A few people were chatting and talking about their gains today.

"I think I can make more than 100 yuan today. I didn't sleep well yesterday, so I missed Chen Feng's bed."

"I'm almost back anyway. I even stole a bag of spicy noodles from Fengzi, haha." Huang Fei was cooking noodles and laughed.

"Don't mention it. I'm really unlucky today." Zheng Ping was very depressed when he mentioned it, and he drew circles with a stick.

"What's wrong? No gains?" Yin Xing asked.

"What harvest is not good? I stepped on a pile of dog shit today when I went out, and it covered my shoes."

"This wicked dog, damn it, he covered it with soil after he defecated, who would have thought that the dog shit was so hidden, like your mother set a trap."

"The key is that there is a pit dug next to it, and it seems to be filled later. Isn't this just to seduce me over there."

"I'm really speechless. When I squat on the ground and wipe it with sand, it will take a long time to wipe it clean."

Yin Xing was shocked when he heard it. There are dogs in this place?

The key is that dogs can dig pits and sand. Isn't this the job of cats?

"Stepping on dog shit, haha, then you have to be lucky today." Huang Fei was overjoyed when he heard it.

"That's what I thought too. The key is that I didn't see any dog ​​feathers all day, and I didn't see how much I harvested. It's even less than usual."

"Who said that stepping on dog shit is lucky? This is not true." Zheng Ping rolled his eyes in annoyance.

The more Chen Feng listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Finally, he rubbed his face with his hands helplessly.

"No, buddy, the premise of having good luck is to step on dog shit. What's the point of stepping on human shit?" Chen Feng laughed.

"Human shit? Do you mean it's not the dog's shit, but the human's?" Zheng Ping said in confusion.

"Fuck, who is so boring that he covered it with soil after shitting!" Zheng Ping stared at everyone.

After looking around, Zheng Ping finally looked at Chen Feng, who was looking down and trying not to laugh.

"Damn, it's you, right? You did it on purpose, waiting for me to get there!"

Chen Feng was helpless when he heard this, shook his head and said with a smile: "No, you said I covered it up, and you can still step on it, you are pretty good."

"You are a rat, you want to go over when you see the hole, right?"

"Bullshit, I just thought it was cool under the bushes, I walked through the bushes if I could."

"I shouldn't have brushed my shoes, I just threw them into your bed at night." Zheng Ping said unconvinced.

Everyone laughed, Chen Feng could only spread his hands, saying that it had nothing to do with me.

The meal was cooked soon, and everyone sat around the campfire and ate their own meals.

Crack a poached egg in the hot pot, Chen Feng ate it very fragrantly, perhaps because his appetite was better at night than in the morning.

Chen Feng ate it all up, and even soaked some rice in the hot pot soup.

Everyone learned to be smart this time, tired all day, it's really not good not to soak your feet at night.

Everyone took out a basin, scooped a few spoonfuls of boiling water from the boiling pot, added some cold water, and sat in front of the campfire to soak their feet.

After soaking their feet, everyone returned to the car to rest. Chen Feng lay back on his small bed, closed the trunk, and turned on his mobile phone comfortably.

Fearing that the signal was not good, Chen Feng specially cached some movies, ready to watch them when he was sleepy and then go to bed.

Half an hour later, the phone was still ringing, and Chen Feng was snoring.

The next morning, Mrs. Chen and her family called Liu Ping to go to the county town to transfer the ownership. After returning, they gave the key to Liu Ping, and the family left by car.

This means that Mrs. Zhang's yard has been completely renamed and has become an asset under Liu Ping's name.

Standing in the yard with the key, Liu Ping felt a little unreal.

It's hers now?

A two-story building belonging to her own home will be built in this place soon?

She walked into the house with emotion, ready to pack up her things. Li Dazhuang would come to the house in a few days, and see if there was anything that could be used. It would be a pity to bury everything.

As soon as she entered the house, Liu Ping looked at the empty house and was speechless.

Clean up? What the hell?

This house seemed to have been looted, there was not even a hair left.

Not to mention the broken pots and pans.

Even Mrs. Chen took away the kang mat that had been used for seven or eight years and had several big cracks!

Although Liu Ping would throw it away even if she kept it, she couldn't possibly want someone else's kang mat, and the family was not in such a difficult situation.

But why did Mrs. Chen take that thing to the city? It was dirty, and there was no kang in the city.

No wonder her son looked impatient and held his breath when he left.


They must have had a lot of arguments last night.

Sometimes the so-called frugality of the elderly is really a burden to their children.

Stubborn elderly people are really annoying.

Liu Ping reminded herself in her heart that when she gets old, she must not be such an old person, annoying.

There was nothing in the house, so Liu Ping walked out and came to the back garden.

Originally, this was the time when the vegetable garden was thriving and green.

As a result, the vegetable garden of Mrs. Chen's family was crooked and overgrown with dead grass.

Before leaving, she heard Mrs. Chen muttering that her beans were wasted.

Liu Ping didn't know this at the time. If she knew, she would definitely ask.

Where are the beans?

In a dream?

She pinched her waist and looked at the huge vegetable garden, and gently patted her forehead. This vegetable garden was more than three times larger than her own. She really took on a big job.

The vegetable garden is now his, and he can't just watch it go to waste.

Putting on gloves, Liu Ping went in and started weeding.

Damn it, Chen Feng always complained that there were not enough persimmons at home and complained that he planted too few, but now he is really strong.

This time, he drew a quarter and planted all persimmons. When they are ripe, he will make egg persimmons for Chen Feng every day and smash him to death with persimmons.

Let's see if he still complains that he planted too few.

While Liu Ping was squatting in the vegetable garden and working hard, Chen Feng had just woken up in the abandoned mine two hours ago.

Sitting on the bed and yawning, Chen Feng felt a little hungry.

Looking back at the cans in the Lock & Lock box, his fingers randomly pointed.

Finally, his finger pointed at the braised beef, and the next second, Chen Feng picked up the Dongpo elbow.

"Isn't this thing a bit greasy to eat in the morning?" Chen Feng muttered.

Eating elbows in the morning, who is a good person to eat elbows in the morning?

After getting up and heating up the food, Chen Feng went to wash up. When he came back to smoke a cigarette, the food would be ready soon.

The meat oil melted under the heat, and Chen Feng stirred it with chopsticks, and then he saw the whole can.

In the can were two and a half elbows with skin, which were stewed until they were soft and rotten when pierced with chopsticks.

There were no side dishes this time, just two big elbows.

"I should have bought some lettuce to go with it, but it's not healthy."

"Eat the elbow skin first!"

Opening the lunch box, Chen Feng grabbed a piece of elbow skin and put it into his mouth, and took a mouthful of rice.

"It smells so good!"

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