After Xie Xun's life was completely cut off, a half-dragon horse standing like a hill slowly emerged from the hazy shadow shrouded in golden light.

Its upper body was no different from that of a human being. The muscles were knotted and the skin showed a deep copper-green color. Mysterious runes were engraved on both arms and chest, and a faint golden light shrouded his body.

The long dark green hair is flowing like a waterfall, unaffected by the heavy rain. His face is resolute, his eyebrows are like knives, and his eyes are shining with cunning and wild light. Under the blowing of the strong wind, the sharp point on his head will occasionally be revealed. 's horns.

The surface of the skin was glowing with a strange golden light, and within a foot of the whole body, it was spotless. Even the heavy downpour was instantly pushed away by an invisible force and isolated from the outside.

Its lower body is the body of a powerful giant beast, covered with thick scales that sparkle with metallic luster. It has four long legs that look like they are made of bronze juice. They are thick and powerful, and their hooves are as hard as steel. Every step takes a step forward. It seems like it can shake the earth.

At the beginning, the "da~da~da~" that Xie Xun heard, the crisp and powerful sound of iron hoofs colliding with the ground, was caused by this.

God's Familiar - Senior Familiar - Melbourne.

"Haha, what a wishful, dirty, disgusting, and ignorant mortal."

Melbourne glanced disdainfully at the mud-covered head and the trembling Danzhu cow, and used three adjectives in a row, with ridicule between his eyebrows.

Still taking credit?

As Ram's mid-level family member, Melbourne, does he need to take such a small credit? What's more, this is with Lord Ram's complete knowledge, so he can't do such a heartless thing.

Melbourne just wanted to take the two tubes of blood from top martial arts geniuses and check whether they were real blood.

However, Xie Xun made a big mistake. He had not yet joined the ranks of glorious evolution. He was still a mortal, and he dared to reach out to people or things that he should not touch.

Melbourne looked up and glanced at the leaden black clouds. It saw a very interesting beast. If it were normal, it would definitely catch it and treat it as a plaything in its palm.

but now?

Lord Ram was already urging it to return as soon as possible, and it could only sigh helplessly. Out of the corner of its eye, it suddenly noticed the trembling Danzhu Ox, and then spat forward.



In an instant, the sound of pouring rain in Danzhuniu's ears was instantly covered by a sharp sound breaking through the air, followed by a roaring sound like a storm.

All within earshot, close at hand.

Danzhu Niu was extremely frightened for a moment and subconsciously wanted to run away, but it was already too late.


In an instant, it was like a big overripe watermelon being smashed down by a hammer. The red and white thing exploded instantly, like a head the size of a bucket. Severe pain instantly shot through the left side, and a buzzing tinnitus ran through the skull.

The left half of Danzhu Niu's head disappeared.

It retreated backwards in horror. As its huge body collapsed, it saw a huge sunken spiderweb crack hole on the trunk of a hundred-meter-high tree behind it, with a glowing weapon embedded in it. Golden water droplets.

Danzhu Niu fell to the ground, and a trace of regret emerged in his small brain core, but it was quickly swallowed up by the darkness.


With a low and long trembling, the void behind Melbourne seemed to be touched by an invisible force. Suddenly, like a stone being thrown into the calm lake, a circle of more than ten meters in diameter suddenly appeared. Another round of waves.

As the waves spread, a huge, glowing portal gradually appeared in the void.

And right now.

The golden eagle soaring in the black clouds suddenly flashed its more than ten meters long wings, and its sharp eyes went straight through the layers of rain. The moment he saw the door to the afterlife, his heart stopped suddenly, and even the rhythm of his breathing was violent. The ground trembled for a moment.

The door to the afterlife!

That is the door to the afterlife!

Just by discovering the location of the Gate of Rebirth, all the teammates of the Sharp Sword Law Enforcement Team can not only advance to the next level, but also obtain a large amount of training resources.

However, the five members of their sharp sword law enforcement team have spent more than half a year out of thin air, and they will definitely not be satisfied with a simple promotion.

The good combat qualities developed in the past twenty years allowed the Golden Eagle to quickly recover from the abnormal state. However, although within Daxia, the perception of the gods and their relatives will be affected by the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation. suppress.

