Normally, even if the provincial leaders come to inspect, the director and the deputy director can just come out.

There is no need to line up to welcome them.

But today is different.

Today is the day to award honors!

This kind of show-off, joyous event.

Of course Wei Xingguo wants everyone to know!

Not only the criminal police team, but also the special police team, the reading arrest team and the public security brigade.

They were all called over by him!

The provincial leader got out of the car.

It was the same person who was in charge of the special task force last time.

This time he came to reward people based on their merits.

So the provincial leader was no longer as serious as before.

He had a smile on his face.

It made people feel like spring breeze!

Zhang Hai was specially arranged in the first row of the queue.

The provincial leader sat on the podium. When he saw the young man with a dignified bearing, his smile became even bigger!

Seeing the provincial leaders in place,

Wei Xingguo, wearing a white shirt, turned around and looked at him.

After saluting, he shouted loudly:"Report!"

"All 349 police officers from Ganxi City Public Security Bureau are present"

"Please give instructions!"

Provincial leader:"At ease!"

Wei Xingguo:"Yes!"

Wei Xingguo turned his head and looked at the police in the square,"At ease!"


The whole audience moved in unison.

The provincial leader walked to the front of the stage.

After saluting, he raised the microphone and shouted,"Grand Superintendent Zhang Hai, step out!"

"Yes!" Zhang Hai shouted in the middle of the first row. Then he took a step forward and turned to look at the provincial leader. His expression was meticulous! Provincial leader:

"In view of Comrade Zhang Hai"

"In the process of combating crimes, he has made remarkable achievements"

"Approved after discussion by the Provincial Public Security Department"

"Comrade Zhang Hai was awarded the first-class merit!"

"The total bonus amount is 10.5 million yuan!"

"The police rank was exceptionally promoted from third-level superintendent to first-level superintendent!"

"The entire criminal police team performed well in solving the"Reading Factory Case" and the"Major Counterfeit Banknote Case""

"Three seven seven""Award the collective a second-class merit!"

""Wen Baole, step out!" A police officer with small eyes stood out excitedly from the crowd.


The provincial leader glanced at him, then nodded in appreciation.

He continued,"While chasing wanted criminal A Pan Lingzheng, the first-class police officer Wen Baole who was injured in the fight with the criminals"

"Awarded the third-class merit to an individual!"

"The announcement is complete!"

"Now please invite Zhang Hai, Wen Baole, Su Zhipeng"

"Come up to award the medals!"

Zhang Hai, Wen Baole, and Su Zhipeng lined up in a row at the bottom of the square.

Then, led by Zhang Hai, they ran to the stage.

The provincial leaders took the medals and began to award them one by one.

Wen Baole, the small-eyed criminal policeman, was so excited that his eyes were filled with tears.

Su Zhipeng was the next.

He received the certificate and medal of the second-class collective merit on behalf of all the criminal police!

After the two of them went down, the highlight came!

Zhang Hai awarded the medals.

The whole audience suddenly rang with a deafening sound!

The first-class medal of merit!

This is a first-class merit!

Regarding meritorious service , there has always been a joke in the police force and the army.

The third-class merit is awarded standing up , the second-class merit is awarded lying down, and the first-class merit is awarded by the family!

It can be seen that the difficulty of obtaining the first-class merit is greater than life and death!

But now , a policeman who has the rank of first-class police inspector at the age of 20 and has won the first-class merit is standing in front of them!

Now it is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Hai is a living legend!

Zhang Hai was solemnly awarded the first-class medal of merit.

After personally changing his police rank, the provincial leader smiled and looked at the other leaders who came with him.

Pointing at Zhang Hai, he said:

"This is our great contributor to western Jiangxi. You have seen him today, right?"

Several leaders praised him with smiles in their eyes.

Zhang Hai smiled shyly at them.

In fact, he cursed in his heart.

He thought that Director Wei was too good at showing off.

Why did he tell everything to others?

This scene was very similar to when he was in the welfare home when he was a child. When the New Year came, the director asked them to perform for the kind people who donated money!

It was so shameful!

But looking at the hundreds of eyes staring at him on the stage and below,

Zhang Hai naturally couldn't be timid.

He looked at the leader who asked him to perform and said with a simple face:"Leader, how should I perform?"

Seeing him showing this smile,

Wei Xingguo and Dong Delai both felt a shock in their hearts.

They knew that this kid was going to cheat people!

The two were very anxious.

They were afraid that he would mess up!

And the leader obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

He smiled and said:"I'm sitting here. Can you let us see your ability without hurting me?"

Zhang Hai heard it.

He smiled even more simple-mindedly,"Sure, sure! Then shall I start?"

Leader:"Well,...Oh shit!"

——Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Zhang Hai's face changed.

He swung the playing cards in his hand wildly!

