New Era 346, January 18th at ten o'clock in the evening.

This day is an extremely ordinary day for the billions of ordinary people in Daxia. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset, nothing different.

But for the martial arts colleges, the six universities in Daxia, as well as the major martial arts halls and the official forces of Daxia, this day is actually a very historic day.

Especially the citizens in Bozhou City.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh——"

Amidst the sound of sharp small objects breaking through the air, fireworks left a bright trail like shooting stars, and then exploded with a "bang" when they rose to the highest point.

It's like huge, colorful peonies blooming suddenly in the sky.

The red is warm, the yellow is bright, the blue is deep...the green is vibrant, the lights of various colors are intertwined, and the golden light is shining, forming a gorgeous picture.

The entire Bozhou City was enveloped in a joyful atmosphere.

Although modern technology has been developed enough, in the difficult years a hundred years ago, the beautiful and gorgeous fireworks display was no more than a piece of sugar cube, adding a bit of sweetness to the bitterness.

Although it will have a great impact on the environment, this fireworks display during major festivals and celebrations has still been preserved.

"Dear customers, today Galaxy Company, in order to celebrate this important and historic day, hereby launches the Hundred Refining Cultivation Gift Box. You don't need 999999 or 888888, you only need 666666 to take home."

"In order to take care of new and old customers, all the spiritual resources available today are discounted at least 10% off. This is limited to 24 hours. Don't miss it if you pass by..."

On top of a building with the Galaxy Company logo, huge three-dimensional projections appeared, all of which were popular girl groups, and the one standing in the middle was a woman stepping on the stairs, stepping to the top step by step. , a young man with an indifferent expression.

Bright neon lights flashed between the buildings, turning the night into day, and the crowd was buzzing, as if they were celebrating the Spring Festival.

"In order to celebrate this great day today, it was decided by the *** meeting that January 18th every year is designated as the celebration day. In addition to necessary service personnel, all companies should enjoy two days of paid leave (no additional days off). )... All public service facilities are open 24 hours a day. I hope you have a good time tonight. ”

Drones were flying around Bozhou City, broadcasting the decisions of the Bozhou City-related meeting.


"What's going on? What day is today, and it is suddenly designated as a celebration day? How strange." Some people cheered, while others were confused.

"Who cares what day it is!"

"That's right, mandatory paid leave, isn't that the end of enjoying it?"

"Woohoo! I will pay for everyone's consumption today on behalf of Mr. Shen... I won't come back until I'm drunk!"


In an instant, the festive atmosphere in Bozhou City was like adding fuel to the fire, and it suddenly became more vigorous and lively, quite like the Spring Festival.

As for whether this policy can be implemented? Are there any corresponding legal effects?

Of course there is.

Because of the particularity of the times, in Daxia, the city lords of each city have certain autonomy without changing the general laws of Daxia.

It is precisely because of the special nature of the era that thousands of powerful forces have concentrated on themselves and become the mainstream of the entire Earth Star. A top powerhouse is of extremely great significance to a city, a country, or even a continent.

Although most ordinary people didn't understand what happened, they could only vaguely guess that it was related to what happened in Bozhou No. 3 Middle School during the day, but it didn't stop them from cheering for it at all.

Living is tiring enough, where is the time to think about other things?

However, for those warriors who gathered near Bozhou No. 3 Middle School, as well as the martial arts students, teachers, and school leaders inside Bozhou No. 3 Middle School, they witnessed the rise of a peerless talent with their own eyes.

When a warrior in the Mortal Transformation Realm faced a warrior in the Sea-opening Realm, he was at a disadvantage in all aspects and actually directly destroyed the opponent's Force Armor.

If it were just like this, it would not be enough to make Kong Chaowu, Yang Wu, Wang Xu... and other senior officials of Bozhou City designate today as a celebration day for Bozhou City.

Because of this exaggerated combat power in leapfrog battles, Shen Bailian once demonstrated it in the finals of the Bozhou City Martial Arts Competition, and also demonstrated it in the Gold Cup League.

The key factor that made them make this decision mainly lies in the gold content of the 17-year-old sea-opening realm warrior.

