The fish is all gone, and the money is all gone.

"Then you see, what is fate?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is Xiaofeng's money, why are you so bad at talking?" He Lan rolled her eyes at Lu Dahai and said.

"I don't mean anything else, I'm just very puzzled. By the way, all those fish have been sold, a total of 79 yuan, all here, you check." Lu Dahai took out a wad of money and handed it to Chen Feng.

"Well." Chen Feng took the money and looked at it casually, then took out a single coin and put it on the counter.

"Give me a tube of 502." Chen Feng said.

Lu Dahai took a tube of 502 and handed it to him, then told him: "502 is now 1.5 yuan, don't tell others that I sold it to you for 1 yuan."

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then took out two 1-yuan bills and handed them to him.

"Then give me another tube."

"Oh, what else do you want to take? Let's go." Lu Dahai stuffed the two yuan into his hand, pushing him while giving it to him.

It was only because no one was in the room that he could do this, otherwise he would not be embarrassed to push Chen Feng like this.

After all, Lu Dahai is doing business for the whole village, and everyone is familiar with each other. It's your business if you have a good relationship with Chen Feng.

But if you sell Chen Feng for 1 yuan and sell me for 1.5 yuan, others will inevitably have a grudge in their hearts, and Lu Dahai can't do business like that.

It was only because no one was in the room that he could be polite to Chen Feng like this.

"No, don't push me, I..."

Chen Feng stretched his head and was about to go back, but Lu Dahai didn't give him a chance at all.

"Hey, hurry up and leave. Why are you arguing with me about 50 cents? Just leave if I tell you to." Lu Dahai half hugged him and pushed him out.

"No, I'm..." Chen Feng turned around and wanted to speak, but he couldn't stand steadily because of his push.

"It's just 50 cents. Why do you keep giving me? Can I owe you 50 cents?" Lu Dahai pushed Chen Feng to the door and was about to send him away.

"No, I'm glue, I'm glue, wipe it!" Chen Feng finally caught an opportunity and pointed at the counter.

Lu Dahai looked back and saw that the dollar and the glue were neatly on the counter. He immediately looked embarrassed.

He thought Chen Feng had been going to give him the 50 cents, but he forgot to give him the glue.

He turned around and found that Chen Feng was looking at him with a helpless face. He couldn't help but laugh dryly and went back to get him the glue.

"Hahaha, excited, I thought you had to give me the 50 cents." Lu Dahai handed him the glue and laughed.

"It would be nice if you were so enthusiastic when I bought milk." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No, the purchase price of milk is too expensive, haha." Lu Dahai also laughed when he heard it.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Chen Feng was also joking. After all, he also had costs. He waved his hand with the glue and walked back.

When he got home, Chen Feng handed the glue to Liu Ping.

"How much is a tube now?" Liu Ping asked.

"It's one dollar and fifty cents now. He sold it to me for one dollar." Chen Feng sat on a stool and lit a cigarette and said.

"These days, everything is rising in price, even glue." Liu Ping opened the box and took a look at the glue. After confirming that it was used before, she put it back.

Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders when he heard it and said nothing.

When he went to the county town, he would show her if there were any good working shoes.

At night, Zheng Ping and his wife had turned off the lights and went to bed. Zheng Ping had something on his mind and couldn't sleep.

Mao Min looked at him who was still awake, thinking he had other ideas, and couldn't help but glance at the curtains and said, "Why don't you sleep all the time, what are you doing?"

"What?" Zheng Ping was stunned when he heard this.

Mao Min couldn't help but roll her eyes at him when she heard this, and approached him and stretched out her hand to tease a little thing.

"What do you think." Mao Min smiled with her lips pursed.

"No, I'm not thinking about this." Zheng Ping shook his head and sighed when he saw this.

"Then why don't you sleep in the middle of the night? I thought you were afraid that others would hear it too early." Mao Min took back his hand and asked in confusion.

"Do you think those people found anything in the river?" Zheng Ping said hesitantly.

"Who knows."

Mao Min was also a little entangled when he heard this. You said that if others found something, they would regret it to death.

"Why don't you go out and ask?" Mao Min suggested.

"But it's so late, the convenience stores are closed, where can I go to ask." Zheng Ping was a little distressed.

"Or go to Song Hui's house and ask. He definitely won't go to bed so early." Mao Min suggested.

"Okay, I'll go ask." Zheng Ping did what he said, got up, put on some clothes and walked out.

Of course, he's not stupid, he can't just stretch his neck and ask people if you

After finding nothing, he walked around the kitchen, found an excuse, and went to Song Hui's house.

Song Hui had just changed his clothes, his hair was still half dry, and he was eating the dishes left by his father when he heard someone knocking on the door.

He opened the door with chopsticks and found that it was Zheng Ping, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Brother Zheng, why are you here so late at night?"

"Oh, isn't this your sister-in-law? She said she was hungry in the middle of the night and asked me to get some eggs to make noodles for her. I don't have any eggs at home, so I came to see if you have any. Lend me two first." Zheng Ping walked in helplessly.

"Yes, in the kitchen, take them yourself." Song Hui pointed to the kitchen, and said, too lazy to go there himself.


Zheng Ping walked into the kitchen and took two eggs. He saw the detector standing by the wall with water droplets on it. He had a guess in his mind and was ready to change the topic to the river.

So he came out and asked, "Why are you washing your hair so late at night?"

Song Hui was so angry when he heard this that he said, "Damn, don't mention it. Everyone is going to the river to fish for gold, so I'll go too."

"I spent half a night in the river and didn't fish anything. I was shivering with cold."

Zheng Ping raised his eyebrows and continued to ask, "How many of you went there? Could it be that no one found anything?"

"There must be more than 20 people, all in the river and on the riverbank, all in vain. Damn, you think Chen Feng is so good that he fished for a piece of gold in the river?" Song Hui said in great confusion.

"Who knows." Zheng Ping echoed him.

I don't know why, when he heard that they didn't fish anything, Zheng Ping was extremely happy, and all the entanglements of the night were swept away.

He was in a very happy mood.

Although Zheng Ping felt that his mentality seemed a little wrong, he couldn't help wanting to laugh, and kept suppressing the corners of his mouth to prevent Song Hui from noticing the abnormality.

"By the way, Brother Zheng, why didn't you go?"

At this time, Song Hui realized that something was wrong. In the past, Zheng Ping must have been involved in such things.

"Hey, it's not because of the rain, and I don't want to move. Your sister-in-law asked me to cook at home, so I thought about it and let it go." Zheng Ping said with a reason.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to tell Song Hui that it was Chen Feng who knew there was nothing in the river and didn't let him go.

"You're right not to go." Song Hui said with a wave of his hand.

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