But the Golden Eagle still keeps a distance from the Gate of Rebirth.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in an anthill, and he did not want to ruin the fruits of the entire sharp sword law enforcement team's hard work for more than half a year because of his momentary negligence.

At the same time, the muscles and bones of the golden eagle's body were buzzing. The original force hidden in the dantian and the strength all over the body began to gradually converge towards the wings, and a faint golden luster appeared on the feathers.


Then, there was a faint flash of silver light, inconspicuous among the thunder, and a biomechanical golden eagle the size of a golden eagle, cloned and assembled with precision instruments, suddenly appeared in the thundercloud.

And it coincides with his body.

At this time, everything within a hundred miles of Xiaoqingshan has been covered by heavy rain, so if you just look at it with the naked eye, it is difficult to tell the difference between the two.

After it was determined that the vitality of one cow and one person was completely gone.

Melbourne's iron hooves stepped on the muddy ground, making a dull and powerful sound. With a hint of excitement on its face, it turned around without any hesitation and stepped straight into the embrace of the Gate of Rebirth.


After entering Melbourne, the waves in the void gradually became weaker. As time passed bit by bit, the door to the afterlife seemed to be closing the next moment.


A familiar iron hoof suddenly stepped out, and Melbourne's huge head suddenly poked out from the door to the afterlife that was about to close.

"Is it my imagination?"

Melbourne raised his head, his sharp eyes went straight through the rain curtain and the thick black clouds, staring closely at the mechanical golden eagle that was still swimming in the thunderclouds. There was a flash of contemplation in his eyes, and he couldn't help but lower his head. The voice murmured:

"It seems that I was really wrong."

The Gate of Rebirth is the only gateway to Ram's lair built in Daxia. It's not that Ram doesn't want to build more, but it's because the star formation in the sky is too much of a hindrance to the gods.

"Damn traitor."

Melbourne glanced at the bright, clear, and dazzling vast golden dome from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

If it were placed when the gods were alive, it would certainly not dare to say such a thing.

"Come back quickly." Suddenly, a voice appeared in Melbourne's mind out of thin air.

"Yes, Lord Ram!" Melbourne heard the voice in his head and subconsciously cheered up.

"It's better to be safe."

Suddenly, Melbourne made a violent move, and golden light appeared between its palms. The golden light stretched and shaped like ramen noodles, but in just a moment, a long bow appeared in its palm.

The bow is like thunder, and the arrow is like thunderbolt.

In an instant, a dazzling golden arrow, or more like a spear, exploded towards the head of the mechanical golden eagle.

Among the lotus leaves, the golden light streaking across the night sky and rain curtain was more dazzling than the thunder in the black clouds. It was swift and dangerous, and the rainwater in mid-air was evaporated and turned into a large white mist.

After shooting that golden arrow, Melbourne stepped back into the door of the afterlife without any hesitation because of that golden arrow.

Will be in!

Even when the golden spear shot out from the mechanical golden eagle, it had already detected the high-energy strike and took evasive action in advance.

Just as Melbourne was thinking, the golden spear seemed to be equipped with a locking device. "Bang~", the head of the biomechanical golden eagle exploded instantly.

The huge body fell towards the mountain forest like a passenger plane, and the fragments of the head exploded like gorgeous petals, shooting out in all directions.

One of the "petals" seemed to have its own mission. There was a slight blue light at the bottom, and it rushed towards the dying door of the afterlife.

At the last moment when the Door to Rebirth was closed, the replica of the Gengdan Vajra finally reached the center of the Door to Rebirth and was gently embedded in it.

Gradually it became blurry and transparent, and finally disappeared into the rain curtain.

The Door to Rebirth, under the influence of the replica of Gengdan Vajra, opened a gap, leaving a secret door. This secret door will gradually expand as time goes by.


A sudden explosion sounded in the rain. The golden eagle emerged from the thick black clouds again, glanced at the biomechanical golden eagle that fell in the forest, and recorded its location.

His wings trembled violently, and he galloped towards the Gate of Rebirth, like a sharp blade, cutting through the rain curtain. As he landed, the golden eagle's figure also began to shrink.

When the golden eagle landed on the ground, his true appearance was revealed. His face had clear outlines, his eyes were deep and bright, his nose was high, and there was a sense of nobility between his eyebrows.

