Liu Ping put the two bags of milk on the table and picked up her chopsticks to continue eating.

"Son, tell me the truth. You really earned this money. You didn't borrow it from others to deliberately anger your uncle?" Liu Ping still couldn't believe it and asked.

"Mom, I really earned it. So many people are watching. How can you lie?" Chen Feng laughed when he heard it.

"Okay, it's okay if you earn it. My God, I didn't expect you to earn so much in a day. Do you all earn so much, or just you?"

Liu Ping was so happy at this time that she didn't even know she was hungry. She continued to ask with chopsticks.

"It's just me. They seem to be about 60 or 70 years old." Chen Feng drank a sip of water and thought about it.

"Oh my god, there's such a big difference?" Liu Ping said in surprise.

"Then you see, your son is lucky, and he can earn a lot of money by digging bottles of silver." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, since you are lucky, you have to work hard, and don't spend the money you earn today. Don't squander it all."

"Your business is unstable, you have to save more money in normal times. You earn 1,700 yuan today, but you don't know how much you will earn tomorrow." Liu Ping reminded.

"I know." Chen Feng fully understood his mother's heart and nodded.

"Hurry up and eat, especially this canned food, it will go bad tomorrow." Chen Feng pointed at the canned food and said.

"Okay, it's not a festival and you still open a canned food to eat, why do you feel so wasteful." Liu Ping picked up a piece of canned food and sighed.

"Then you have to adapt to this kind of life in advance, it will be like this every day in the future." Chen Feng said after cleaning the rice in the bowl.

"Go away, don't get carried away after making a little money. Save money to build a house and marry a wife in the future. That's better than anything else." Liu Ping scolded with a smile.

"Or if you don't want to live in the countryside, you can buy a house in the county town. They are popular in the city now."

After dinner, Chen Feng lit a cigarette and said, "Why go to the city? There's nothing interesting in the city. I don't have a job."

"Let's stay in the village for a few years first. If it doesn't work out, build a villa in the village. It's bigger than the village chief's house." Chen Feng smiled.

"Then others will think you are the village chief. Just build four big brick houses and make the yard bright. That's good enough." Liu Ping said with satisfaction.

"Eat the remaining few pieces. Don't keep them. I'm going to wash my face and lie on the bed." Chen Feng put out the cigarette and said to Liu Ping.

"Okay, or you can eat two more pieces. Mom can't eat so much."

Liu Ping gave way.

In fact, it was not that she couldn't eat it, but she couldn't bear to eat it all, and wanted Chen Feng to eat more.

"I won't eat it, you eat it quickly." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Okay, then drink a bag of milk before going to bed." Liu Ping urged.

"Okay, you drink a bag too, that's bought for you, don't let it expire." Chen Feng nodded.

After Chen Feng finished washing up, he took a bag of milk back to his room. Liu Ping finished cleaning up and sat at the table. She picked up the bag of milk and looked at Chen Feng's closed door with some tears in her eyes.

The child finally grew up and became sensible.

When Liu Ming returned to his home, his wife Yao Li was making the bed. Seeing Liu Ming so silent, she couldn't help but say: "What's wrong, it seems that Chen Feng didn't do it, right?"

"I don't know what the eldest sister thinks, such a big child is squatting at home, it would be great to go to Chaoyang, really."

"How much money can you give to go to Chaoyang?" Liu Ming raised his eyes and asked.

"Eight hundred, didn't we agree on that before? How much does he want to earn? He wants to earn two thousand a month, but he's not cut out for that." Yao Li said confidently.

"Eight hundred again, that kid went out to pan for gold today, earning seventeen thousand a day, can you give eight hundred people to go?"

"Now, let alone being a security guard, I'm afraid he won't even look down on you even if you ask him to go to Chaoyang." Liu Ming snorted, lit a cigarette and said sullenly.

"What the hell, earning seventeen thousand a day, how is that possible, you're not talking nonsense, are you, is it true?" Yao Li was stunned when she heard that, and she didn't even bother to make the bed, and asked hurriedly.

"It's fake, I was watching, how could it be fake? The child took out a wad of money and put it directly on the table."

"He made money, and bought two cans of food and a box of milk for his mother."

"Fuck, look at other people's children, they know how to think about their parents, look at your child, he hasn't called for several months, and when he does, it means something."

Liu Ming spoke dully and took a deep puff of cigarette.

"My God, that child earns so much?" Yao Li still looked incredulous and stunned.

Mainly because his son was a month old.

She only made 2,000 yuan, but Chen Feng made 1,700 yuan a day. How could she not be shocked?

"Xiao Feng opened a can of food at night, but I didn't feel like eating it. He gave me a piece. Before leaving, my elder sister gave me two bags of milk." Liu Ming said.

"Where's the milk?" Yao Li looked at the table and said.

"I didn't take it. He bought it for his mother. How can you have the nerve to ask for it? I didn't even take it when it was given to me." Liu Ming shook his head and said.

Yao Li couldn't help but complain when she heard it: "Just take it if you give it to me. I just want milk. It's so expensive to buy it at Dahai's house in Shanghai."

"Take it. Why are you so proud? You don't have a son. Let your son buy it for you." Liu Ming turned around and said unhappily.

"Chaoyang earns a little money, but it's not enough for himself. I heard that he just bought a mobile phone recently, which cost more than 8,000 yuan. He also bought you milk. Think about it." Yao Li sighed.

"Hmph, we don't know what he wants to do. He earns 2,000 yuan a month and buys a mobile phone for more than 8,000 yuan." Liu Ming lit another cigarette and said.

"Okay, don't say it. Anyway, a mobile phone can be used for several years. Just buy it." Yao Li advised.

"Yes, otherwise, you can't do anything." Liu Ming snorted.

"Before leaving, I said that there was milk at home and I didn't take it. Xiaofeng also asked me if Chaoyang bought it."

"I said yes, and I blushed after saying it. When did Chaoyang buy it?" Liu Ming took a deep breath and said.

"That can't be blamed on others. You are so stubborn that you have to save face. If you don't have it, you have to say you have it." Yao Li rolled her eyes and said.

"It's even more embarrassing to say you don't have it? Your son has been working outside for a year, and then when someone asks you what your son bought for you, you say you didn't buy anything and didn't see anything. Is that good?" Liu Ming turned his head and looked at her angrily and said.

"Who said he didn't buy it? Didn't he buy you a pound of candy last time?" Yao Li said while sitting on the kang.

"I asked him to buy it, but he refused to take the money when I came back. It was only four yuan in total. I didn't tell him that he could go." Liu Ming put out his cigarette in the ashtray and said.

His house was newly built a few years ago, and the floor is tiled, so he usually doesn't throw things on the ground.

Chen Feng's house is a thatched house built 20 years ago, and the floor is rammed with earth, so there are not so many rules. They usually throw things on the ground and sweep them up later.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to bed." Yao Li said as she got into bed.

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