A few months later, the Clooney's warship left the solar system. Hobbis walked in a hurry, no one knew what happened. The first looked at the sky and covered the sky. The Clooney's warship hurried away without saying a word.

Nubi's fleet did not choose to leave with Kleist, but built a base and supply line on Jupiter, where it quickly recovered its lost strength.

"The full name of dark matter particles is micro-interacting mass particles. For protons and neutrons that make up atoms, they are heavy ions and have strong gravitational responses. They have almost no effect on normal matter."

Lin Feng was still studying the technical theory that Bing He brought, but Bing He was confused, but Ye Mu nodded thoughtfully.

"It can easily pass through an object with a large diameter such as the Blue Star. When hundreds of millions of dark matter particles pass through the center of the earth, only one dark matter particle can react with the matter in the Blue Star Mountain. Therefore, it is very time-consuming and difficult to observe dark matter particles. It's an energy-consuming thing, and as for why it can't be observed, there is a small problem with the theory,"

Lin Feng paused for a while, then pointed to a theoretical point and looked at Ye Mu.

"Linear energy levels of dark matter particles?"

Ye Mu leaned closer to Lin Feng and looked at the theory he was pointing at.

"Dark matter particles cannot be obtained directly, and can only be felt by interfering with light waves or gravitational forces from stars. We need to use the faint flashes produced by the collision of dark matter particles."

Ye Mu's eyes suddenly brightened, and the contradiction in his heart was suddenly resolved. It turned out that the problem was here.

"Senior Lin Feng, thank you."

Ye Mu gratefully bowed to Lin Feng.

"I can't stand this gift a little, just thank you normally."

Lin Feng hurriedly stopped Ye Mu. Speaking of which, they were actually the same age. It felt weird for someone of the same age to bow like him.

"Do your research, I'll go up and take a look."

Lin Feng left here and handed over the space of the laboratory to Ye Mu and Bing He. Jiang Luo was boredly playing with her mobile phone. Now all the production in the base is used for military purposes, so she can't do business, Su Ohyi Nothing to do for now.

"Senior Lin Feng, thank you."

Jiang Luo watched Lin Feng come up, and said something expressionless.

"No, can you eat this vinegar too?"

Lin Feng hugged Jiang Luo amusingly, and lightly pecked her forehead.

"I'm going to go out."

The two of them lay on the railing and overlooked the interior of the base. They were scattered and orderly.

"Then go, you should go out and have a look after staying here for so long."

Jiang Luo said disapprovingly, Lin Feng has almost reached the two-point and one-line pattern at the base in the past few months, experimenting, sleeping, and almost nothing has changed.

"What I said was to leave Blue Star and have a look."

Lin Feng said deliberately, he had to get the antimatter particles before the fleet of the Talmud civilization arrived. The Star Destroyer is already under construction, and now there are only two devices missing: the leap device and the star destroyer. The detection is a little researched, and I believe that it can be completed without having to do it yourself.

But antimatter particles are different. Collapsing white dwarfs are not so easy to find, and even if they are found, how can antimatter particles be so easy to extract.

When Jiang Luo heard this, she put away her cell phone and looked at Lin Feng seriously. The universe was dangerous to them. Jiang Luo didn't want Lin Feng to be in danger again, but she looked at Lin Feng very seriously. face, she sighed slowly.

"Okay, I want to be with you." Jiang Luo seemed to say casually, but her tone had an undeniable firmness.

"It's dangerous."

Lin Feng discouraged, the trip to the universe sounds beautiful, but the process is extremely boring and dangerous. Most of the galaxies are empty spaces. Planets and asteroids are rare, and they have been destroyed for a long time. Darkness enveloped.

"Then go too."

Lin Feng didn't say anything else and had to agree. I don't know how long it will take.

"Isn't it okay to leave this kind of thing to someone else?"

The first one frowned after hearing Lin Feng's request. He didn't want Lin Feng to go out. It would be fine for Lin Feng to stay in Blue Star honestly. He has helped Blue Star enough.

"But who has this experience? I'm afraid they don't even know how to approach."

Lin Feng spread his hands and said that no one on Blue Star has this experience, nor does Lin Feng, but Lin Feng knows how to operate.

The first one looked at Lin Feng, the pen in his hand kept hitting the wooden table top, making a dull sound, as if he was thinking about this matter seriously.

After a long time, the first one rubbed his eyebrows and said with a sigh,

"Go, but don't go with an aerospace fighter. Take the 'Kyushu' out, so that you can protect yourself."

Lin Feng wanted to fly an aerospace fighter plane with Jiang Luo to the cosmos.

"No, what if the 'Jiuzhou' leaves the Blue Star?"

Lin Feng immediately refused. Now that Clooney's fleet has left the solar system, Blue Star only has the ability to deal with foreign attacks.

"The aerospace carriers of various countries are under construction, and I believe they will be available soon. We also have two aerospace carriers that are about to be completed, so don't worry."

In the first place, he waved his hand to indicate that Lin Feng should not worry.


Lin Feng wanted to say something but was interrupted by the first wave.

"Don't be, if you want to go, take the 'Kyushu' with you. If you don't want to go, take it with you at home. If you want to go and don't take the 'Kyushu', I will detain you until a young age. Go to the dark room."

The first person rarely made a face towards Lin Feng, Lin Feng was also calmed down by the first person's anger, and he complied.


The first waved his hand, indicating that Lin Feng could leave, while he read the documents on his own. Although the space war was very disturbing, domestic affairs should still proceed normally.

"The coordinates of Clooney's side have been sent to us, we can go to Clooney's side to inquire about the news first."

Somewhere in the valley, the 'Kyushu' is located here. It received some injuries during the space war, but after several months of repairs, it is now intact.

Lin Feng and the others were making preparations. All kinds of mechas and aerospace fighters were transported into the 'Jiuzhou'. The first one was equipped with a certain amount of troops to ensure his safety.

"That's fine, but why don't you just ask them for the coordinates of the white dwarf?"

Lin Feng looked at Gu Suping and asked, why didn't he ask Clooney directly about the coordinates of the white dwarf?

"I think you're right."

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