The golden eagle did not waste any time. With a slight movement of thought, and with the flash of silver light, he took out a nano-robot needle from the ring.

Then, he skillfully tapped his ear, and a virtual AR glasses stretched out because the permission authentication had already been passed.

Therefore, the golden eagle easily saw the replica of the Gengdan Vajra that had fallen into a state of addiction.


In an instant, the golden eagle's breathing became heavier. Whether he could succeed or not depends on this time. He slowly probed the nanorobot needle towards the replica of Gengdan Vajra.

No surprises.

The needle suddenly disappeared into the world of Earth Star Lord. The golden eagle did not hesitate. With a slight movement of his mind, a light curtain appeared directly in the rain curtain. After more than a dozen sequential operations, the nanorobot was activated.

He slowly pushed the core of the needle and successfully released some of the activated quantum nanorobots into the space mezzanine through the gap in the Gate of Rebirth.

Another part is left outside.

Just the cost of this needle-shaped quantum nanorobot is worth billions of Daxia coins, but if you don't spend this "little money", you will suffer a big loss.

This is the valuable experience summed up by Daxia's official law enforcement team, which has been educated by the gods many times and has experienced the sacrifices of hundreds of warriors.

The world in the interlayer of space has the same underlying operating rules as the main world of the Earth Star, but other things may be different.

For example, the two most important issues are the strength of the interlayer world and the speed of time flow inside.

The strength of the interlayer world is related to how strong the warriors they can send in, and it will also be used by artificial intelligence and human beings to judge the risk of the task.

However, although this rule of world strength does not exist for gods, it is also applicable to the gods' followers.

If you easily send out a fighting force that exceeds the strength of the interlayer world, once you get into a real fierce battle, neither the gods' followers nor the human race will hold back.

In this way, it will inevitably lead to the appearance of space cracks, causing the interlayer world to collapse and perish, and the only exit is the Gate of Rebirth.

Once you fall into the space crack, even if you are a strong man in the realm of gods or the palace of gods, you will die.

In December 185 of the New Era, there was a strong man in the Palace of Gods in Daxia. He was in a 45-degree energy level sandwich world. Because he was caught in a fierce battle with a god's family, he accidentally burst out with a force that exceeded the strength of the sandwich world.

The sandwich world of 45 degrees collapsed, and the strong man in the Palace of Gods accidentally fell into the space crack. At the last moment, the strong man in the Palace of Gods burst out his potential and pulled the god's family in.

It greatly reduced the losses of Daxia.

Because in that era, the strong men in the Palace of Gods in Daxia were extremely rare. If that god's family escaped through the Gate of Rebirth, it would take at least ten minutes for the other strong men in the Palace of Gods to rush to support.

This was in the absence of a large-scale beast tide.

The strong men in the Palace of Gods could easily overturn thousands of miles with one blow, and it was more than enough to destroy any city in Daxia. By the time those strong men in the Palace of Gods came to support, the opportunity was gone.

The problem of the speed of time in the second sandwich world, Golden Eagle had seen it with his own eyes. A warrior in his twenties clearly went in January, but when he came out in December, he said that he had only been in there for twelve days.

Some others are completely opposite, and some of them have been included by the Daxia official. The most cutting-edge space and cave technology in Daxia has also been developed in this way.

However, the most useful portable cave technology has not been developed yet, otherwise the concept of one person forming an army will never be just a concept.

In addition, many natural treasures that require years in the Daxia official are also cultivated by capturing this sandwich world.

Next, you need to wait patiently.

As for the safety issue, the current development level of Golden Eagle's bloodline has exceeded 70%, as long as there is no ferocious beast approaching deliberately.

"I hope you won't let me down."

Golden Eagle whispered softly. If the world intensity is too high, or the difference in the speed of time is too large, then this sandwich world is likely to be forcibly destroyed.

The efforts of their sharp sword law enforcement team for more than half a year will be in vain!

As time passed, more than half an hour passed quickly. Jin Diao, a strong man in the Sea Breaking Realm, was shaking restlessly like an ant on a hot pot.


A slight sound suddenly rang out in the rain, but in Jin Diao's ears, it was so clear and pleasant.

I'm really sorry that I've been busy with graduation these days. Let's see if I can resume my daily schedule tomorrow or in two days.

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