The price of the goods is very high.

"That Chen Feng can't make that much money, why don't you ask him to see where it's cheaper?" Liu Ping suggested.

But the meaning of this is also very clear. If you buy it, it's okay, but as for getting it for free, forget it.

"It's okay, let's talk about it later. The child is not born yet, so there's no rush, no rush." ​​Aunt Wang heard this and shirked her responsibilities. She also understood what Liu Ping meant.

The meal was quickly finished. Although it was a little discordant, it seemed okay under Liu Ping's mediation.

After all, as long as Chen Feng didn't speak, the atmosphere was pretty good.

"You want to leave, why don't you sit for a while?" Liu Ping saw that Aunt Wang was about to leave, so she couldn't help but be polite.

"No, there won't be any cars later." Aunt Wang stood up and said with an empty shopping bag in her hand.

"Well, then, can you take some of the vegetables from home?"

After all, she was here, so she had to bring her some of the specialties from the countryside. Not for her, but for Wang Shun's sake.

In fact, they were not valuable things, such as the beans that she grew last fall and couldn't eat, and the shredded beans that she dried.

There were also some dried potatoes and potatoes in the cellar.

Some eggs from the chickens and ducks at home, that's all.

"Okay, Wang Shun likes to eat these things, but I don't usually eat them." Aunt Wang smiled and opened the bag.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes when he heard this. You don't eat anything, but you eat everything.

Liu Ping took out a bag of shredded beans and a small bag of dried potatoes from the cabinet under the kitchen.

"I didn't get much last year, so these are all I have left." Liu Ping put them in the bag for her.

"Okay, okay, these are enough for a while." Aunt Wang nodded repeatedly.

Then Liu Ping opened the cellar and took a plastic bag to put some potatoes for her.

Of course, Liu Ping didn't pick all the good ones for her. Some of them were just about to sprout, and Liu Ping put them in the plastic bag.

The big ones can't be given, and I have to keep them for myself.

"I'm giving you these because I'm afraid they are too heavy for you to carry." Liu Ping came out of the cellar and handed half a bag of potatoes to Aunt Wang.

This is not Liu Ping's deception, but she is really afraid that she can't carry it. Half a bag of potatoes is more than ten pounds, and she has to rush back to the county town to carry them all the way home.

"Okay, this is enough to eat. You don't know, everything in the county town is expensive, and these potatoes are almost unaffordable." Aunt Wang took the plastic bag, put it into a large shopping bag and said with a grin.

"Potatoes are expensive in this season." Liu Ping also said.

"Is there anything else missing?" Liu Ping patted the dust on her hands and asked Aunt Wang.

"Nothing left, nothing left, this is quite a lot." Aunt Wang hesitated when she said this.

"Um, do you have goose eggs or duck eggs? Give me two to supplement my daughter-in-law."

"Okay, I'll pack two for you. It's cold recently, and these chickens, ducks and geese haven't laid much." Liu Ping said as she looked for goose eggs for Aunt Wang.

Liu Ping packed a dozen eggs for Aunt Wang and handed the plastic bag to her.

"Be sure to take them carefully, don't break them, or they will be wasted." Liu Ping reminded her.

"Well, um... are there any more?" Aunt Wang looked at the goose eggs in the bag and wanted to get a few more.

"No goose eggs are sold in the county?" Chen Feng couldn't help himself.

There's no way to take advantage of others like this, it's not over yet.

You might as well take the ducks and geese home to raise them.

"Isn't it because I'm afraid that the goose eggs sold in the county are fake? My daughter-in-law is pregnant, so I dare not give her any." Aunt Wang found an excuse to cover up.

"How can that thing be fake? Could it be that there are eggs laid by male geese?" Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said.

The goose eggs in the county are all collected from individual households in the surrounding rural areas. She is just afraid of spending money and making so many useless ones.

"It's possible that there will be fakes. Don't talk nonsense, kid." Liu Ping glared at Chen Feng, and then said to Aunt Wang, "The geese at home haven't laid much recently. These are all. If you want to eat, come back later."

"Okay, that's all for now. You said I'm embarrassed to bring so many things as soon as I come."

"When my daughter-in-law gives birth, you must come to the county to drink." Aunt Wang said, holding Liu Ping's hand.

"I will definitely go. Don't worry, haha." Liu Ping nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I'll go first. Call me when you go to the county town. You must come to my house for a meal." Aunt Wang walked out with her things, turning back and speaking repeatedly.

"Of course, of course, don't worry." Liu Ping sent her out, and Chen Feng stood up and walked a few steps symbolically


Chen Feng didn't even leave the house after he sent Aunt Wang to the front door.

"Okay, let's go." After sending Aunt Wang away, Liu Ping was relieved and sat back.

"She really likes to take advantage of others, as if the things in other people's homes are free." Chen Feng said unhappily.

"Hey, isn't that what relatives do? A few goose eggs are not worth much money, so you just take them. Besides, her daughter-in-law is pregnant, you know about it, even if she doesn't say it, you have to give her a few as a token of your appreciation."

"If you don't look at her, look at Wang Shun. Wang Shun is still a good person. Every time they meet, he is very enthusiastic and insists on staying for a meal."

"It's just that his son is getting married, and he is under a lot of pressure. He is on the construction site every day. It's not easy to make a few more money." Liu Ping was quite emotional.

To be honest, it was only for the sake of Wang Shun's uncle that Chen Feng let Aunt Wang take so many things away.

Otherwise, I can keep my goose eggs and sell them for money, why should I give them to you.

It's just that Auntie Wang was too much before, so Chen Feng spoke so harshly.

I don't know what she was thinking, and she wanted me to give her a silver lock worth 2,000 yuan, and I'll give you my house.

"My uncle is a good person, why did he find such a thing." Chen Feng rolled his eyes.

"She's okay, not a bad person, just a little shameless, likes to take advantage of small things." Liu Ping sighed and said.

"Next time, be more measured when you speak, don't be so aggressive, it's a bit too harsh. She wants money, and if you don't give it, it's over, so it's not good to speak so much." Liu Ping turned around and reminded Chen Feng, hoping that he could be more tactful.

Although Liu Ping felt very happy when she heard it at the time, she thought about it afterwards and it was not good.

"It's just like that whether it's good or not. She was shameless first, and I don't have such a good temper." Chen Feng lit a cigarette and said.

"That's true, actually. What was she thinking? She came here to ask for a silver lock. Two hundred grams of silver is not a small amount. Who gets money by the wind?"

"At that time, I thought she wanted to buy it. I didn't even think that she didn't want to pay. You see, this person is really bold. She dares to say anything."

"I said, how could such a stingy person think of making a two hundred gram silver lock? It turns out that she thought it was free and she would give it up for nothing." Liu Ping was puzzled when she mentioned it. She couldn't understand what Wang Shun's wife was thinking.

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