The old man was very happy.

"Are they all back? Who else is missing?" Chen Feng said as he sat in the car and looked around.

"You are the last one. A few minutes before you came back, the last two also came back."

"I guess there will be no stew to eat today. It seems that everyone is just making do with a bite. Are you still eating your hot pot?" Huang Fei asked.

"Well, there is still half a can. It seems that it is not bad." Chen Feng picked it up and smelled it. The sheep fat on the top layer was solidified, but the taste did not change.

Just as Chen Feng thought, although it is hot now, this kind of oily things are difficult to spoil.

"I'll cook two bags of instant noodles tonight, add an egg, and a little bit of the big ham I bought."

"I stayed at home for this instant noodles." Huang Fei was quite greedy when he mentioned it.

Instant noodles are something that you really miss if you don't eat them for a while.

"Oh my god, I just said I forgot something, and you just remembered that I didn't bring eggs this time. Give me one later, and I'll eat it in the hot pot."

Chen Feng slapped his forehead and said speechlessly.

Before leaving, I kept thinking about putting some eggs in the car, but I forgot in the end.

"Hey, just take whatever you want in the car. We don't lack eggs this time. I brought more than a dozen. I looked at my brother Yin and he took half a basket. Damn, if you don't know, you would think he came here to recuperate."

"His hens must be so angry at home that they cursed their mothers. They really didn't leave any."

Huang Fei couldn't help laughing when he mentioned it.

This time, except for Chen Feng, everyone brought eggs, which can be said to be really as much as they want.

"My brother Yin is really ruthless. It's mainly because his hens are well taken care of. He only gets one egg every two days. There are many chickens at home, so half a basket of eggs is enough for a few days."

"If it were my family, this half basket of eggs would be enough for my two or three hens for the next month. I'd be exhausted." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng is a big egg eater. When there are no eggs at home, he often has to buy some at Lu Dahai's house.

What eggs and persimmons, garlic sprouts and eggs, steamed eggs and stewed eggs, fried rice with eggs, it can be said that without eggs, the number of dishes Chen Feng can cook will be reduced by two-thirds.

"Don't mention it. My family can't afford it. How many families can afford it normally? I have a large family. In summer, sometimes they don't have much to eat when they go to the fields, so they cook a pot of eggs and take them with them to eat when they are hungry."

"That big pot of eggs, I saw more than a dozen. What chicken can withstand so much laying? Not to mention the tiredness of the chickens, I feel tired when I touch the nest every day." Huang Fei sighed and touched his chin.

He often sleeps late and doesn't go to the fields. He drives when there is work, so he spends the most time at home.

Naturally, the job of touching eggs is his responsibility.

Touching the chicken butts several times a day, and he has to touch them one by one, which makes him wrinkle his nose.

They were chatting here, and someone had come back from chopping wood. Huang Fei went back to the car to get a bowl and noodles, ran to Chen Feng to tear them, and prepared to cook them later.

He had two eggs in his pocket and handed one to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was washing rice on the side, preparing to cook and heat dishes.

"The willow flowers have all fallen and the cuckoo is crying. I hear the dragon flag passing through the five rivers~"

"I send my sorrow to the bright moon, and follow the wind to the west of Yelang~"

This is Chen Feng's cell phone ringtone. He didn't listen to music much in his previous life, but he knew those famous stars.

In this world, he heard this song by chance and thought it was pretty good, so he set it as his ringtone.

Mainly because the star who sang this song was so popular in this world that it was hard not to hear it.

Chen Feng remembered that the star seemed to have the surname Chen, and he was from the same family.

But Chen Feng didn't chase stars, and he didn't care who sang it. If the song was good, he would listen for a while, and if it wasn't, he would sing the next one.

Chen Feng wiped his left hand and picked up the phone. Seeing that it was his mother calling, he sat in the car, and his right hand was still washing rice in the aluminum lunch box.

"Hello, Mom."

Chen Feng answered the phone and said.

"Xiao Feng, Mrs. Chen's son is here and wants to take her away. He said he called you this morning but couldn't get through."

"He came here this time to transfer the title deed directly. Should he transfer it now or wait for you to come back?" Liu Ping's voice was intermittent on the phone. Chen Feng heard it roughly and understood what was going on.

"No need to wait for me, just transfer it directly. If it's transferred to you, how long will it take for me to come back?"

Chen Feng didn't care about it. If she could transfer it, she would transfer it quickly. It happened that her son was here.

Otherwise, she would have to go to the city to find his son later, which would be troublesome.

"What, wait for you, okay?

, then when will you come back?" Liu Ping heard Chen Feng's intermittent voice, which was a little low.

"I said - no need to wait for me!" Chen Feng spoke loudly into the phone.

"What did you say, speak up." Liu Ping frowned and looked at the phone, why was there no sound again.

"I said, just go through, just go through, can you hear it!" Chen Feng yelled into the phone.

A companion who was far away from Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh and said: "I don't know if others can hear it, but I can hear it clearly."

The people around laughed when they heard the words. The signal here is really too bad. It's like a war for them to make a phone call.

Liu Ping finally heard what Chen Feng said this time, nodded and shouted: "Okay, okay, then I will go through, and I will wait for you to come back and transfer it to your name. "

Chen Feng only heard Liu Ping say yes, and only heard half of the second half of the sentence. He guessed that Liu Ping wanted to wait for him to go back before transferring the ownership to him.

His right hand was still stirring the rice subconsciously. Huang Fei saw that he didn't seem to have time to finish the call, so he reached out to take his rice and prepared to put it on the stove for him.

Chen Feng shook the water off his right hand and was still communicating with Liu Ping.

"So who is looking for what's going on, when will the work start?"

"Who is doing what? Nothing." Liu Ping really didn't hear clearly, and shouted into the phone.

"Okay, it's okay, just transfer the ownership." Chen Feng felt that he was asking unnecessary questions, and he would talk about it when he got home, because communication was too strenuous.

"Okay, I'll go and transfer the ownership to him tomorrow." Liu Ping said.

The two hung up the phone, and Huang Fei helped him put all the rice on the fire, and the hot pot was also placed on the small stove.

"Crack the eggs directly? "Huang Fei asked Chen Feng, holding up the egg.

"Just put it in there." Chen Feng made an OK gesture.

He filled a basin with water to wash his face so he could eat later.

Liu Ping hung up the phone and said to Mrs. Chen's son: "Then let's transfer the ownership tomorrow. Just transfer it to my name. Xiaofeng went out to pan for gold. He just left and won't be back for a while."

Mrs. Chen's son nodded and said: "Okay, it doesn't matter who you transfer it to. Anyway, you two are mother and daughter, and it doesn't matter who you are, haha."

On the other side, Chen Feng and others sat by the campfire, smoking and waiting for the meal to be cooked. Zheng Ping sat in a small pot and steamed some egg custard.

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