Arriving at the Beichang Municipal Bureau,

Zhang Hai dragged Ge Hongyun and followed the provincial leaders.

They went directly to the meeting room.

Arriving at the meeting room, the provincial leaders sat in the main seat.

Looking at Fan Difeng, the director of the Beichang Municipal Bureau, he pointed at Zhang Hai and introduced him,"Let me introduce you, Zhang Hai, the criminal police officer I transferred to help from Ganxi City."

"He just won the first-class individual merit and is now a first-class police inspector.

Before he finished speaking

, he pointed at Ge Hongyun and said,"This is A wanted criminal Ge Hongyun, Zhang Hai caught him on the road."

"It's a gift for you guys!"

Fan Difeng:"???"

The Beichang City Public Security Bureau Chief was bewildered at this moment.

He had just seen Ge Hongyun, who was no longer in human form.

He was still guessing who it was.

Unexpectedly, it was a Class A wanted criminal! The other policemen in the conference room also looked at Zhang Hai.

They all heard it just now!

First-class merit!

And a first-class superintendent!

Such a young first-class merit and a first-class superintendent.

He came to help and caught an A-class wanted criminal by the way.

Who is this young man?

A big question mark appeared in everyone's head!

With strong curiosity.

A sturdy man said:"Brother Zhang Hai, I am Peng Ju, the captain of the Beichang Criminal Police Team."

"Of course we welcome you to come from western Jiangxi to help."

"Just can we get to know you a little better?"

"After all, only when we know what you are good at can we work together, right?"

After hearing this, Zhang Hai smiled, but before he could speak, the leader who was targeted by the flying card said first:

"Zhang Hai, he is good at many things."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't have been awarded 1 first-class individual merit, 3 second-class individual merits, and 2 third-class individual merits."

"You said so, Captain Peng!"

Peng Ju:"???"

Fan Difeng:"???"

All Beichang police officers in the conference room:"???"



At this moment, all the police officers in Beichang City were stunned!

If the provincial leader was not sitting next to them, they would not believe what the leader said.

One first-class merit, three second-class merits, and two third-class merits.

Is this something a human can do?

But the man in front of him, named Zhang Hai, really did it!

For this kind of person.

You ask him what he is good at?

That's just asking for trouble!

The scene was a little dull.

The provincial leader said quickly:"Okay, take the 10th prisoner away for examination"

"Let’s hurry up and get to the point!"

""Peng Ju, you tell the story!"

As soon as they got to the point, everyone became serious!

Peng Ju also walked to the front of the stage and looked at Zhang Hai and said:"Zhang Hai, let me introduce the case to you first!"

"We have been investigating the Shanshui smuggling group and have now confirmed their crimes."

"As long as there are witnesses to testify, a case can be filed and an arrest warrant can be issued!"

"But at this moment, three of the five witnesses were shot dead!"

"According to the judgment, the shooting was most likely done by a smuggling gang."

"Their methods were extremely cruel, and witnesses were shot to death."

"One of the witnesses' entire family was killed! Two of our brothers were also killed!"

"Currently, only two of the five witnesses are still alive."

"Considering that the Shanshui smuggling group will most likely continue to commit crimes, eliminate all witnesses!"

"We must catch them in advance and bring them to justice!"

"Unfortunately, we have not yet found any important clues."

"We can only conduct investigations step by step by visiting the three crime scenes and watching surveillance."

"That’s what happened!"

Peng Ju had just finished explaining the case.

The provincial leader frowned and said,"Investigation and visit? Watch the surveillance?"

"That’s too slow!"

"By the time we find any clues, the criminals will have destroyed some key evidence!"

Hearing what the provincial leaders said,

Peng Ju and other police officers all lowered their heads.

Don't they know that investigations and visits are slow and monitoring is slow?

But there is no way to do it even if it is slow!

The criminals are very cunning.

There is no physical evidence left.

So we can only use this stupid method to find clues!

At this time, a confident voice sounded

"You can check the surveillance, I can check the surveillance quickly!"

Zhang Hai stood up.

He looked at the provincial leader and said,"Leave it to me, leader, I can check the surveillance quickly!"


The provincial leader smiled noncommittally upon hearing this.

Then he stood up and said,"Let's go and see how fast you are!"

When Wei Xingguo came to the province to commend Zhang Hai before, he had mentioned many times that Zhang Hai watched the surveillance at double speed.

So today, the opportunity suddenly came.

The provincial leader also wanted to see it in person!

He pretended to be confused while knowing the truth.

The police in Beichang really didn't think so.

After all, watching surveillance.

Who can't do it?

No matter how many merits you have made, can you still see it by watching the surveillance?

Peng Ju looked at Zhang Hai with a look of speechlessness.

