After teasing the dead tree, Chen Feng continued to walk forward with the detector. Zheng Ping looked at him not far away and said, "What's going on, Fengzi, did you find something?"

"It's just a small silver grain, not worth much. "Chen Feng shook the bottle in his hand and said to him.

Zheng Ping was surprised when he heard this. He saw Chen Feng squatting just now, so he knew that he had found something, but he was not sure what it was.

I thought it might be a piece of iron. After all, the detectors of these people didn't even sound. It was too outrageous for you to win right away.

However, unexpectedly, Chen Feng actually won right away and found a small silver grain.

After smacking his lips several times and sighing at Chen Feng's good luck, Zheng Ping turned back and continued to explore.

What Chen Feng didn't know was that the companions who gathered in twos and threes were bored at this time and were discussing Chen Feng.

"Hey, how much goods can Chen Feng find today?"

One person asked.

The bystander hesitated for a moment and estimated: "I feel it may be a little more than us, about one or two hundred?"

"After all, his luck is really good recently."

Another person said in disbelief: "No way, can he get so much every time? ”

“Who said it wasn’t? I feel like it’s his turn to get empty-handed.”

Everyone felt the same way. They felt like it was their turn to get rich. They couldn’t let Chen Feng take all the gold.

Zheng Ping, who had just come back from his exploration, couldn’t help but laugh and said, “I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed. I just came back from Chen Feng’s place, and he’s already won. I found a small silver grain.”

“I feel like if this trend continues, it’s not impossible to get a daily income of over a thousand again.”

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. Some people exclaimed.

“Is this true? Chen Feng started right away. What kind of luck is that?”

“What the hell? My machine didn’t even start, and he started shipping right away?”

“Was this kid a magnet in his previous life? "

Song Hui narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Feng's back in the distance, spitting fiercely.

"Damn, what a shit luck."

Chen Feng didn't know what they were talking about, and he was concentrating on sweeping here. Ten minutes later, the system prompt sounded again.

This time it was either a dead tree or a flat land, but there were more stones on the ground.

He drew a circle according to the rules, and then slowly detected with the machine.

"Give out some gold, give out some gold..."

Chen Feng muttered as he detected.


A beautiful voice sounded, and Chen Feng, with a smile on his face, drew a small circle around the detector with his feet, squatted down, took out a small shovel, and started shoveling the soil.

He shoveled a shovel of soil and passed it over the detector. The detector did not Chen Feng threw the soil aside and shoveled up another shovel.

He shoveled four or five times, and when he passed over the detector again, the detector finally rang.


"Oh~" Chen Feng imitated the sound of the detector and gently scraped the soil layer by layer on the shovel with his hands.

When he scraped one-third of the way, the detector stopped ringing, proving that the goods had been scraped down by Chen Feng.

So Chen Feng lay on the ground and searched back and forth in the soil he had just scraped off.

Soon, Chen Feng found a golden thing in the black soil.

"Damn, it really came out of gold? "Chen Feng raised the small gold grain and said to the sun with surprise.

The small gold grain was much smaller than the previous one, and it seemed to be about one gram, with an irregular flat round shape.

Chen Feng looked at the small gold grain and laughed, took out the bottle specially for gold grains and threw it in.

Today's start was so good, it seems that I will get rich, haha.

After the loss of the small gold grain, it can be sold for about two or three hundred, which is much better than finding silver grains.

"We ordinary people are so happy today~"

Chen Feng stood up while humming a song, picked up the detector and continued to move forward.

It seems that the small gold grain has used up all Chen Feng's luck. Chen Feng's system did not ring for half an hour.

"Damn, what's going on? "

Chen Feng frowned and looked at the big sun in the sky, took out a piece of paper and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Looking back, he found that he had been far away from his companions because he had been walking forward. Chen Feng decided to walk back diagonally.

Don't get lost and can't go back.

Of course, it's not dangerous to walk far in this abandoned mine. There is a signal here. You can call with your mobile phone and know where you are. There is no possibility of losing contact.

However, some powerful gold diggers will go to some deserts to pan for gold. Although there are a lot of harvests there, the signal cannot be covered and there are few people.

If you lose contact and get lost, it will be over.

Chen Feng was walking with the detector, and suddenly the detector rang.


Chen Feng turned his head in confusion and looked at the location where the detector rang. His system did not prompt, which proved that there was no good stuff there.

He tried the detector again, and the detector made a "Oh~" sound again.

Although he knew there was nothing, Chen Feng still wanted to see what was buried underneath. Human curiosity is a big deal.

So Chen Feng squatted down and casually used a shovel to dig the soil. He was not as cautious as when panning for gold.

Anyway, there was nothing valuable, so he just dug it up.

After seven or eight shovels, Chen Feng suddenly found that he could not dig it up, as if he had hit something hard.

He looked inside carefully and saw a corner of the thing, which seemed to be a piece of iron.

He continued to dig, and the thing became longer and longer, and it was more than 40 centimeters. Chen Feng took a lot of effort to dig it out.

"A big angle iron?" Chen Feng laughed at the thing.

This was probably something used in the mine before, and was thrown away by a miner.

He picked up the angle iron and found that it was about 7 or 8 kilograms heavy, and could be sold for about 10 yuan.

Chen Feng was speechless when he looked at the angle iron.

To be honest, picking up a 7 or 8 kilogram angle iron in this abandoned mine is no different from panning for gold, and the probability is equally low.

This can be regarded as an alternative good luck.

But Chen Feng was a little hesitant. If you say you don't want to take it, the 10 yuan will be wasted.

But if you say you want to take it, this thing is really heavy, and Chen Feng is really too lazy to put it back in the car.

"Forget it, let's take it." Chen Feng thought about it and finally decided to take it.

It's really a waste not to take it.

After putting the angle iron into the backpack, the backpack sank noticeably and fell straight down.

Now Chen Feng couldn't help but go back to his companions. He couldn't carry a seven or eight pound angle iron to pan for gold.

Now Chen Feng knew why some people said that gold panners waste their backpacks.

You carry a pile of iron and copper and grind them back and forth every day. How can you not wear out the bag after a long time?

In the end, Han Jianguo got a bargain. The old man really sold a lot of these things.

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