17 years old, open to the sea.

Before this, almost no one would talk about these two words together under normal circumstances, but after today, the situation is completely different.

And in the near future, this combined noun will belong to only one person, and that is - Shen Bailian.

From this moment on, the wheel of history has quietly changed its original trajectory and headed in an unknown direction.

Tiangang Academy, the highest-floor conference room in Tianshu Building.

Although it was late at night, the top meeting room was still brightly lit.

Except for Duan Wuya, the dean of the six combat branches of Tiangang Academy, who was a virtual three-dimensional projection, the others were already present and sat on both sides of the conference table.

Vice-President Ji Chenghu sat at the head, and sitting on both sides were the other two vice-presidents, namely the vice-president in charge of logistics and the vice-president in charge of the scientific research institute.

As for the principal, Xiong Kuohai?

If you haven’t arrived, you don’t need to be there.

Among the six universities, each position has a clear division of responsibilities.

The principal is in charge of the general direction, and the lowest level of strength must be at the divine palace level. He is responsible for the Dinghai Shenzhen, and has a certain degree of veto power over specific affairs within the school.

But does not participate in discussions on specific matters.

The vice-principal is the real person responsible and the person to talk about the specific affairs of the school. All major and minor matters must be approved by the vice-principal before they can be applied for or passed up.

The deans of the remaining colleges are the persons in charge of the grid.

"... Now that it's confirmed, let's vote with a show of hands." Ji Chenghu looked around and solemnly said: "Those who agree to Shen Bailian's participation in this global martial arts competition, raise your hands."

All of a sudden.

Uh-huh! Swish, swish, swish!

Cheng Shangwu, Chu Yunfei...Huang Qingqing and other deans, as well as the other two vice-deans, raised their right hands without hesitation.

However, there is only one exception.

"Old Duan, what do you think?" Ji Chenghu frowned slightly and turned his attention to Duan Wuya, who had been silent and somewhat troubled.

Cheng Shangwu, Shangguan Feiyan...Huang Qingqing and other deans also looked at Duan Wuya with confusion, some were confused, some were puzzled...and some were curious.

Because this is a global martial arts competition, one of the top competitions in the world.

In the martial arts colleges in Daxia, almost all the martial arts geniuses are working hard for it, just to get a chance to be on that world-famous stage before graduation.

No country, warrior, or extraordinary person will miss the global martial arts competition.

"Are you afraid that boy is not strong enough?" Ji Chenghu said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this at all. According to the news from Kong Chaowu, when he first entered the Pihai Realm, he killed the veteran Pi Hai Realm strongmen with swords, and there are still some Yu Li..."

"No." Duan Wuya shook his head, pursed his lips, and a trace of confusion flashed across his face. He hesitated to speak. After a few seconds, he finally calmed down and gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm worried that it's a little too early now. Xiao Shen is only seventeen years old. Logically speaking, he is only a senior in high school. He still has time and can definitely participate in the next Global Martial Arts..."

When Duan Wuya was talking, almost everyone was looking at each other with a strange look.

Who is that three-dimensional projection?

Duan Wuya! Duan Wuya, who once won the title of "Canghai Mad Sword" in the Pihai Realm, has always been bold, daring to attack and fight.

Now that I have a disciple, my temperament has actually changed? !


"Don't look at me like that. It's not like you don't know our country's current international situation."

After the voice fell, everyone showed a look of realization.

"Principal Ji, I think Wu Ya is right. At Xiao Shen's age, can he wait for the next term?" Huang Qingqing thought for a moment and then agreed.

All of a sudden.

The conference room fell into silence.

Most people are curious as to why the various countries in Diyuan Planet are still in the mood and actively participating in the global martial arts competition, even though there are powerful ferocious beasts and gods' descendants outside the wilderness.

And even if the big countries participate, why are some small countries also joining in the fun?

A strong country means a large population. With a population of billions, as long as it does not collapse, all kinds of martial arts geniuses will continue to pour out.

And the quality will become higher and higher over time.

As for those weak countries, if a country can have a few martial arts geniuses emerge in a year, it is already a blessing. In some countries, the strongest person is only at the peak of the sea level.

