The silver was burned, and the silver was burned.

Zheng Ping handed over all his gains from the past month to Boss Bai, who took it, poured the silver into a small crucible, and began to burn it with a blowtorch.

All this was done in front of everyone, and everyone could see it clearly through the glass cover. There was no such thing as manual labor or secretly weighing less.

After waiting for it to be completely burned and the impurities inside to be removed, Boss Bai poured out the silver. When the silver cooled slightly, he put the round silver block that looked like a steamed bun into the water to cool it down.

Finally, it was weighed on an electronic scale.

"One hundred and ten grams, exactly eight hundred and eight." Boss Bai looked up at Zheng Ping and said.

"After deducting 300 yuan for transportation fee, it's more than 500 yuan a month, which is OK." Zheng Ping shrugged and sighed.

"Haha, don't be discouraged. Didn't you find a gold nugget last month? Gold diggers are like this, unstable, more one month and less the next month." Boss Bai smiled and comforted, took out cash from the drawer and began to count the money.

"My gold nugget is only more than 370 yuan. I haven't come across it for several months." Zheng Ping took the money and shook his head helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. You can find gold tomorrow." Boss Bai said auspicious words happily and took the bottle from the next person.

After burning it all, the villager's income this month is 720 yuan, and there is still 420 yuan after deducting the transportation fee.

They don't come out to pan for gold every day. Sometimes the weather is bad, or it rains and blows, so they won't come out.

This month, they came out for a total of 20 days, so the transportation fee is 300 yuan.

These villagers sold all the goods for a month, and the most they sold was only 920 yuan.

This is because he was a little excited at the beginning of the month and found a gold nugget of about one gram, so the income is so high.

At this time, it was Chen Feng's turn. He just started to take out the small bottle from his pocket, and a companion couldn't help but say to Boss Bai: "Hey, look at him, he has a lot."


Boss Bai was immediately interested. He looked at Chen Feng and couldn't help saying: "I haven't seen you before. Are you just starting to be a gold digger?"

"Yes, I just started." Chen Feng smiled and handed over the two small bottles.

Boss Bai took the two small bottles, immediately raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise: "Wow, your harvest this month is not small, this gold piece is about three grams, you are considered to have made a profit."

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and Chen Feng also smiled, which made Boss Bai confused.

"What's wrong? What are you all laughing at? Could it be that this is not gold but copper?"

He poured out the gold flakes and looked at them carefully. He looked at everyone in surprise and said, "This should be gold. I have been collecting goods for so many years, and I usually won't make mistakes."

Zheng Ping smiled and said, "It is gold. Boss Bai, you are right, but you got the time wrong."

"He didn't mine it in a month, but in one day, today."

Boss Bai's eyes widened when he heard this. He couldn't believe it. He turned around and looked at Chen Feng and said, "What? You found so many goods in one day?"

"Is this true? This is impossible?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "It was indeed found today. I just started gold mining today and bought the machine yesterday."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Boss Bai was full of amazement and pushed his reading glasses on his nose.

"My God, I've never heard of anyone who can find so much gold in one day. You are the first one in all these years."

"It's really breaking history."

"Young man, you have a bright future."

Chen Feng smiled and said nothing.

Boss Bai first burned out the silver and weighed it on the scale.

"Ninety-seven point three grams of silver, a total of seven hundred and seventy-eight and four, I'll round it up for you, seven hundred and eight."

"Okay, thank you, Boss Bai." Chen Feng said politely.

Boss Bai waved his hand, indicating that you're welcome, and then picked up the gold and started burning it.

Under the fierce burning of the spray gun, the gold began to melt and finally formed a round drop of liquid.

The liquid was golden and shiny, and there seemed to be light flowing in it. It was the first time that Chen Feng saw alchemy with his own eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh.

No wonder they say that real gold is not afraid of fire. The gold has changed from being dark yellow and black at the beginning to being translucent now. It is really a magical change.

After a while, Boss Bai threw the gold grain that was not yet completely cold into the water. The water immediately made a crackling sound. Boss Bai took out the gold grain and wiped it dry carefully, then

Put it on the electronic scale.

Before, silver didn't need to be wiped, because even if there was a little water, it wouldn't cost much, so just wipe it casually.

But gold can't be the same, one gram costs four hundred, and a little more water may cost dozens.

"Two and a half grams, it's really not small, that's nine hundred and twenty yuan."

"Add the previous seven hundred and eight, a total of one thousand and seventeen."

Following Boss Bai's words, although everyone was mentally prepared, they still exclaimed.

"Wow, one thousand and seventeen, I may not be able to make one thousand and seventeen in two months."

"This is too cool, I feel so good just listening to it, I've made back more than half of the money from the machine."

"Why don't I have this luck? If I can make one thousand and seventeen, I must go home and buy some ribs for a good meal."

Huang Fei was itching to watch from the side, and he was already considering doing this business himself.

More than one thousand a day, what are you going to do? This is much better than driving a broken bread shop every day.

Even if he doesn't make a thousand a day, a hundred is fine.

"Young man, do you want cash or a mobile phone?" Boss Bai asked.

"Cash." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

Although mobile phones are safer and more convenient, he wants to make his mother happy. When his mother asks him how much money he made a day, he can just take out a stack of money.

The impact is no greater than a few numbers on a mobile phone.

"Okay, no problem." Boss Bai took out a cash box from under the counter, counted out 1,700 yuan and handed it to Chen Feng.

"You count it."

Chen Feng took the money, counted it, and put it in his pocket.

"No problem, boss, haha."

The two laughed at the same time, and everyone said goodbye to the boss, returned to the van, and prepared to go back to the village.

When getting on the car, Chen Feng asked Zheng Ping who the fare should be given to.

Zheng Ping said that he could just give it to Huang Fei, and you know him.

Sometimes the people Zheng Ping brought were not familiar with Huang Fei, so Zheng Ping was responsible for asking for money.

But Chen Feng and Huang Fei knew each other, so they waived this formality.

When Chen Feng got in the car, he stopped by the driver's seat and took out fifteen yuan from his pocket and handed it to Huang Fei.

"Here, take the fare."

Huang Fei turned around and smiled and said politely: "Don't worry, you can pay it back when you get home."

Chen Feng also smiled and said: "Take it, forget it when you get home."

Only after hearing this did Huang Fei take the money and put it in front of the car dashboard.

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