Flying all over the sky!

Every card ended up around the leader who was sitting ten meters away!

Ding, ding, ding, ding!

The leader was so scared that he didn't dare to move.

Because the playing cards brought strong wind.

They were nailed directly to the back of the seat behind him!

After a deck of cards was played.

54 cards filled the leader's seat.

There was a circle of top strokes!

The leader stood up with sweat all over his head.

Looking back!

A human figure made of playing cards appeared on the backrest!

Several leaders from the province were stunned.

The provincial leader reached out to pull the cards to see if the playing cards had been modified.

As a result, he couldn't pull it away!

Only then did he realize that the playing cards were deeply embedded in the wood.

Most of them were nailed into the back of the seat.


The provincial leader took a breath of cold air.

He tried to tear it downwards.

As a result, he easily tore the playing card in half!

"Ordinary poker cards?"

He looked at Zhang Hai in disbelief.

Zhang Hai nodded obediently.


A deck of playing cards costs only 3 yuan."......"

Other leaders:"......"

Such a thrilling scene.

Wei Xingguo and Dong Delai on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

They thought to themselves, fortunately, this kid didn't go too far.

They moved their eyes quietly again.

After seeing that the leader who asked Zhang Hai to perform was still sweating profusely, they were very happy in their hearts. It was like this on the stage.

Not to mention the audience!

The whole square was boiling.

Everyone cheered.

Cheer for Zhang Hai!

This wave of actions directly stunned the brothers of the special police team, the reading team and the public security brigade!

I believe it won't be long.

The whole of western Jiangxi will know that Zhang Hai has a unique skill of flying cards!

""Well, well, well, it really lives up to its reputation."

The leader who asked Zhang Hai to perform also recovered.

He patted his shoulder and praised him.

But his hand was a little too strong!

Of course, this little bit of force was just like tickling for Zhang Hai.

But for the sake of the overall situation, he pretended to be in pain.

The leader felt that he had made a comeback.

He also lightened his strength and showed a sincere smile!

He had no ill intentions.

After all, the big guys also worked their way up from the grassroots.

Naturally, they admired the capable young policemen very much!

After the talent show was over, the provincial leader picked up the microphone.

He was ready to end today's awarding ceremony.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone and planned to hang up directly.

But after seeing the caller ID.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!

) He could only show an apologetic expression.

Then he picked up the phone.

The next second, his face suddenly became ugly!


"How audacious!"

After hanging up the phone, the provincial leader turned to look at Wei Xingguo.

He said in a deep voice:"Three shootings occurred in Beichang City. All the victims were witnesses who were going to testify in court about the crimes of the Shanshui smuggling group."

"Three of the five witnesses were killed! One of the witnesses' entire family was killed, and two police officers also died."

"This smuggling gang is so bold!"

"You guys continue, I'm going back first!"

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Wei Xingguo and Dong Delai hurriedly escorted the provincial leader to the car.

Everyone felt heavy along the way.

Killing witnesses!

Killing police officers!

This is no longer as simple as being daring.

This is simply going against the will of heaven!

Just as the provincial leader got in the car and was about to leave, he suddenly noticed Zhang Hai next to him.

Thinking of Zhang Hai's magic, the provincial leader's eyes lit up and asked,"Zhang Hai, do you want to go?"


"Come with me to the neighboring Beichang City. You are very capable! Just in time to assist in the investigation."


Zhang Hai was a little jealous and turned to look at Wei Xingguo.

Wei Xingguo didn't want to let him go.

But the provincial leader was obviously angry.

Would he dare to disagree at this time?

So he could only nod bitterly.

"Then I'll go!"

Zhang Hai saw Director Wei nodded. He immediately got into the provincial leader's special car with a smile on his face.

Then he stuck his head out of the car window and shouted:"Don't worry, Director Wei! I will definitely not embarrass us in western Jiangxi!"

Wei Xingguo came up.

He solemnly whispered in his ear:"It doesn't matter whether it's embarrassing or not, as long as you come back safely."

"Do you know?"

"That's a smuggling group, don't try to be brave!"

Seeing Director Wei's serious look,

Zhang Hai felt a warm feeling in his heart.

He nodded seriously,"I understand, Director Wei!"

""Well, do a good job!"

Wei Xingguo patted Zhang Hai on the shoulder.

Then he and all the police officers watched the provincial leader's car leave.

The police cars with provincial license plates led the way on the road , and the journey was unimpeded.

In less than an hour , they entered Beichang City.

The provincial leader closed his eyes to rest all the way.

He opened his eyes after entering Beichang City.

He stared at Zhang Hai for a long time.

He said in a deep voice:"We will go to the Beichang Public Security Bureau later, and you will join the task force to assist in the investigation and handling of the case.

Do you understand?" Zhang Hai:"Yes!