He thought that if this kid couldn't explain it in a while, he would definitely speak up to kill Zhang Hai's prestige!

This is too pretentious!

Watching a surveillance camera is faster than us?

Let's see how fast it is!

A group of people came to the monitoring room.

Ten screens were hung on the wall and all paused.

The provincial leader asked with a smile:"Zhang Hai, which screen do you plan to start watching from?"

"Don't worry, let me take a look at the map of Beichang City first!"

Zhang Hai walked to the side and stared at the electronic map of Beichang City for a minute.

Then he nodded and said,"OK!"

A police officer asked curiously,"What's OK?"

Zhang Hai:"The city map, I wrote it down!"

Police officer:"What? I wrote it down!"...Did you write it down?"

"Ahem, there is no point in talking any more."

Zhang Hai walked to the surveillance screen and stood in the middle.

He said in a deep voice:"Hurry up, 20 times the speed, 10 screens start at the same time!"

All police:"???"

Are you kidding me?

You just said that you memorized the entire map of Beichang City in one minute.

That's outrageous!

But we didn't bother with you.

But now you have to watch surveillance on 10 screens at the same time?

And at 20 times the speed?

What a lie!

Some policemen couldn't stand it anymore and planned to expose Zhang Hai.

But the provincial leader on the side suddenly said,"Start! Do as he says!"

Seeing the big leader speak, everyone stared at Zhang Hai indignantly.

They wanted to take a look.

Watching 10 screens at 20 times the speed.

What can you see!

Although he had heard Wei Xingguo talk about Zhang Hai watching surveillance a long time ago, he didn't believe it when he experienced it himself!

When the operator heard the big leader speak, he immediately started playing!

Ten surveillance screens began to flash quickly!

At 20 times the speed.

1 second is 20 seconds.

Watching 1 minute is equivalent to 20 minutes!

The surveillance video started 10 minutes before the shooting.

Only one and a half minutes were watched.

Just when everyone was feeling dizzy,

Zhang Hai suddenly shouted,"Stop!"

The operator pressed the pause button in a panic.

He continued,"Screen No. 3, rewind to 12 minutes and 21 seconds!"

"Screen 5, rewind to 20 minutes and 12 seconds"

"Screen No. 9, rewind to 29 minutes and 34 seconds!"

Hearing that Zhang Hai could tell the minutes and seconds so accurately, all the police

, including the provincial leaders, almost dropped their jaws!

At this point

, let alone other things, just this confident attitude, they have already believed it halfway.

The operator also hurriedly adjusted the screen to the said time.

Zhang Hai picked up the laser pen and pointed it at several figures on the screen,"Look at these people!"

""Shit, these are the thugs of the smuggling gang!"

Criminal police captain Peng Ju recognized the criminals immediately.

He quickly walked to the front of the screen, pointed at two of them and said excitedly:"These two people have criminal records, that’s right! It’s them!"

After being confirmed by Peng Juyi, applause suddenly resounded throughout the monitoring room!

Facts speak louder than words!

Watch 10 screens at 20 times the speed.

This skill is simply amazing!

Compared with the last time he checked the surveillance,

Zhang Hai is no longer the same as before.

His mental strength is extremely strong!

Amid applause and compliments, he asked the operator to continue playing the surveillance video. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Soon, the video footage of 8 hours before and after the incident was finished!

Under the expectant eyes of everyone,

Zhang Hai said more than 20 time periods.

The operator found the records one by one.

Then mark the place where the criminals appeared on the map of Beichang City!

After comparison, it was found that the smuggling gang's henchmen frequently appeared near the victim's home.

Everyone was very angry because it almost proved that the three witnesses were killed by the smuggling group!

In addition, through the analysis of the escape route of the criminals, two areas were finally locked.

Xiangling Street in the north of the city and Fengye Street in the west of the city!

These two areas

It is suspected to be the den of a smuggling group!

Everyone was overjoyed.

The provincial leader patted Zhang Hai on the shoulder and smiled and praised:"It's really right to let you come here!"

"Without further ado, Fan Difeng, arrange personnel immediately!"

"Conduct a cleanup of two areas where criminal dens may be hidden!"

Fan Difeng:"Yes!"

Half an hour later,

Beichang City police sirens sounded.

The provincial leaders personally presided over the overall situation.

Criminal police and special police were divided into two groups.

Acting at the same time!

The target was the two areas that had been locked.

Zhang Hai sat in Peng Ju's police car.

Following the Beichang City criminal police, he headed for Xiangling Street in the north of the city.

As a result, as soon as he left the municipal police station,

Zhang Hai immediately shouted to stop the car!

"What's wrong?"

Peng Ju looked puzzled.


Zhang Hai sneered.

He opened the car door and rushed out. His target was the fruit stand next to him!

