On the evening of December 9, 345 of the New Era.

In the Congyun Mountains.

Xie Xun rode on the back of a beast that looked like a water buffalo. It was huge, almost five or six meters long, and two or three meters high at the shoulder.

The most conspicuous thing was that there was a tumor on the cow's spine. When the Danzhu cow ran, the blood vessels on the tumor bulged, and even the turbulent red blood in the blood vessels could be seen.

And the most bizarre thing was that the huge body of the Danzhu cow was not only extremely fast, but also silent and extremely stable when the cow's hooves landed on the ground, as if it was walking on the wind.

This was the late second-stage spiritual beast, the Danzhu cow.

Under normal circumstances, the Danzhu cow could travel thousands of miles a day, which was no problem at all.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, dozens of Tianyan satellite systems were firmly locked on Xie Xun who was riding on the back of the Danzhu cow.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon more than an hour had passed.

If you observe carefully, the Danzhu bull that Xie Xun rode seems to be spinning in place. In an hour, it should be able to advance hundreds of kilometers.

But at this moment, the distance advanced is almost zero, as if it is lost.

Congyun City, the temporary control room of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team.

There are nearly a hundred staff members who are temporarily seconded, and they are busy at this time. The sound of keyboard tapping, data transmission... interweaves into one, like a symphony.

In the front, there are hundreds of light screens, and in the center of the hundreds of light screens, there is an extremely large light screen, which shows the picture of Xie Xun riding the Danzhu bull.

There are dozens of staff members who are constantly switching the surveillance pictures of thousands of miles around Xie Xun. The light screen also shows the surrounding humidity, wind direction... and a series of climate change factors.

And Yue Feng, the captain of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team, is sitting on a chair, with his hands folded in front of his chest, and his legs directly on the table. He squinted his eyes slightly, as if he was lost in thought, but also like a nap.

Whether this plan can be successfully completed depends on this last time.

Lone Wolf and Hummingbird, two members of the Sword Law Enforcement Team, sat cross-legged on a mat on the side, each holding a star crystal in their hands, immersed in practice.

However, unlike Hummingbird who was fully immersed in practice.

Lone Wolf always had a little anxiety on his face, and his eyebrows trembled slightly after a while. After practicing for a while, he withdrew from the state of selfless practice, and his eyes drifted to the door involuntarily.

There was anxiety and uneasiness in his eyes, as well as a hint of expectation, as if he was waiting for someone.

As time passed bit by bit, time became unusually slow at this moment.

"I'm back!"

Suddenly, a low voice rang in the room in the main control room. This sentence was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, instantly breaking the dull atmosphere in the monitoring room.

"Iron Ape, have you recovered from your injury?" Upon hearing this, Lone Wolf immediately showed a visible joy on his face. He quickly raised his head and looked at a burly man who slowly walked in from the door.

The man had a rough face and his eyes flashed with sharp light. He pushed open the door of the main monitoring room and walked to the center.

He was three meters tall, and his tall body cast a huge shadow in the room, like a moving hill. His thighs, arms and even cheeks were covered with thick and shiny black hair, making him look more wild and strong. His thick arms were even more amazing, with knotted muscles and full of explosive power.

Iron Ape, a blood warrior in the middle stage of the Sea-breaking Realm, whose blood comes from the gibbon.

In the legend of Daxia, the gibbon is the leader of the Seven Monsters of Meishan. He uses the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to open his spiritual wisdom and has the powerful ability to hold the sun and the moon in one hand and shrink thousands of mountains.

However, the bloodline warrior Tieyuan's bloodline comes from Tonggi ape, which obviously cannot be the leader of the Meishan Seven Monsters in the Daxia legend. But even so, his strength has reached the terrifying fifth-level (lord) level.

The counterpart of this level of fierce beast is the strong human warrior of the Palace of Gods.

Compared with ordinary warriors, bloodline warriors will encounter some higher thresholds than ordinary warriors when they break through the limit and advance in the future.

But the benefits brought are also very considerable.

With the improvement of the degree of bloodline development, the physical strength of bloodline warriors will gradually increase, and they also have a strong beastification ability.

After entering the beastification, most bloodline warriors, except for mental strength, will be enhanced in strength, endurance, physical strength... and other states, and their combat power far exceeds that of ordinary warriors of the same level, especially in terms of physical strength.

In MOBA games, this type of warrior can be simply defined as a tank.

Therefore, every law enforcement team in Daxia has at least one blood warrior of the Pihai Realm, who is often responsible for covering the retreat when the team retreats.

And Tieyuan was seriously injured in the last temporary action.

Once a warrior of the Pihai Realm is injured, even the advanced medical cabin can only play a very limited role, and even at some times, it can only play the role of piecing together a complete corpse.

Therefore, since the last injury, coupled with the hidden injuries left by many previous battles, Tieyuan took more than two months to recuperate, and only recovered completely under the effect of a large amount of elixir and natural treasures.

"What's going on?" Yue Feng opened his eyes slightly, a flash of fatigue flashed in his eyes, but it soon disappeared.

For so many days, he knew that "Tunjin" was under Ram's instructions, constantly leading them around in circles, but he could do nothing about it.