I guarantee to complete the task!

" The provincial leader nodded.

He was afraid that Zhang Hai would be too eager to perform, and then he would make things worse.

He thought of giving an example to persuade him.

It happened that the car stopped and waited for the traffic light.

The provincial leader smiled and said:"You see, handling a case is like a traffic light.


"Stop at red light, go at green light"

"Don't be impatient!"

"If you try too hard to achieve everything, it is easy to..."What the hell? What are you doing?""


Before the provincial leader finished speaking

, he saw Zhang Hai open the car door and rushed out!

At the intersection of the sidewalk , a deep red light was flashing continuously!

The target was the bald man who was riding an electric bike and waiting for the traffic light!

【Ge Hongyun, male, 42 years old. Class A wanted criminal!】

【Killed 8 people from next door for making noise, fled for 7 years】

【Now he has changed his appearance and deliberately burned his face to leave scars!】

【To relieve the pressure, I am reading. 】

Zhang Hai kicked him hard on the back!


Ge Hongyun was caught off guard and was kicked out, falling on the sidewalk.

Zhang Hai rushed over, sat on him and slapped him hard!

Pa pa pa pa pa!

Ge Hongyun felt severe pain all over his body, his teeth flying!

His ferocious eyes were filled with fear and confusion!

Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?

He was really confused!

He had been in Beichang City for two or three years.

The ordinary life made him forget the evil deeds he had done!

Now he had no idea why he was beaten!

Beep beep beep!

The green light came on.

The waiting vehicles saw people fighting on the sidewalk and started honking wildly.

"Nonsense! What are you doing?"

The provincial leaders were furious.

They yelled through the car window:"Zhang Hai! Get back here quickly!"


Zhang Hai nodded.

The next second!

He raised his legs and stomped them four times!

He directly broke the criminal's limbs!


Ge Hongyun let out a heart-wrenching scream.

This scene scared the vehicles in front that had been honking their horns to urge them to hurry up and they dared not shout anymore.

Zhang Hai grabbed Ge Hongyun by the collar and leisurely dragged him back to the car.


The car fell into silence.

The provincial leader looked at Ge Hongyun, who had been tortured beyond recognition.

The anger in his heart rose.

He ordered the driver to find a place to pull over.

After the car stopped, everyone got out.

All the accompanying police officers surrounded them.

They all looked at Zhang Hai and the unconscious Ge Hongyun.

After a long time, the provincial leader suppressed his anger and said,"Zhang Hai, I need an explanation"


Zhang Hai said with a smile:"I caught the wanted criminal Ge Hongyun!"

Provincial leader:"???"

All Police Officers:"???"

The provincial leader was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Zhang Hai in disbelief,"You...What did you say?"

"I said he was a wanted criminal."

Zhang Hai skillfully reached into Ge Hongyun's pocket and fumbled around.

He took out a knife, a pack of tinfoil and...A bag of flour!

"this...Just a reading criminal"

"How do you know for sure that he is a Class A wanted criminal?"

The provincial leader still had a look of doubt on his face. He simply didn't believe that Zhang Hai could catch a Class A wanted criminal with just one move!

""Haha, that's easy!"

Zhang Hai showed a simple smile.

Then, surrounded by many leaders, he slapped

Ge Hongyun twice to wake him up!

""Ge Hongyun, you have been on the run for 7 years, and now you are under arrest!"

Hearing this, Ge Hongyun wanted to struggle.

But he gave up completely as soon as he opened his eyes.

Because except for the one in a white shirt, the ranks of the other policemen were all frighteningly high!

If he had not confirmed his identity, how could he have made such a big scene!

"Haha, I've been on the run for seven years!"

"Plastic surgery and disfigurement"

"Even if I get caught, I'll admit defeat!"

He smiled very innocently.

He wanted to show that he didn't care.

But he found out...That doesn't seem right! Why did the police look so shocked after I admitted it ?

"that...Wait a minute."

Ge Hongyun realized something was wrong.

He quickly said,"Who are you?..."


Zhang Hai came up and slapped him in the face.

Then he said sternly:"Still pretending? Where are the evidence, fingerprints, and DNA from your murder?"

"Can you still pretend after the test?"

Ge Hongyun was completely convinced when he heard it!

He confessed his crime very straightforwardly.

The provincial leaders and more than a dozen senior police officers who accompanied him saw Ge Hongyun confessing his guilt.

They were also completely convinced by Zhang Hai!

They all said that this kid was amazing.

As a result, he caught a wanted criminal A as soon as he arrived.

This is not amazing. It

's simply too awesome!

The provincial leader patted Zhang Hai on the shoulder.

He said excitedly:"You kid are really good! You gave me such a big gift when you just came to Beichang"

"Let’s go to the Municipal Bureau!"

"Let me see how capable you are!"

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