagon, a former lightweight champion, and currently has thirty-three wins and losses. He is like the God of Jiu-Jitsu in the Octagon. He can perform all kinds of incredible tricks at incredible angles and positions. way to defeat your opponent.

He is Oliveira from the bar...

"This game is hosted by..."

Referee, "You are all very experienced players. I believe I don't need to say more. No dirty tricks are allowed. If I call stop, you must stop immediately, otherwise there will be penalty points."

"Understood? If you want to fist-bump, you can fist-bump now. If you don't need to, return to the cage immediately and prepare."


The two returned to the cage net.

The game starts immediately.

The audience cheered one after another and never stopped.

At the beginning, Oliveira quickly rushed to the center of the cage and then suddenly kicked him.

This is considered a fixed opening move for the players in the bar show.

Ye Chen was already prepared.

Oliveira is a stand-up striking system with obvious Muay Thai style.

Of course, today's MMA players are not limited to one stand-up striking system, they are all more comprehensive and practice everything.

Moreover, Oliveira is a serious player.

He carefully studied the match between Makhachev and Oliveira.

As soon as the game started, Makhachev dodged to the right.

Therefore, Ye Chen did the same and quickly dodged two steps to the right.

Because the main fighter punches hard in his right hand, if he keeps dodging around the right side, he can effectively avoid or reduce some of the opponent's backhand punches.

If you dodge to the left, the opponent will be able to fight with ease. The front hand will test, measure, and harass, and the back hand will be ready to punch at any time.

In a duel between masters, the battle is all about the details.


The next second.

Ye Chen was slightly surprised.

Because Oliveira did not continue to press with one or two steps like before.

Instead, he took small steps and moved forward slowly.

Very cautious.

The style is a little different from before.

Suddenly, Oliveira raised her legs and kicked forward to test, keeping distance.

Oliveira's kick seems to be used in every game. Ye Chen has seen it too many times in previous games or in the simulation space.

His front hand instantly reached down and directly pushed aside Oliveira's kick.

At the same time as he deflected the kick, Ye Chen lowered his shoulders, kicked his back foot off the ground, and directly punched him with the longest backhand straight fist he could reach.

Because he lowered his head, he only felt that he was hit by Oliveira's arms.

After this punch, he rolled his shoulders and fell out of the way.

In just a split second, he saw a black shadow flying past his face.

Thanks to his habitual swaying of shoulders.

At this moment, he used his muscle memory to swing his right fist and swung it out.

This punch flew through the air.

Not even a hair was hit.

After Ye Chen raised his head, he saw that Oliveira had already moved one step away.

He didn't have time to react.

Oliveira swept her head high.

However, Oliveira's leg-sweeping technique is indeed not very good, and it is very foreboding.

Ye Chen used his arms to block, and then quickly evaded with his steps [continue to dodge to the right.

What surprised him was that Oliveira had indeed evolved a bit.

Just now he was attacking with his back hand, but his right hand failed.

You know, in the last game, Mahar used the same combo but most of his hits were successful.

In the end, Oliveira also died from this combo.

Hit the chest with a straight fist, and hit him directly with his right hand.

Not working anymore?

At this time, Oliveira was still following Ye Chen in the inner circle with small steps, but maintained a long distance.

Never made any advances.

Perhaps because he was happy to have escaped Ye Chen's blow just now, he smiled at Ye Chen.

I stroked a handful of white hair.

Ye Chen thought to himself: "It's interesting. It seems like you really put in the effort."

It seems a bit difficult to knock down Oliveira with Makhachev's same tactics.

Ye Chen then changed tactics, since you are no longer pressing.

Then I will oppress.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen moved quickly towards Oliveira.

Oliveira wanted to control distance again.

Ye Chen still reached down with his front hand and directly pushed Oliveira's leg away.

Then, he followed up with a diving, hugging, throwing and feinting action.

As soon as this move was made, Oliveira instinctively retreated and lowered his hands, preparing for a fall or a guillotine.

However, Xian Chen was just a fake move.

After nodding feintly, he immediately followed up with a high sweep.

