After the fire, the fire broke out.

When Zheng Ping returned home, his wife was on the kang looking at her phone. She was surprised to see him carrying something back.

"Why are you back? Didn't you say you were going to try Dahe? Didn't Chen Feng let you go?"

Mao Min was very confused. Chen Feng was not such a person.

"It's not that I don't want you to go. Fengzi said there's nothing inside. It's useless to go." Zheng Ping put the equipment aside and prepared to cook.

"Ah, is it true? How did he know there was nothing?" Mao Min said puzzled.

"He said he had explored everything. If he wanted something, he wouldn't come back. I thought so too. Fengzi would definitely not cheat me. And if there was really something, how could he come out?" Zheng Ping couldn't help but say.

Mao Min was a little bit unconvinced when she heard that. She didn't think Chen Feng was fooling her, but the river was so big that she didn't believe how Chen Feng could detect it so accurately. He said there was no gold, and it was gone.

What if there was still a leak somewhere?

"Why don't you try again? You see so many people in the village have gone there. Chen Feng was in a hurry in the afternoon. I guess I can't say there is no gold left, right?" Mao Min said unwillingly.

"Hey, Fengzi said that, why should I go? It seems like I don't believe him if I go. It would be bad if he knew."

Although Zheng Ping still wanted to try, since he had said that, he didn't plan to go. He just cooked at home and went to the abandoned mine to pan for gold tomorrow.

"Okay, that's the reason." Mao Min felt a little sorry, turned off her phone and went to cook with Zheng Ping.

At this time, there were no less than ten people panning for gold in the river. Various plastic sheets were wrapped around the detectors, and there were more than a dozen people on both sides of the river constantly searching on the ground.

"Damn, I've been here for an hour, why haven't I found anything?" A person soaking in the river said in confusion.

"Me too, it's so cold that I'm peeing all the time. The river water is too cold this afternoon. It's better to go to Chen Fengjian in the morning." Another person couldn't help but speak.

Song Hui kept looking back and forth in the river. After a while, he was so tired that he raised his head and couldn't help cursing.

"Damn it, how did Chen Feng find that piece of gold? Could it be that the detector doesn't work well in the water?"

"Otherwise, how could I not find anything for such a long time? Even if I found a piece of silver, it would be fine."

Until now, he still believes that there must be goods in the river. Chen Feng left only because of bloating, not because there was no goods in the river.

When the sun slowly set, there were still seven or eight people in the water who were still looking, and there were only a few left on the shore, searching back and forth with flashlights.

In their imagination, gold would not appear in the river for no reason, it must have fallen into the river from the shore.

Only by looking for the source directly can you get something.

I can only say that everyone has their own thoughts. Those on the shore laugh at those in the river, and those in the river don't laugh at them.

Until the moonlight filled the river, there were only three or four people left in the river still exploring, and the others gave up and went home.

I don't know what time it was, Song Hui finally gave up and went ashore. The river water was freezing and he was shivering. He walked home while cursing while holding the detector.

"Fuck, broken detector, when I get rich, I will definitely buy a good one and smash this broken thing!"

He had no harvest that night, and he even kicked the stones he passed by.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and Lu Dahai's grocery store was almost closed. He and his wife were going to bed. Before going to bed, he sent a WeChat message to Chen Feng.

"The fish are all sold out, come over."

Chen Feng was lying on the bed supplementing his knowledge of gold panning. After receiving the WeChat message, he put on his shoes and prepared to go out.

"Why are you going out so late?" Liu Ping asked as she sat in front of the stove and burned a fire.

"Old Lu asked me to go over and said the fish was sold out. Give me the money." Chen Feng put on his coat.

"Bring me a tube of 502 glue when you come back." Liu Ping turned around and said.

"What are you gluing?" Chen Feng looked at Liu Ping and asked.

"My shoes are cracked, so I'm gluing them together." Liu Ping said.

"What are you gluing? Throw the broken shoes into the stove. Buy a new pair later." Chen Feng said and was about to go out, not wanting to pay attention to her.

"What are you throwing? I want to throw you into the stove. I'm wearing them for work. It's a waste to wear good shoes. I have new shoes. Buy me glue." Liu Ping shouted to Chen Feng who had already walked out of the door.

"Okay." Chen Feng answered outside the door.

Arriving at Lu Dahai's house, only Lu Dahai and his wife were left in the house.

When he saw Chen Feng, Lu Dahai suddenly couldn't control his laughter, and he laughed quite

Cheap, Chen Feng was stunned.

"What are you laughing at?" Chen Feng said in great confusion.

"Hahaha, let me tell you..." Lu Dahai couldn't help laughing halfway through, and he bent over with laughter, unable to speak at all.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? How much money do you make tonight?" Chen Feng leaned on the counter.

Lu Dahai took a break, straightened up and held back his laughter and said, "Do you know how many raincoats I sold today?"

"How many?" Chen Feng asked.

"Eight! All of them are leftovers from a few years ago, the kind that no one wants."

Lu Dahai wanted to laugh when he thought about it.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while, and then he understood what was going on. He laughed and said, "Could it be that those people imitated me, all went to the river to pan for gold, and then had nothing to wrap the machine, so they came to buy from you?"

"You're right, that's it, hahaha." Lu Dahai was almost laughing like crazy.

"I never expected that he couldn't sell a raincoat on a rainy day, but sold eight when it was sunny. I don't know where this person got rich."

"Your sister-in-law complained to me before, saying that no one in the village bought a raincoat. The main reason was that it was more expensive than an umbrella and it was more difficult to clean up."

"I didn't sell many of these things. They were almost weathered. I wanted to throw them away."

"But I didn't expect that they were all sold today at 15 yuan each, and only one was left." Lu Dahai said happily.

"And do you know what's the funniest? Two people didn't want to spend money, so they didn't buy it. They wrapped it with plastic cloth at home, and it was soaked in the river. I heard that the machine was scrapped. I laughed to death!"

Lu Dahai was so happy today that he almost died of laughter. His wife laughed and looked out the window guiltily.

"Laugh softly, don't let anyone hear it."

He Lan patted Lu Dahai and said.

Chen Feng also laughed when he heard this. He didn't feel sorry for these people at all.

If you didn't have so many tricks, you would come and ask me honestly, how could I watch you soak in the river all night.

Since you didn't ask me, it has nothing to do with me. Who doesn't like to listen to fun?

"These guys came over at night with their heads down. I heard that they didn't catch anything and soaked in the river all night for nothing."

"How can it be so weird? There is only a piece of gold in the river, and you picked it up?" Lu Dahai is a little puzzled when he mentions it now.

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