After the two hundred yuan was gone, Chen Feng didn't care about the favors. After all, it was a good thing.

"Chen Feng, go buy some vegetables and eat here at noon." Liu Ping said.

"No, no, I'll stay for a while and leave." Aunt Wang said quickly.

Of course, it was just a symbolic courtesy. Can you stay just for dinner?

"Besides, you finally came here, you have to have a meal." Liu Ping advised, and asked Chen Feng to buy vegetables.

"Just buy whatever you want, don't buy too much, we are all family, why be polite." Aunt Wang turned around and reminded Chen Feng.

"Okay, it's okay." Chen Feng smiled with his mobile phone and went to the vegetable store.

Soon Chen Feng came back with the dishes, Liu Ping started to cook, and Aunt Wang also helped.

After the meal was ready, everyone sat down and started to eat. Aunt Wang casually asked Chen Feng.

"What is Xiaofeng doing now? Do you have a job?"

"Yes, I am panning for gold with the villagers now." Chen Feng replied.

"Oh, panning for gold is good. If you find a big gold brick one day, you will be rich." Aunt Wang looked at Liu Ping and laughed.

"Hey, don't expect to have that luck, just make some money to make a living." Liu Ping laughed and said.

"How is it now? How much can you make in a day?" Aunt Wang asked curiously.

"It's okay. The harvest is good in a day. One day more and one day less. This business depends on luck." Liu Ping answered vaguely.

"If you can make a hundred or eight a day, it's pretty good. It's better than working outside." Aunt Wang took a bite of the dish and said.

"No, he's been lucky recently, eating vegetables." Liu Ping nodded politely.

"Hey, okay, Xiaofeng, do you get both gold and silver when you pan for gold, or what?" Aunt Wang didn't know much about this business, so she asked.

"Gold and silver, other scrap iron and other things are not valuable." Chen Feng replied.

"Oh, so that's it." Aunt Wang's eyes moved, and a thought flashed through her mind.

After chatting for a while, Aunt Wang pretended to speak to Chen Feng casually.

"Xiaofeng, can you leave me some of the silver you panned for?"

Chen Feng was stunned when he heard this, and looked up and asked, "What's wrong, what are you going to do?"

"That's right, your nephew is about to be born, and I want to make a longevity lock for him. Even now you know that it's too expensive to buy it outside, so it's better to make it yourself."

"You happen to be in this business, can you leave me some silver?" Aunt Wang said with expectation.

Chen Feng thought it was not a problem. The finished silver outside should be around 10 or 11 yuan.

The silver he bought himself was 8 yuan, which eliminated the difference made by the middleman. Even if he paid a labor fee, he could save some money.

"How many grams do you plan to make?" Chen Feng asked.

"Well... about 200 grams will be fine." Aunt Wang smiled and thought about it. It was obvious that Chen Feng was ready to agree.

"200 grams, that's really not small. The general longevity lock is only 100 grams. You are really willing to spend money on your little grandson." Liu Ping laughed in surprise.

"They are all my children. It's not a loss to give it to him. Besides, it depends on Xiaofeng." Aunt Wang said with a smile.

"200 grams... I have to save it for a while. It's not a small amount." Chen Feng raised his head and said.

Chen Feng plans to give it to her in a month. If he gives it to her too soon, it will seem like he has made a lot of money.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as it's convenient for you, as long as you can save enough before he is born." Aunt Wang was generous and laughed.

"Well, then you just need to give me the capital, I can't make money from you, I will refine it for you and send it to you, eight yuan per gram." Chen Feng calculated and said.

Maybe he will have to pay some silver refining fees, after all, if you sell it to the gold shop owner, he won't charge, but if you say you want to refine it, how can he refine it for you for free.

But it doesn't matter, we are relatives, so I'll pay a little.

But I didn't expect that when this was said, Aunt Wang's face suddenly became embarrassed. She hesitated and said: "Fengzi, you see, there is no cost for panning gold, it's just a matter of doing it yourself, and it's your little nephew."

"Just think of it as a few days of wasted work, and give it to him."

When Aunt Wang said this, Liu Ping and Chen Feng were stunned for a moment, looking at Aunt Wang in disbelief.

You've been talking here for so long, you want to get something for free!

Chen Feng couldn't believe his ears, how could there be such a shameless person in the world.

Two hundred grams of silver, that's 1,600 yuan, you actually thought I would give it to you for free, what the hell are you thinking!

Your grandson, my grandson?

Why should I give you a longevity lock for free? Is it because you are shameless?

Liu Ping just understood it at this time. No wonder Aunt Wang, who is usually so stingy, would give her grandson a 200-gram longevity lock.

So you are here to eat your enemies, right?

Why don’t you just give your grandson a 10-jin one? Damn, it’s so heavy.

Chen Feng was so angry that he was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

After a long time, he pursed his lips and said, "Why give a silver one? It’s so embarrassing. It would be better to give a gold one directly. 200 grams is light. Just give a one-jin one. It’s so flashy."

Chen Feng’s words were very unpleasant, and anyone could hear the sarcasm.

Aunt Wang also shook her head and said: "No, no, silver is good, gold is too expensive, how much does it cost, and your money is not blown by the wind."

"You still know it's not blown by the wind!"

"If you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't know, I thought it fell from the sky and grew on the ground."

"Your grandson was born, you don't give him a longevity lock, let me give it?"

"Are you kidding me, my grandson?"

Chen Feng directly confronted him, his face fell.

"Chen Feng." Liu Ping saw that Chen Feng was going to turn his face, and couldn't help but kick him.

If she didn't agree, it would be the end, don't say bad things, we are relatives, it's not good to be too ugly.

"I'm just thinking that you pan for gold every day, isn't that easy to get." Aunt Wang said with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

"I think it's easy for my uncle to carry cement every day at the construction site. Ask him to give me the money. I just want to buy a car."

"Those things are worth spending." Chen Feng put down his chopsticks without any politeness.

"Chen Feng, are you crazy?" Liu Ping pushed Chen Feng hard, pretending to be angry.

In fact, in her heart, she gave Chen Feng a thumbs up.

Well done!

After all, if Chen Feng said this, he could be regarded as a child who didn't know better.

But if Liu Ping said it, the nature would change.

In the countryside, as long as they are not married, they are all children.

"Don't be like a child. He is like this, ignorant." Liu Ping looked at Aunt Wang and said with apology.

As for how sincere this apology is, it's hard to say.

"It's okay, the child's temper is still the same as when he was a child, hahaha." Aunt Wang forced a smile.

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