However, his predicted height was wrong, and he swept a little too high, and kicked his head directly with his leg.

Ten years of hard work off stage, one minute on stage.

When playing a game, you rely on adaptability, muscle memory, and on-the-spot performance.

If you look at the position of the other person's head with your eyes and then lift your legs, they won't know where they went.

It only took one second to complete this set of combos, and it was really fast and fierce.

Oliveira almost fell to the ground, staggered a few steps, and leaned directly on the cage net behind her.

Ye Chen hit him with a flying knee.

Oliveira quickly dodged sideways and stayed away from the cage net.

At this time.

The whole audience exclaimed.

I saw that the white hair on the left side of Oliveira's head that was swept just now had turned into red hair.

Although this leg is raised high, it is not weak, and it is originally intended for KO.

Just give it to Oliveira.

This was only about twenty seconds into the show.

There was blood instantly.

The audience was shocked and then cheered.

However, the commentators on the scene or the professional players watching the game couldn't help but clap their hands.

Just twenty seconds.

The two exchange punches twice.

Oliveira does almost the same thing, pedaling forward to control distance.

However, Ye Chen completely changed his style of play.

For the first time, he pushed aside the forward kick and then directly met the opponent with a swinging punch.

For the second time, he dived directly, feinted, and then followed up with a high sweep.

DC, Rogan, and Bisping seemed dumbfounded, leaning back and applauding, "They even forgot to explain.

It was Bisping who reacted first.

"Gee, Ye Chen's adaptability is really amazing. After the first tactic was cracked, he instantly switched to another tactic. If only the leg just now was that much lower (cjec).

It is very possible to achieve an amazing result of KO in twenty seconds. "

DC, “His ability to read the game is so strong that there are not many players like him in the entire league.

Even more shocked than them was Oliveira’s coaching staff.

Their carefully laid tactics were cracked in twenty seconds?

The head coach yelled, "OV, be careful with his legs. Either keep distance from him or fight him inside. Don't try to fight him standing at a fighting distance. It's too dangerous."

At this time, Oliveira also recovered.

This time, he didn't smile, and his face became much more serious.

"Find a way to fight the inner circle."

With this thought in his mind, he couldn't help but retreat when he saw Ye Chen pressing towards him.

It's not fear.

The key is that Ye Chen is too fast.

He is not afraid of diving and hugging, but you can't ignore the feint diving. You can only put down the hug and then bend down to defend.

When you find out that the other person is faking, it will be too late.

The spider in the corner had a solemn expression and remained silent. Then he shouted directly: "OV, give up preventing him from falling and just let him fall.

Spiders are also great at reading contests.

He could see that Oliveira was not as fast as Ye Chen.

This is the most dangerous.

How to prevent the next time you dive and feint to catch a punch?

Maybe one punch would knock him out.

Therefore, it is better to give up on preventing falls. Even if he enters the ground, with Oliveira's Jiu-Jitsu, he might be able to find an opportunity to submit in the lower position.

Oliveira couldn't help but glance at the corner.

This is a bold decision.

In MMA competition, the lower position is the absolute all-powerful position.

Unless there is a huge gap in ground skills between the two, Ye Chen beat Salukian, so obviously his ground skills are not bad.

However, the spider's ability to say this proves that there is no other way.

Oliveira was a little confused.

However, he still decided to implement the tactics given by Oliveira.

Ye Chen naturally can't understand other people's communication language.

He stepped forward and kicked to compress Oliveira's movement space.

Oliveira dodged sideways and held back a heavy punch with his back hand.

Before Ye Chen landed, the punch came over.

A sudden thought occurred in his heart, and he quickly put up a defensive stance.

This punch hit his arm so hard that he lost his center of gravity the moment he landed and fell down.

Upon seeing this, Oliveira pounced directly.

"Press it up, press it up."

His coaching team had the same idea, shouting with excitement.

There were screams at the scene.

Especially those who support Ye Chen.

Because it was too fast, if the camera had not been slowed down, everyone would have thought that Ye Chen was knocked unconscious by the punch.

