When they were rushing home, Chen Feng's uncle came to Liu Ping's house.

"Xiao Ming, why are you here suddenly?" Liu Ping was burning the fire at this time, and she was a little surprised to see Liu Ming coming.

"What are you doing, sister, I just came to take a look." Liu Ming is 1.67 meters tall, with a flat head and mud on his shoes. He should have done farm work in the afternoon.

Chen Feng's uncle is not in the same village as them, but two villages in between.

"Sit down, have you eaten, there are vegetables in the pot, have a bite?" Liu Ping asked.

"No, where is Xiao Feng." Liu Ming looked back and forth, but did not find Chen Feng.

"He went out to work and hasn't come back yet. I guess it's almost time." Liu Ping looked at the time and said.

"Working, what kind of work?" Liu Ming was very surprised when he heard it.

This kid didn't go out to cause trouble, but he actually worked?

"Oh, he said yesterday that he saw that gold panning was good, and he wanted to go too. He discussed it with me for a long time."

"I thought that doing something was better than staying here, so I agreed. Do whatever you want." Liu Ping said with a smile.

"Gold panning?" Liu Ming frowned immediately when he heard it.

"Then he has to buy equipment, and you gave him the money?"

Liu Ping turned her head and said, "Well, he asked me for three thousand yuan to buy things. He left with Zheng Ping and others early this morning."

Liu Ming rolled his eyes at her unhappily and was quite speechless.

"I'm not saying anything to your elder sister, why do you let him do whatever he wants? You don't stop him, just give him the money?"

"Isn't gold panning pure nonsense? They have been panning for gold for so long, but I haven't heard of anyone getting rich."

"If you count them one by one, some can't even make 500 yuan a month, and they have to get up early and go to bed late."

"It's better to go to Xiaoyang to be a security guard, with a guaranteed income of 800 yuan a month, and Xiaoyang can take care of him."

Xiaoyang is Liu Ming's son, Liu Chaoyang.

Liu Ping evaded the question and said, "Oh, the child doesn't want to go, what can we do? It doesn't matter what you do. If he wants to go, let him try."

Liu Ming was speechless and said with a sullen smile, "You are really open-minded. That's Qian. That broken thing costs 3,000 yuan. You sell it for scrap metal. Who wants it?"

"You didn't make a penny. You will lose 3,000 yuan."

"You don't know how hard it is for you to save 3,000 yuan. You are spoiling him too much."

"I'm not saying it badly. Just wait and see. If he doesn't find anything in three days, he will be fine. If you don't bring it for four days, the machine will be thrown away. "

Liu Ping said quickly after hearing this: "No, Xiaofeng is serious this time, it doesn't seem like he's just a flash in the pan."

"Only you can trust your precious son. He's been drinking a lot at home for a year, and he was asked to work in the fields for two days, but he threw away his hoe and went home in less than half an hour."

"I heard that panning for gold is even more tiring than working in the fields. In the summer, he gets so tanned that he can't even work in the fields. You still expect him to pan for gold, really."

Liu Ming didn't know what to say at this time, and was completely speechless to his own sister.

He originally wanted to come here to ask about letting Chen Feng work as a security guard, but he didn't expect Chen Feng to suddenly go panning for gold.

Now there is no way to force Chen Feng to work as a security guard. After all, the machine has been bought. He can only wait a few days and see. Let's talk about it after Chen Feng stops panning for gold.

"How are your chickens? Are they enough to feed? I'll bring you a few more chicks?" Liu Ming asked in a different topic.

"More than 30 are enough for the time being. The main reason is that corn is a bit expensive recently. I go to the wild fields every day to cut wild vegetables to feed the chickens. Isn't this a way to save some money?"

"More than 30 are enough. If there are more, I can't cut so many wild vegetables."

"If Xiaofeng is at home, I can ask him to help me cut some. Now he is not at home during the day, so I do it by myself." Liu Ping put a few pieces of wood into the stove and said.

"That's fine. If you don't have enough, tell me. I will bring you some when I buy chicks."

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he remembered what his elder sister said just now and couldn't help but snorted.

"Tsk, you still expect Xiaofeng to cut grass for you. You are so careless. Don't say you don't have time now. He used to cut grass for you several times every day at home. Isn't it still you who go."

Liu Ping didn't say anything after hearing this. She pursed her lips and lowered her head to look at the stove.

Because there is really nothing to say. In the past, Chen Feng never did this kind of work. He only went to cut grass with him once, and he went home in less than 20 minutes because he was tired.

At about 8 o'clock, Chen Feng and his group

After returning to the village, Huang Fei parked the car in his yard.

If there were people living at the entrance of the village, Huang Fei would stop the car and let them get off. If they lived in the middle of the village, they would follow Huang Fei to his house, and then get off the car together and go back to their own homes.

Chen Feng didn't go home first with his things, but went to Lu Dahai's house first. He thought that he had made money with great difficulty, so he bought something for his mother.

Otherwise, you expect Liu Ping to take the initiative to go to the grocery store to buy some food to go home to satisfy her cravings. Dream on, she won't buy it even if she wants to eat.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Lu Dahai sitting at the bar smoking a cigarette. The store was much more lively than in the afternoon. There were nearly ten people chatting, and three of them were playing Landlord at the table.

This is the village. Everyone has nothing to do after dinner in the evening. They either go to other people's homes casually, or come to the grocery store. They don't buy anything, just chat and chat.

When everyone saw Chen Feng entering the store with the detector, someone couldn't help but greet him.

"Fengzi, when did you come back?"

"Just came back, from Huang Fei's yard." Chen Feng replied, and placed the detector next to the counter, thinking about buying something to take home.

"Today is the first day of gold panning, how was your harvest?" Seeing this, Lu Dahai stood up and asked with a smile.

As soon as this was said, the chatter in the room suddenly became quieter.

They were also curious about what Chen Feng and his team had found today.

"Not bad, a good first battle." Chen Feng smiled and replied.

Seeing his ambiguous answer, Lu Dahai also laughed.

"There are more victories, but is it open or not?" Lu Dahai asked.

"Bullshit, what did you do when you went out? How can you go home without panning for gold?"

Chen Feng spoke as if bragging, and everyone in the room laughed when they heard it.

"Oh my god, this is just bullshit. Go have a cigarette. You never tell the truth." Lu Dahai handed him a cigarette and laughed.

Chen Feng lit up the cigarette with the lighter on the counter, then pointed to the shelf behind and said, "Give me two cans of canned food, they must be genuine, and then give me a box of pure milk."

Lu Dahai raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and brought him two cans of canned food, then walked to the side of the counter and looked up to ask Chen Feng.

"There are 25, 30 and 32 ounces of milk. Which one do you want?"

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