The global martial arts competition is not just a play. The mortality rate every year is more than 30%, and among this 30%, the martial arts geniuses of small and weak countries contribute 70 to 80% of the mortality rate.

Logically speaking, if you suffer a loss once, you will never suffer it again no matter what.

But the opposite is true.

The reason lies in the huge and jaw-dropping rewards, and also in the destiny!

Although the martial arts path has the best popularity among all extraordinary paths and is easy to get started, if you want to practice to a high level, you need to pay a huge amount of money, natural materials, and earthly treasures.

For a single peak warrior in the Mortal Transformation Realm, a day's normal training would cost one to two hundred thousand Great Xia coins.

And this is just training. If you add combat and recovery of physical injuries, the amount of money spent will increase exponentially.

However, as long as you get a few rankings in the global martial arts competition, you can get rewards tenfold, a hundredfold, or even a thousandfold.

As the saying goes, heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat all things as stupid dogs.

The meaning of this sentence is that the way of heaven is fair and maintains a neutral and objective attitude towards everything in the world. It is not ruthless.

Because the gods issued a curse on the human race before their fall, coupled with the divine infection, the human race once fell into a state of eternal doom.

The gods and the human race are in a hostile state, but the earthly star and heavenly consciousness are not in a hostile state with the human race.

The human race is also a member of the living creatures.

So in order to balance and prevent the human race from being destroyed all at once, there are various compensation mechanisms such as combat body, holy body, heavenly medicine... and the most difficult to obtain destiny.

The role of the global martial arts competition at the beginning was very simple, which was similar to the war without gunpowder smoke like the Olympics, but the former was more realistic.

The global martial arts competition is held every five years. The country with the highest total points has the right to unify the world when encountering a crisis of force majeure.

Later, with the development of the times, the old-time powers gradually survived the crisis of destruction after a long period of chaos, and the global martial arts league gradually became a mere existence in name only.

But no one expected that the carrier of obtaining destiny and national destiny would quietly become the global martial arts competition.

In order to compete for destiny and national destiny, various countries had to jointly host the global martial arts league again.

However, with the rise of various countries, especially major powers, the world has a tendency to return to a situation of one superpower and many powers, but this time the "superpower" is the Eastern power.


Internal fighting is one of the development history of mankind, and Daxia, as a super among many strong countries, naturally attracts the wind, especially the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array in Daxia and the billions of citizens in the Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array.

No matter what era it is, as long as it is a human-dominated society, people will be the foundation of social development.

A large population means strong recovery and hematopoietic ability, and as time goes by, the martial arts geniuses who emerge will explore their martial arts potential as perfectly as possible.

They are afraid.

When they are afraid, they will naturally stick together. Except for the countries around Daxia because they are too close, almost all countries regard Daxia as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

They can tolerate the emergence of a big country, but they can never tolerate the emergence of a strong country.

In this environment of hostility with the whole world, even if Daxia has the ability to be the best in the world, it is only a top-level strongman.

There is a gap between the Pihai realm, but the gap is not that big. Even a medium-sized country can cultivate a Pihai realm warrior under the situation of doing its best.

Not to mention those powerful countries.

Therefore, in the recent Global Martial Arts League, the casualty rate of Daxia has shown a curve-up trend, and there was one person in the last session who sacrificed his martial arts path for it.

"What do you think?" Ji Chenghu pondered for a moment, and then looked at the other deans and vice presidents.

This matter is of great importance, and the responsibility is also quite large. If you are not careful, it is easy to make a big mistake that will regret for life, so he cannot be arbitrary.

"My opinion is that this matter can be discussed later. There are still a few months before the Global Martial Arts Competition. There is no need to be so anxious." Chu Yunfei chose to be conservative.

"Reserve your opinion." "Me too."




The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open from the outside. In an instant, Ji Chenghu's alarm bells suddenly rang, and he felt like sitting on pins and needles. He involuntarily put his hand on the warning button, ready to press it at any time.

"What? Don't you consider the opinion of my master on this matter?" (End of this chapter)

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