The moment Ye Chen fell to the ground, he kicked off the ring.

Get up with a back roll.

He didn't want to be pinned down by a Jiu-Jitsu submission master, it was too dangerous.

He just got up and hasn't stood up yet.

Oliveira stepped forward and hit his knee.

This is very fast, and most people will never be able to react.

Ye Chen turned his head and was directly pushed on his shoulder, almost knocking him over again as he just stood up.

Oliveira took advantage of the victory and pounced again.

Taking advantage of Ye Chen's unstable center of gravity, he wanted to dive down and hug his waist.

However, Ye Chen was just pushed away by gravity.

Not dizzy.

Oliveira's wrestling is child's play for him.

Even if he doesn't stand still.

The opponent's hand had just clasped his waist, but it hadn't been fastened yet.

Ye Chen quickly retreated and pressed his hips, instantly breaking free from Oliveira's hands.


Ye Chen's weight directly pressed Oliveira to her knees on the ring.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, Ye Chen..."

From Ye Chen's kicking, to pressing his hips to prevent falling, these attacks and defenses only took four or five seconds, which was dazzling to watch.

The audience also surged with adrenaline and shouted with excitement.

Commentator Rogan said, "It's terrible. These two are both masters of this weight class. Except for Salugian, Ye Chen has never been in such a dangerous situation."

DC, “His anti-fall protection is very good. He quickly grabs the position. There should be few people in the entire event who can easily fall him.

Oliveira was still a little impatient. He should give Ye Chen more standing blows while he was still unable to stand firm.

It may be that their team underestimated Ye Chen's anti-fall skills. "

Yes, their entire team, including Oliveira, and even the whole world underestimated Ye Chen's anti-fall ability.

Because, after beating Sarugian, no one else had beaten him except for Zuo Guo who unexpectedly hugged his legs and threw him.

Naturally, he had no chance to demonstrate his ability to prevent falls.

The Oliveira team was a little confused.

Ye Chen wanted to get a Das Choke position, but Oliveira, who was proficient in Jiu-Jitsu, took his hand early in the morning.

And his other arm couldn't move much.

Once the suppression is released, Oliveira can get up.

For a while, the two were in a stalemate.

However, to bear half of his body weight, he still had to exert force all the time. Oliveira, who was lying on the ground without being pressed by Ye Chen, was obviously more exhausted.

The domestic attention to this game is no less than that of Connor's game.

Tens of millions online.

There are not many fight fans.

However, everyone has a strong mentality.

Domestic football desert, but if a top football star emerges in the country, people who follow football will inevitably hide.

Just like Yao Ming and basketball back then.

Commentator No. 1 said, "Ye Chen needs to be careful. Oliveira's ground is very dangerous. Don't give him a chance. You must maintain a suppressed position.

Once out of the suppression position, Oliveira has the opportunity to arrange a submission position. "

Commentator No. 2 said, "Yes, it's better to deal with Oliveira standing up. I feel like Brother Chen wanted to end it quickly today. He was almost hit by Oliveira just now. That wave was too dangerous." .


On the stage, there was a stalemate.

Suddenly, Oliveira's knee, which was standing on the platform, gave up its support.

With this sudden fall, Ye Chen was dodged.

There was a sudden thought in his heart.

Oliveira was originally supporting his upper body, but suddenly lost his center of gravity.

Moreover, the opponent grabbed his left hand with both hands.

Do you want to make a cross or triangle pattern?

Ye Chen immediately used his right hand to forcefully pass through the armpit of Oliveira's left arm and buckle the elbow of Oliveira's right arm.

At the same time, the elbow of his left arm was held on the ground on the other side as a support point.

This stopped Oliveira from rolling on the ground.

If he is allowed to roll over, with two arms holding one of Ye Chen's arms, there is a chance to pull Ye Chen and forcefully try a triangle choke.

Even if he fails, Ye Chen will have to spend a lot of energy to escape.

However, Ye Chen still needs a lot of physical fitness to maintain his current position.

His mind was spinning...

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