He didn't expect that the Shanshui smuggling group would be so rampant.

They even dared to plant spies at the gate of the Municipal Bureau!

【Fan Er, male, 23 years old. A thug of the Shanshui smuggling group】

【Zhang Qi, male, 26 years old. A thug of the Shanshui smuggling group.

Two thugs pretending to buy fruit saw the police running towards them.

They were also very panicked.

While the two were still struggling to decide whether to run or not,

Zhang Hai had already arrived in front of them.

Without saying a word, he slapped them four times with his front and back hands!


"Keeping watch?"

""How dare you!"

The two thugs were beaten to the ground.

Seeing that the police had discovered their identities

, they wanted to pull out knives to resist.

But Zhang Hai stepped on their hands first!

Crack! Crack!


""Fuck, hands!!!"

Amid the screams of the two thugs,

Zhang Hai crushed their feet again!

At this time, Peng Ju arrived with his men.

After seeing the faces of the two men clearly, he immediately exclaimed:"Fan Er, it's really you!"

Zhang Hai bent down and grabbed Fan Er by the collar.

He asked coldly:"Where is your hiding place?"

Fan Er sneered and turned his face away

, showing a look of wanting to kill or chop him up at will!

Seeing that he was stubborn,

Zhang Hai was immediately happy.

How long has it been! It has been a long time since any criminal has challenged his patience in Ganxi City! I can only say good. Very good! So

...Surrounded by criminal police and special police from Beichang City,

Zhang Hai started slapping people in the face!

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

Twenty slaps in a row came down like thunder.

The stubborn Fan Er lost all his teeth!

He started to doubt his life.

He wondered if the policeman was sick.

How dare he torture him to extract a confession?

The surrounding police were also dumbfounded.

They wondered if all the policemen in Ganxi City enforced the law in this way?

After Zhang Hai finished slapping Fan

Er, he put down the half-dead Fan Er and turned around to grab the trembling Zhang Qi.

Before he could even ask,

Zhang Qi screamed heartbreakingly,"Speak! Don't hit me, brother! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!""

""Fuck, is that what you said?"

Zhang Hai slapped his face unhappily.

He showed a disappointed expression.

The police around were also completely speechless!

Zhang Qi was afraid of being beaten

, so he said happily:"We have two strongholds in total."

"One of them is No. 42, Xiangling Street, north of the city. It is a warehouse where we store our smuggled goods. There are more than 20 people guarding it."

"The other one is Maple Leaf Street in the west of the city. The villa at the innermost is the base camp."

"We are old...The boss and the backbone of the group are all there"

"I said it! I said it all!"

"You have to protect me, don't let this guy beat me up!"

Zhang Qi said and looked to the policemen around him for shelter.

But he was still greeted with several slaps in the face!

Pa pa pa pa pa!

Zhang Hai slapped him unconscious!

Seeing that the other policemen were looking at him.

He coughed twice and said righteously:"Ahem, what about that?"

"This kid's surname is Zhang, the same as mine. It's only natural for me to teach him a lesson!"

All the police:"......"

With detailed clues about the criminals,

Peng Ju hurriedly reported to his superiors.

While waiting for the news, he quietly walked aside.

He picked up his phone and contacted his police academy classmate who worked in Ganxi City.

He wanted to find out who Zhang Hai was.

How could he be more cruel than the criminals?

Seeing that Fan Er had gained ten pounds after being beaten, he was really scared.

On the other side, after receiving the news, the provincial leaders immediately made corresponding arrangements.

With the confession of the criminals, they don’t need to search slowly

, but can accurately surround the stronghold of the smuggling group!

Zhang Hai still followed the criminal police team to the smugglers’ warehouse on Xiangling Street.

The special police team directly surrounded the smugglers’ base camp.

Half an hour later, the criminal police team arrived at Warehouse No. 42, Xiangling Street.

Looking at the closed roller shutter doors on all sides,

Peng Ju was in trouble.

But Zhang Hai came up and said with a smile:"Leave it to me, Captain Peng"

"Ah? Do you have any solution?"

""Of course!"

Zhang Hai nodded.

Then Peng Ju heard a few very crisp picking sounds!

He felt a little familiar. He turned his head and was almost scared to death because Zhang Hai was holding three grenade pull rings in his hand.

At the same time

, three grenades had been thrown at the door of the warehouse by him!

"Holy crap!!!"

""Everyone squat down!"

Two seconds later, a loud noise was heard!


Boom! Boom!


The tightly closed rolling door was blown into a big hole!

Just when Peng Ju and other criminal police were still lying down, a figure had already rushed in!

""Fuck, Zhang Hai!"

Peng Ju was about to collapse.

He had been a criminal policeman for so many years, but he had never seen such a fierce policeman!......

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