But in the eyes of a small number of superiors, their Sword Law Enforcement Team has been doing useless work for more than half a year, which is like picking sesame seeds while holding a watermelon, wasting a lot of manpower and material resources.

In order to complete this mission, Yue Feng has already signed a military order in advance.

"Captain Yue, I'm almost well, request to return to the team!" After hearing Yue Feng's voice, Tieyuan immediately turned to the direction where Yue Feng was and saluted.

"Okay, okay." Upon hearing this, Yue Feng's face instantly showed a faint smile. He stood up and walked to the side of Tie Yuan, patted Tie Yuan's arm that seemed to be cast in steel, and said with a smile: "Allowed to return to the team!"

After Tie Yuan returned to the team, the five-member team of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team, except for the Golden Eagle who was still performing reconnaissance tasks outside, had all arrived.

Although before this, Yue Feng had already invited Shen Bailian and Yuwen Changkong to pull two masters at the peak of the Sea-breaking Realm as a backup for this operation.

However, Yue Feng was most assured of his teammates, because after years of living and dying together, they could completely trust each other with their backs.

"What's the situation now? Can you give me a piece of information?" After getting Yue Feng's consent, Tie Yuan turned his head and entered the working state, and hurriedly asked about the specific situation now.

Although before coming, as a member of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team, he had already used his identity and authority to inquire about some information about the "gold swallowing" plan.

However, due to confidentiality regulations, no matter how good the relationship between Tieyuan and Dulang is, they cannot casually tell the latest news, so Tieyuan does not know much about the recent situation of the "Swallowing Gold" plan.

"Okay." Dulang called a staff member, and in just a few seconds, a light screen was directly sent over, and the information on it was scrolling at an extremely fast speed.

In just a dozen seconds, more than a hundred pages of detailed information were all imprinted in Tieyuan's mind.


Tieyuan closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath. When he opened them again, he had basically sorted out all the details and context of this plan.

"So, that guy has been leading us around in circles in recent days?" Tieyuan looked at the large screen in the center of the control room.

"Yes." Hearing this, Hummingbird nodded, and a helpless smile appeared on his face. He said helplessly: "This guy has been circling around that Xiaoqingshan for two or three days."

"However, the result should be out tonight. Ram should not let Xie Xun die outside. After all, it was the "bloody night" of two top martial arts geniuses. Ram would not be unmoved."

Another half an hour later, the night was getting deeper.

At this moment, it was the most tiring moment for everyone, and it was also the most boring moment for all the staff. Looking at the same picture for three days and three nights has made their thinking a little rigid.

And at this moment.


"Captain Yue, there is movement." In the temporary control room, a staff member responsible for monitoring the light screen suddenly burst into a surprised smile on his face.

"There's movement here too!"

"Me too..."


On the leftmost large screen that monitors the weather, the original wind direction was from west to east, but for some reason, it suddenly changed, and a black cloud that stretched for dozens of miles also made a 90-degree turn.

The same was true in other directions, with thick black clouds continuously converging in one direction.

If it were in normal times, this situation would be normal, because the weather in the wilderness is changeable, but such uniform and targeted cloud movement is obviously not an ordinary natural phenomenon.

Moreover, after careful verification by the staff and big data verification, they found that the direction of those unusual black clouds was all the same destination, that is, Xiaoqingshan where Xie Xun was.

"Finally there is movement!" Lone Wolf couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the selected light screens, and quickly turned around to inform Yue Feng and others.

"Captain Yue, Hummingbird, Iron Ape, hurry up, stop practicing, it's time to prepare for action..."



Xie Xun rode on the back of Danzhu Niu, the brilliance in his eyes disappeared, leaving only heavy fatigue, accumulated in the deepest part of his eyes, his face turned pale due to his weak body, and his lips were chapped.

It was as if he hadn't drunk water for a few days.

This was indeed the case. Since escaping from Congyun City for a day, Xie Xun had been staying on the back of Danzhu Niu, following the instructions of the divine favored Ram, circling in the mountains.

It was not until today that he reached the real meeting place, Xiaoqingshan.

At the same time, this was also the first time Xie Xun came here, because of the troubled journey in the past few days, the joy, excitement... and other positive emotions in his heart had long been exhausted.

His only thought now was to be able to meet Ram safely and join the ascension.

"I'm so stupid, really, I shouldn't have reported this!"

A thought flashed through Xie Xun's mind, but after that, the regret in his heart, like the sour bitter water, surged up one after another.

Because of the inexplicable dissipation of the divine power in his body, he did not dare to stay in Congyun City. After completing the task, he hurriedly escaped from Congyun City.

However, in order to make merit, Xie Xun also reported this news when he reported the news. Unexpectedly, this became the beginning of his suffering.

For three days and three nights, he did not eat a complete meal, and he could only drink water in the morning dew.

Because of the annoying eyes in the sky, Xie Xun's spirit has been in a highly tense state, and...

With the blessing of many negative factors, Xie Xun, a loser at the bottom of Daxia, has almost exhausted his energy, and he has thought of giving up many times.

