The more you buy, the more you will be rewarded.

"What about you? You didn't find anything this morning, did you?" Huang Fei asked.

"Nothing. I'm not lucky today." Chen Feng sat on the seat, took off his backpack, picked up the food on the seat and said.

Huang Fei didn't leave either. Chen Feng felt that the food was too heavy to carry, so he threw all the food on the car and only carried a bottle of water.

"What's wrong with you, Fengzi? You're not in a good state today. I found the goods, but you haven't won yet?"

"You don't have any iron wire or iron block?" Huang Fei picked up the lunch box and took a bite of the food.

"I didn't take it. I threw it all away." Chen Feng tore open a bread bag and said.

"Why not? If you save more, you can sell it for more money. I see they all took it." Huang Fei said.

"I'm too lazy to save." Chen Feng shrugged.

The two finished their meal quickly. Huang Fei took out a cigarette box, handed Chen Feng a cigarette, and took one himself.

He was in a very good mood at the moment. He made a lot of money in a day.

"I'm sleepy." Huang Fei took a puff of cigarette and leaned on the driver's seat, turned back and smiled at Chen Feng.

"You're sleepy after dinner." Chen Feng smiled.

"It's mainly because I got up too early in the morning. You pulled me up without preparation."

Huang Fei wanted to take a break and then go panning for gold.

But the car was warm, and it was really comfortable to lean on the seat when it was slightly reclined.

Anyway, I have made so much money, it's time to reward myself with a break.

"Fengzi, I'll sleep for a while, you can go panning." Huang Fei leaned on the seat and closed his eyes comfortably.

"Okay, go to sleep." After taking a break, Chen Feng took his things and prepared to get off the car.

He looked at Huang Fei again, who was sleeping soundly.

Chen Feng smiled, took his things and quietly got off the car without disturbing him.

This time Chen Feng walked in the opposite direction and did not go to the place in the morning. Sure enough, his choice was correct.

Just after walking a few dozen meters away, the system prompt sounded.


"There are precious metals within a three-meter radius of the host!"

Chen Feng looked carefully and found a pit on the ground. He was very familiar with the pit. It was the trace of gold diggers.

Chen Feng was a little confused. He walked over and scanned it with the detector. There was no sound in the pit, but it was the sound next to the pit.

He squatted on the ground and looked back and forth, and saw a small rusty iron block on the ground.

The system prompt still existed.

"This is not what Huang Fei found. He did not come to this place in the morning. This is probably a pit left by other gold diggers."

Chen Feng roughly guessed the situation.

Generally speaking, as long as the gold diggers see the traces left by others, they will avoid this place and go to other places.

Because the traces here prove that it has been mined by others, and it is a waste of time to go further.

Chen Feng never expected that there would be goods hidden in the place where the gold diggers had mined.

"Since you didn't find it, I will accept it with joy." Chen Feng smiled and began to draw a circle.

After sweeping back and forth like a carpet, the detector finally sounded at the edge of the circle.


Chen Feng took out a shovel and squatted on the ground, knocking and knocking to dig the soil.

After seven or eight shovels, Chen Feng had a large silver grain in his hand, which was worth about forty or fifty.

Chen Feng looked at the silver grain in his hand, and to be honest, he felt like laughing.

He was also very puzzled, why the last gold digger could accurately avoid the correct answer, but he just mined the iron block and left the silver in the ground.

Maybe this is fate, if he probed one meter to the side, the silver grain would be his.

After putting the silver grains into the bottle, Chen Feng continued to walk forward with the detector.

An afternoon passed quickly. Chen Feng took out the mineral water from his backpack, unscrewed it and took a sip, then looked at the time.

It was past five twenty now.

His small bottle was full. He had found a lot of silver grains in the afternoon. Although he didn't get any more gold, he was already quite satisfied.

He still had to buy shoes for his mother, so Chen Feng was ready to go back to the car and ask Huang Fei to go home.

When Chen Feng got into the car with his things, he found that Huang Fei was still sleeping, with his mouth open and his eyes closed, looking very fragrant.


Chen Feng gently poked him and said, "Da Fei, it's time, don't sleep anymore."

Huang Fei woke up after poking him several times. He was shocked to see Chen Feng and subconsciously picked up his phone and said, "Oh, how long have I slept? I even forgot about panning for gold."

"Wait for me to calm down and then I'll get off the car to pan for gold."

Chen Feng laughed and said, "No need, I'll get off after you calm down.

In the past, the house was open. "

"It's already half past five, and I haven't found anything yet."

Huang Fei looked at the time on his phone, slapped his forehead in disbelief, yawned and said, "Oh my God, I slept for so long, I feel like only half an hour has passed."

Chen Feng sat in his seat, took off his backpack and put it aside and said, "What a coincidence, I feel the same way every night when I go to bed."

"It was light when I opened my eyes, I thought I just fell asleep."

Huang Fei laughed dumbly when he heard this, as if it was true.

"Okay, anyway, I have a lot of harvest today, so I can go home and eat directly."

"By the way, Fengzi, how was your afternoon, how much did you find?" Huang Fei started the car, and then remembered to ask.

"Air Force, I lost all the money for the ham sausage." Chen Feng lit a cigarette and handed one to Huang Fei.

"Ah, so miserable? "Huang Fei said in surprise, taking the cigarette and holding it in his mouth.


Chen Feng said, looking at it with relief. In Huang Fei's perspective, Chen Feng's mentality was not bad.

"It's okay. Maybe you can find it next time. It's normal for gold diggers to come back empty-handed."

"It's just that the direction is wrong today. Come back tomorrow." Huang Fei comforted.

"Well, it's okay. I didn't take it seriously." Chen Feng said indifferently.

Huang Fei drove the car to the county town quickly, and the two got out of the car together.

"Fengzi, should I go buy shoes with you first, or should we go sell goods first?" Huang Fei asked.

"What should I sell? I haven't found anything. You go and sell it. I'll go to the mall next door and buy a pair of shoes and come back."

"If you've sold it, you can just wait for me in the car." Chen Feng laughed.

Huang Fei thought about it and nodded: "That's fine. I'll go sell the goods first. Call me if you have anything. "

"Okay, go ahead."

After the two finished talking, Huang Fei walked to the gold shop he often went to, while Chen Feng stood on the street and looked back and forth, and walked into a relatively large shopping mall.

After entering, he went straight to the women's shoe store and came to a store of unknown brand.

"Hello, do you want to choose women's shoes?" A salesperson who looked to be about 40 years old came up and asked.

"Well, buy a pair of shoes for my mother, the kind she wears now."

"Okay, take a look at this kind of sports shoes, which are light and durable. If you are not satisfied, there are leather shoes." The salesperson introduced.

"Leather shoes are not good." Chen Feng shook his head. His mother had to wear them when working in the fields, and leather shoes were too tiring. This kind of travel shoes was good.

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