The people were very excited, but when they saw Chen Feng couldn't find anything for a long time, they couldn't help but get impatient.

"Fengzi, did you hear it wrong? There's nothing at all?"

"Yes, you heard the sound of the metal detector approaching the car, right?"

"That's right, if there was something, it would have been found out long ago, in this place."

"Let's go, Fengzi, don't try, there's nothing at all."

If he didn't leave, everyone had no choice but to persuade him.

Chen Feng pursed his lips and continued to explore. The system wouldn't lie to him. If it said there was something, there must be something.

Zheng Ping looked at the time and couldn't help but persuade him: "Fengzi, you must have heard it wrong. You have searched back and forth several times. If there is really something, it is impossible to miss it."

"No, I said there must be something. I can't have heard it wrong."

Chen Feng's words were extremely firm. He took a deep breath and looked around. He was also wondering where the thing could be hidden in such a small place.

At this time, Song Hui was sitting in the car and stretched his head impatiently and said: "Where is the stuff? Are you having a gold panning and magic disorder today? If there is really something, how could we not find it after searching for a long time before you came."

"Let's go quickly, don't make you look like the chosen one. We are a bunch of blind people, and you are the only one with sharp eyes."

Chen Feng ignored him at all, put down the metal detector, and held his breath in his heart. He didn't believe that he couldn't find the stuff. There was only a three-meter range. Where could you hide?

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he slapped his head hard, and shouted to Huang Fei: "Move the car away."

"Ah?" Huang Fei was stunned when he heard this. What does this have to do with him?

"Hurry up, the goods are under the car!" Chen Feng urged again.

Huang Fei himself didn't want to move. If he said so, he would just get in the car and leave.

But seeing Chen Feng was so determined, as if he didn't move Chen Feng, Huang Fei had no choice but to start the car and drive forward a few meters.

Seeing this, the people watching nearby couldn't help but sigh. What's wrong with Chen Feng? Does he have to turn this upside down?

If there is goods, you can find it. If there is no goods, why are you looking for it here? You are really looking for it.

Seeing this, Chen Feng quickly picked up the metal detector and went forward to explore the position under the car. After scanning back and forth a few times, the metal detector made a sound that shocked everyone.

"Oh wow~"

When this voice came out, the people who were a little impatient just now were suddenly surprised and looked at Chen Feng in disbelief.

"Oh my god, there really is something, Chen Feng really didn't hear it wrong."

"Oh my god, this thing is here, how did Chen Feng hear it, his ears are too good."

"It's really hidden deep, if it weren't for Fengzi's insistence, we would really leave."


Everyone exclaimed, and several people in the car found that there was really something, and they all stretched their necks to see what Chen Feng could dig up.

Chen Feng squatted on the ground and took out a shovel. Seeing this, Zheng Ping also ran over, holding a shovel in his hand to help him dig together, so that he could dig faster.

"Oh wow~"

After a few shovels, Chen Feng found the thing. After a few random scrapes, a yellowish thing was exposed in the shovel.


When Zheng Ping saw the yellow thing, he screamed in shock, covered his head with his hands, and looked at the thing and Chen Feng in disbelief.

Everyone heard the sound and ran over, asking in surprise: "What's wrong, what's wrong!"

"What's the situation, what are you shouting?"

Chen Feng was also stunned when he looked at the things in the shovel, looking at the small gold piece in disbelief, with surprise in his eyes.

He never expected that the thing he had been shouting for a day would be found when he was about to leave.


Chen Feng picked up the gold piece and passed it on the metal detector safely. A "Oh~" sounded, proving that it was it, no doubt!

Everyone also saw the small gold piece in Chen Feng's hand at this time, and their mouths opened instantly, staring at the small gold piece with wide eyes, and their eyes were almost popping out of their heads in shock.

"Fuck, gold!"

"Such a large amount of gold, how many grams does it weigh!"

"Fuck, what kind of luck is this!"

"Fuck, I was just wandering around here for a long time, how come I didn't find it!"

"It's really gold, it's really gold!"

Everyone was extremely amazed in their words, and they almost gasped.

When the few people in the car heard the voice here, they were also shocked

Come, one by one, they quickly ran out of the car.

"What's going on? Gold?!"

"It's really gold, it's not brass, right?"

"It's not brass, brass can be seen, it's really gold, damn!"

Huang Fei touched his head, looked at the gold piece in Chen Feng's hand, and said blankly: "Fuck... I actually drove the car onto the gold, I should have dug it myself earlier."

Song Hui looked at the piece of gold and his jaw dropped instantly, his eyes full of disbelief.

He had only one thought in his mind.

What kind of dog luck is Chen Feng? How come a bunch of them didn't notice it, and he heard the sound as soon as he came.

There's no problem with his machine, is it a special version?

"Brother Zheng, how heavy is this thing, how much is it worth?" Chen Feng's mouth was almost grinning to his ears, this was a complete surprise.

Zheng Ping took it and shook it with his hand, and said with surprise: "It's not light, it seems to be about three grams, and it's at least 800 yuan after deducting the loss!"

Everyone was amazed when he heard it.

800 yuan, whether they can find so much in a month is unknown, but Chen Feng found 800 yuan in one day.

What's more, it's more than that!

He also has a bottle of silver!

Added together, Chen Feng's income for the day is probably more than 1,000 yuan.

Oh my goodness, the daily income exceeds 1,000 yuan, they are so envious.

"Get in the car, get in the car, change it into money quickly, hahahaha." Chen Feng took out the empty small bottle and put the gold flakes in it.

The gold flakes fell into the bottle and made a ding sound, which was simply the most beautiful sound Chen Feng had ever heard.

He said that this bottle can't be taken away for nothing, haha.

Everyone got on the car in amazement.

They were a little tired at first, but now, stimulated by the gold, no one was tired anymore, and they all started to discuss.

Not long after, with excitement in their hearts, Chen Feng and his group arrived in the county town and came to the metal recycling shop they often went to.

The place was not small, and it was spacious enough for more than a dozen people to walk in. Inside was a middle-aged man with gray hair. When he saw them coming, he immediately spoke.

"Oh, I calculated the time and you should be here too."

"Haha, it's been a month." Zheng Ping said with a smile.

There was a large glass cover inside the counter, just like a bank, but it was not completely sealed, and there was a gap of 30 centimeters.

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