This is really too torturous!

If it weren't for the two precious tubes of top martial arts genius blood in his hand, plus the promise given by Ram, supporting Xie Xun, otherwise with his unyielding temper, he would have chosen to give up long ago.

After all, there is a high probability that the traitor who surrenders in advance will be identified as an undercover by the Daxia official. Even if the result is still not good, at least he will not be directly sentenced to death.

Don't expect the traitors in Daxia to have high professional ethics, or these people don't have professional ethics at all, and there are many people who eat both ends.

Ram's information was revealed by some rebellious traitors.


The air around seemed to become heavy, the light of the bright moon was gradually disappearing, and the earth was gradually shrouded in darkness.

A sense of depression gradually enveloped Xie Xun's heart. He took a deep breath, barely squeezed out a trace of strength, and looked up.

I saw thick black clouds, like those stained with black ink, rolling in from all directions of Xiaoqing Mountain, like the towering waves on the sea.

There was a drizzle of rain, which could not wait to fall from the black clouds.


Thunder suddenly exploded between heaven and earth, and dazzling lightning streaked across the rain curtain, illuminating the dark sky, making the entire mountain forest briefly bright.

In an instant, a series of lightning snakes composed of thunder surged in the black clouds, extremely bright, dazzling, eye-catching... and breathtaking.

While the lightning flashed, there was a huge monster with a wingspan of more than ten meters, soaring and rolling in the thick black clouds, revealing its dazzling golden feathers from time to time.

Moreover, as the giant creature soared, it was accompanied by a series of sharp and piercing bird calls, piercing through the thick clouds and reaching Xie Xun's ears.

However, at this time, Xie Xun did not take the giant creature seriously at all, because fierce beasts were too common in the wilderness.

If it was an enemy, the flying beasts of hundreds of miles nearby would definitely rush over after sensing the scent of the human race.

But after a while, the clouds became thicker and the whole sky was dyed black.

The rain became heavier in an instant, mixed with thunder and lightning, and the heavy rain fell violently like a bucket, which would hurt ordinary people's faces.

What's more, Xie Xun was almost exhausted?

The speed of the Danzhu Niu slowly decreased, and finally stopped under a towering tree 100 meters high. Xie Xun collapsed on the back of the Danzhu Niu, his face pale, and his breathing became much weaker.

"Finally...finally it's almost here."

Although Xie Xun was exhausted to the extreme, after seeing the unusually thick black clouds in the sky, his originally dead eyes were rekindled, full of desire for the future.

At the same time.

In Congyun City, the temporary control room of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team.

"Zila La-""Zila La-"

One after another, the light curtain in front of the main monitoring room was suddenly disturbed for some reason, and the monitoring screens near Xiaoqingshan turned into snow screens one after another.

Seeing this, the staff immediately hurriedly checked the cause of the failure, because this is the Sky Eye monitoring system, and ordinary thunderstorms can hardly affect it.

Unless this is not an ordinary thunderstorm.

In sharp contrast to the staff are the regular members of Yue Feng's Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team. They looked at each other, and their sleepiness disappeared instantly, and they suddenly became awake.

Confirmed, really confirmed, according to the records in the Daxia database, there is a 90% probability that this is a sign of the opening of the Gate of Rebirth.

Ram was hiding in the nest inside Daxia, and they found it!


When Xie Xun was resting on the back of Danzhu Niu, he suddenly felt a hazy golden light in front of his eyes, and his body became warm. His originally dry physical strength became full again.

And he seemed to hear the sound of horseshoes hitting the ground.

Xie Xun stood up excitedly. In his field of vision, a tall and hazy shadow shrouded in golden light was slowly walking towards him.

He knew that Lord Ram must have sent someone to pick him up.


The hazy shadow shrouded in golden light seemed to be just a light hand raise in Xie Xun's eyes.

In an instant, the two blood vessels hidden in his arms, which were only a few microns in diameter and contained the blood of Shen Bailian and Yuwen Changkong, kept floating towards the shadow.

"No... No! You can't do this!"

Xie Xun immediately became anxious. This was something he had obtained after going through untold hardships. It was an important bargaining chip for him to become a god's favored one, and the shadow in front of him actually wanted to steal the credit.

Seeing this, he immediately called out to Lord Ram in the depths of his heart, but Lord Ram, who had responded to him repeatedly in the past few days, did not respond at all at this moment.

"Could it be that Ram is going to kill the donkey after he has done his job?!"

A bad idea flashed through Xie Xun's mind.

Suddenly, a golden light passed through the air.

The rain near the golden light evaporated instantly, and the golden light continued to magnify in Xie Xun's eyes.

Xie Xun stared at the two tubes of blood of the top martial arts genius that were gradually drifting away. It seemed that he could reach out and touch them, but his fingertips trembled slightly and he couldn't lift them up no matter what.


Accompanied by a slight sound, blood gushed out immediately. For some reason, Xie Xun felt as if he saw his back that was soaked with sweat and rain.


Accompanied by the rain, Xie Xun's head fell on the muddy ground in the golden light. The unwillingness in his eyes slowly disappeared, and finally fell into dead silence.

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