On the way back, Chen Feng's system finally gave a prompt.

"Damn it, I've been waiting for you so long." Chen Feng was refreshed and started to draw circles.

While drawing, Chen Feng was talking to himself.

"If I can find a piece of gold as big as the angle iron, I'll go home now. It'll be enough for the rest of my life."

However, Chen Feng calculated in his mind, and it seemed that it was not enough. After deducting the loss of eight kilograms of gold, it seemed that it was only more than one million, which was not enough for the rest of his life.

"Damn, I'm really arrogant. I haven't even found ten grams of gold, but I'm thinking about eight kilograms of gold." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.


The sound of the detector pulled Chen Feng back from his wild thoughts.

He put the detector on the ground, took out a small shovel and started to dig the soil.

After two shovels, the detector sounded.

But this time, he didn't need the detector to prompt him, he saw the gray-white silver grain with a corner exposed.

"Worth twenty yuan? Although it's a little small, a fly is still meat no matter how small it is." Chen Feng pursed his lips and threw the silver grain into the bottle with some disgust.

If his companions heard this, they would probably want to die.

Damn, it's good to have the goods, but you still think it's too small?

We didn't even get the small one!

Just after picking up the detector and taking a few steps, Chen Feng's system sent a prompt again.

"What the hell?"

Chen Feng didn't expect that this thing was still continuous, so he continued to draw circles happily.

He probed back and forth in the circle with the detector, and finally in a slightly concave place, the detector sounded.

"Oh wow~"

"Awesome, you even prepared the pit for me, right?"

Chen Feng took out a small shovel and squatted down, digging back and forth in the pit, without even shoveling.

You can't believe it, he really dug out the goods after digging back and forth.

"Look, this is ridiculous."

Chen Feng grinned and took the silver grain out of the soil.

This grain is bigger than the previous one, and it must be about four or five grams.

He took out the bottle, threw the silver grain in, and then covered it.

Holding the detector, Chen Feng continued to move forward.

I thought he had dug this place almost, but unexpectedly, after walking more than ten meters, the detector sounded again.

"Oh my god, I poked a hole, didn't I?" Chen Feng laughed and continued to draw circles on the ground.

If I can't go back all day today, I'm afraid that I can't even fit two bottles of it if I keep squatting on the ground and digging the pit.

Then he used a small shovel to dig the soil, and after several diggings, the detector rang.

To be honest, it is not easy to detect after the rain.

Normally, a layer of sand will fall off when you shake your hands lightly. This time you have to dig it down bit by bit with your hands, making your hands black.

After digging a few layers, Chen Feng felt a hard object with his fingers. He stretched out his hand and dug it, and a flat silver piece appeared in his palm.

"The shape is quite unique, brother." Chen Feng smiled and threw it into the small bottle.

Chen Feng continued to walk forward, hoping to get a four-linked cargo, but unfortunately the system didn't ring after walking for a long time.

He turned back and forth without giving up, but the system still didn't ring, so he had no choice but to give up.

It seems that there are only three cargos in this place, and he took them all.

After walking around, it was almost ten o'clock, and only Huang Fei and another companion were by the car.

After seeing Chen Feng walking back, they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Didn't Chen Feng dislike exploring nearby? Why did he come back today?

"What did you come back for? Are you hungry?" the companion asked loudly.

"No, I found a big treasure. I'll send it back first." Chen Feng got on the car after saying that.

The companion glared at him. The big treasure Chen Feng was talking about must be very valuable. He couldn't help but walk back with a curious look on his face.

When Huang Fei heard this, he also ran to the car to see what he had found.

When they got on the car, they saw Chen Feng squatting in the aisle and took out a big angle iron from his backpack.

"Fuck, it's so big, where did you pick it up?" The companion said in shock.

They have been exploring for so long, but they have never seen such a big angle iron.

After all, when the mine was abandoned, the valuable things were first sold by the insiders, and then by the miners under them.

Next came the ragpickers. By the time it was their turn, there was really nothing left. They were extremely lucky if they could pick up a steel bar weighing one or two taels.

Such a big angle iron is just like winning the lottery.

"It's right there. I dug it out for a long time. I didn't expect it to be so big and heavy."

"Let's just send it back first." Chen Feng threw the angle iron into the car, took out a bottle of water from his bag, took a sip and said.

It was much easier this time.

"How much is such a big piece of iron worth?" Huang Fei didn't care about these things before, so he didn't know the price.

The companion came up and weighed the angle iron, and said, "It's probably ten or eight yuan."

"Oh, I thought it was worth dozens of dollars, why are you so excited." Huang Fei lost interest immediately after hearing this.

After all, any piece of silver is worth this price. In his opinion, this piece of iron is just like that.

"Hehe, you are so arrogant. It would be great if you could pick up this thing every day. Do you think you are Chen Feng and can ship goods every day?"

The companion said speechlessly.

Huang Fei was a newcomer with a filter, and he didn't understand what kind of living environment the gold diggers were in.

He thought everyone was Chen Feng, and he could get something as soon as he made a move.

"Stop talking, I've been digging for the whole morning, but there's nothing, just some iron wires and iron blocks, Chen Feng, did you find anything?"

Huang Fei asked a little discouraged.

"I found something, about 100 or 200 yuan." Chen Feng didn't say much, and it seemed like he was deliberately provoking Huang Fei.

Little did he know that even the 100 or 200 yuan was enough to stimulate Huang Fei.

"What the hell, you've already got 100 or 200 yuan, take it out and let me see it!"

Huang Fei was originally sitting on the seat, and he stood up in shock when he heard this.

"100 or 200 yuan, you found so much at just 10 o'clock?" His companion was also very surprised when he heard this, and looked at Chen Feng.

"That's all." Chen Feng took out the silver bottle, but didn't take out the gold.

"Fuck, this is a little, this is not a small amount, how much is a lot."

"This is what I call a little."

The companion looked at the several silver grains in Chen Feng's bottle and couldn't help but take out his own silver bottle and said.

There was only a pitiful silver grain in the silver bottle he was holding, which was about one gram.

And there were more than 20 grams in Chen Feng's bottle. The two bottles were put together, and the contrast was so different that it was unbearable to look at.

"It's okay if you have a little, but I don't even see a little!" Huang Fei sighed as he looked at the two bottles.

The worst is here.

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