Chen Feng picked a pair of black shoes and asked, "How much are these shoes?"

"The original price is 150 yuan, and now it's discounted to 80 yuan." The salesperson replied.

"Find a pair of 38 yuan and pack it up." Chen Feng pinched the upper of the shoe and felt that the quality was good and it was quite soft, so he said happily.

"Okay." The salesperson didn't expect Chen Feng to be so happy, and smiled and walked to the warehouse to find shoes for him.

After all, in a small county, bargaining is something that is engraved in the bones.

Soon the salesperson came out with a shoe bag, handed it to Chen Feng and said, "You have a good eye. This shoe is very popular now. It doesn't look cheap when you wear it outside. It's very fashionable."

"She doesn't wear it outside. It's just that my mother's shoes broke while working, so I bought her a pair to wear while farming." The two walked to the cashier counter, and Chen Feng said after hearing this.

If she really kept it for wearing outside, Chen Feng would buy her a good pair. The shoes for working don't need to be too good, just about right.

"Wear it while working in the fields?"

The aunt was shocked when she heard this. It would be such a waste to wear such good shoes while working.

But she still didn't say this. Maybe her son is more filial and doesn't care about this little money.

After all, no matter who sees it, in the current bad economy, 80 yuan is equivalent to hundreds of yuan in the previous life.

If anyone hears that a pair of shoes worth hundreds of yuan is worn while working in the countryside, they will probably say it's a luxury.

After paying, Chen Feng went out with his shoe bag. The store was pretty good, and Chen Feng was given a pair of socks before leaving.

After leaving the store, Chen Feng did not go back. He planned to find another gold shop in the county to recycle today's goods.

If he went back to the store of Mr. Bai, everything he had done would be in vain. When Mr. Bai saw Zheng Ping and the others again, he would definitely tell others about this matter, and he could not hide it at all.

After walking quite a distance, Chen Feng saw a newly opened gold shop, so he went in.

The goods in the room were not very complete, and there was no one. There was only a girl sitting at the counter playing with her mobile phone.

Hearing someone coming in, the girl stood up and looked at Chen Feng with a smile: "Hello."

"Hello, are you collecting gold?" Chen Feng asked.

"Ah...collect." The girl paused and nodded with some surprise.

She was a little excited just now, thinking that she was going to open a shop for the first time.

Unexpectedly, he came to sell goods, and she was excited for nothing.

"Is it gold jewelry or broken gold?" the girl walked back to the counter and asked.

"Broken gold and silver." Chen Feng said as he took out a small bottle.

"Oh, so you are a gold digger?" the girl said with some surprise.

Although it was her first time to receive goods, she had been watching with her parents for a long time. Although she had never practiced it, she had learned it by watching.

A little broken gold and silver, no problem.

Chen Feng took out the small bottle and handed it to the girl, who took it subconsciously.

When she saw the bottle full of gold and silver, her eyes widened instantly!

"This... all of this?" the girl said in disbelief.

"Yeah." Chen Feng nodded.

In the past, when the girl followed her father to receive goods, those gold diggers only received a few grains, and if there was one-third in the bottle, it was considered a big harvest this month.

When have you ever seen a bottle filled like this?

And there is not only silver in this bottle, but also a large piece of gold. Oh my god, how much is it worth?

The girl looked at the bottle for a long time and said in a shocked tone: "Did you find all this in a month?"

"Yes." Chen Feng nodded and did not refute.

"It's really outrageous. Your luck is simply against the sky. You found so many goods in a month. I can't come across this once in several years." The girl sat down in amazement.

She didn't expect that she would encounter a big job on her first gold digger.

Even if her father had been collecting gold for 20 years, it would be difficult to meet such a lucky gold digger.

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing at the girl's shocked look. She was so shocked in a month?

If I told you that I found all this in one day, you would be shocked.

The girl poured the goods into the tray, put all the silver into the crucible, took out a gas cylinder, and installed the muzzle of the musket.

Chen Feng could see that all these things were new and had never been used.

It seems that this gold shop has just opened, and I guess I am the first customer.

To be honest, it was the first time for the girl to sit here and receive the goods. She was very excited. She lit the torch like her father and heated the crucible fiercely.

When the silver was half melted, the girl was a little confused.

Sweating, holding the spray gun in her right hand and fanning herself with her left hand.

When the silver was completely melted, the girl murmured to herself uncertainly: "It should be almost done, right?"

"It's okay to burn it for a while..."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the girl's words. Are you a half-assed person?

Although the girl was a little unsure of the timing, it can be seen that her technique is quite professional, and there is no difference from Boss Bai's silver refining.

When the girl felt that it was almost done, she poured out the silver water in the crucible, waited for it to cool down a little, and then used tweezers to pick it up and wanted to put it into the water cup.

But just as the girl was about to throw the silver in, she found that there was no water in her water cup.

"Oh, I forgot to pour the water!"

The girl quickly put the silver back, took a bottle of mineral water and gulped down half a cup, then picked up the silver and threw it in.

When throwing it, the girl subconsciously moved away a little, as if she was afraid of being splashed.

Chen Feng laughed at this operation.

When the silver block was almost cool, the girl took it out, wiped it dry, and put it on the electronic scale.

"I just bought this scale, and you are the first person to use it." The girl smiled at Chen Feng.

"Huh? Why doesn't it work?"

The electronic scale didn't show any numbers at all, and the girl pressed it several times but there was no response.

"What's going on? I remember there is a switch here?" The girl turned the electronic scale over and over to study it.

"Did you put the battery in?" Chen Feng asked with a blink of an eye.

"Don't newly bought electronic scales have good batteries?" The girl asked back with surprise.

After saying that, the girl opened the back cover, and there were indeed two button batteries inside.

Chen Feng also stood up and looked inside the counter.

"Look, I said there were batteries."

The girl proved to Chen Feng that she was not a fool, how could she forget to put the batteries in.

Chen Feng looked carefully and reached out to take off the plastic sheet between the two batteries.

"This thing, it has something blocking the electricity." Chen Feng explained.


The girl sat down awkwardly, coughed lightly and turned on the electronic scale.

God knows what the plastic sheet in the middle of the battery is for, it's not written in the manual!

"Wow, 60.3 grams."

"Multiply by eight is... 482.4." The girl said while fiddling with the computer.

"How about this, I'll round it up for you, 482.5."

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