After hearing this, Liu Ming went to bed and turned off the light, but he was not sleepy at all. He was thinking about Chen Feng and couldn't fall asleep. "No, you are still making pancakes. Can you go to sleep quickly?" Yao Li said impatiently. "Still making pancakes? I want to make you." Liu Ming muttered unhappily. Zheng Ping returned home, took some water and washed his face, and his wife Mao Min heated up the dishes for him in the kitchen. After he finished washing and the dishes were heated, Mao Min sat at the table to eat with him and asked, "How was your day?"

"Not bad. I found a big piece of silver today and sold it for fifty or sixty." Zheng Ping dipped some sauce and ate half a scallion.

"Oh, that's not bad. How much did you make last month?" Mao Min said in surprise.

"Eight hundred and eight, after paying for Huang Fei's car fare, I made more than five hundred yuan in total." Zheng Ping took the money out of his pocket and handed it to his wife.

"Five hundred yuan is a little less, but it's okay. At least I'm free and don't have to delay my work at home. I can go for a day when I'm free." Mao Min took the money, counted it, sighed, and said after a while.

"What about Fengzi? Do you think he can do it for a long time? Does he look like a gold digger?" Mao Min asked. Chen Feng had always been famous before, and she was curious whether he could do it for a long time.

"Ha, him?"

"Even if you let him go panning for gold tomorrow, I'm afraid he will go anyway. You can't stop him from going." Zheng Ping said with a smile.

"Ah, does he like this so much? I thought he would complain about being tired and not wanting to do it." Mao Min said quite unexpectedly.

"If you make 1,700 yuan a day, you will also like this job. You will hate to do it even if you have to cut it." Zheng Ping pursed his lips and said.

"What the hell, 1,700 yuan?"

"You said Chen Feng made 1,700 yuan today?" Mao Min asked with shock, looking unbelievable.

"That's right, what do you think? That guy is really good. He panned a bottle of silver in one day, and he also panned a piece of gold before getting on the car."

"Oh my god, that gold is so big, it must be more than three grams. This is the first time I have seen someone panning such a big gold."

Zheng Ping stretched out two fingers to compare the length and said that even if he mentioned it now, he still felt incredible.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect him to be so rich in this business. He makes almost as much as you make in three months in one day." Mao Min said blankly.

"That's not right. We are so envious of him. I have been panning for such a long time and I only found gold once, and it was only 1.5 grams."

"He found more than 3 grams of gold on the first day. How can you go to reason with him?" Zheng Ping stood up and added a bowl of rice for himself.

"Okay, that's good. Don't worry about how much money he makes. It's better than wandering around before." Mao Min nodded and said.

"That's right. Fengzi is actually a good person and very particular. It's just that he didn't do his job properly before. We can't talk about it before. We can only persuade him a little."

"Now I am very happy to see him like this." Zheng Ping said with a smile.

"Well, you two should work hard this time, and you can also get some of his wealth and try to earn an extra 200 next month." Mao Min said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll learn from him how to pan for gold. Why can he pan for so much gold, but I can only pan for so little." Zheng Ping said jokingly.

After all, there is no skill in panning for gold. It's all luck. There is nothing to learn.

When Song Hui returned home, he put the metal detector in a corner and sat at the table with a gloomy face.

"What's wrong? Why are you throwing things around as soon as you come back?" His father heard the noise and came out, wearing a green camouflage jacket.

"Damn it, why is Chen Feng so lucky, but I don't have that luck?" Song Hui cursed angrily.

"What's wrong? Did that kid find something good today?" His father came over with a dry tobacco box and said while rolling it.

"Do you know how much money this kid made today? 1,700!"

"Fuck, what kind of luck is this? He only made a bottle of silver. Can you believe it?" Song Hui said with a puff.

"How much?" Song Hui's father's hand trembled when he heard the words, and he didn't care about rolling the cigarette. He looked up and asked.

"One thousand seven!" Song Hui took the dry tobacco box and rolled it himself.

"Oh my God, this kid made one thousand seven hundred a day, isn't that rich?" Song Hui's father took a breath and said.

He thought Chen Feng's shipments only made two or three hundred a day, which was not a small amount.

Who would have thought that this kid actually

Earning 1,700 yuan, this is too outrageous.

I have never heard of anyone who has earned 1,700 yuan a day among the gold diggers in the surrounding area.

"Who said it wasn't? I heard that he didn't go home just now, and went directly to Lu Dahai's house to buy things. This is really a good profit." Song Hui said with a rather sour tone.

"What about you? How much did you earn?" Song Hui's father asked.

"Thirty, damn it." Song Hui lit up the cigarette and took a puff and cursed.

"Hey, how can you be so lucky? You are so unlucky. Didn't you ask him how he did it? Learn from him. Is there any special method?" Song Hui's father said puzzledly.

"What special method can there be? His gold digging is like a fucking horse dancing, sliding back and forth. Who would dig gold like him?"

"Unexpectedly, he just slid back and forth like that, and he really got the goods. It's really weird." Song Hui said after spitting out a puff of green smoke.

"That's not a formation, right? I've heard of the Five Ghosts Wealth Bringing Method, isn't that it?" Song Hui's father said excitedly, slapping the table.

"You should stop reading your pirated books. You bring wealth at home every day, but I don't see anything coming."

"I've researched it online. Gold mining is all about luck and experience. What experience can a newcomer have? He's just lucky."

"If you want to talk about experience, I'm his ancestor. I've read online about where the terrain and goods are, but I haven't told anyone." Song Hui snorted.

"You have so much experience, how come you only make 30 yuan? It's still useless." Song Hui's father said unwillingly.

Who told him to say that the Feng Shui he usually studied was useless.

Song Hui was speechless and stared at his father.

"Go to bed quickly. I have nothing to say to you. You don't know anything. You should study your broken book." Song Hui waved his hand unhappily and went into the house.

"Go to sleep, I didn't see what you studied did." Song Hui's father walked halfway, then turned back to pick up his cigarette box and went back to the house.

After his father went into the house, Song Hui came out to boil some water, took out two bags of Huafeng Sanxian noodles, and prepared to soak them.

On the other side, Huang Fei finally finished bragging in the grocery store and returned home with half a box of cigarettes.

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