I Asked You To Repair The Car: You Actually Built A Mecha

Chapter 133 Will Be As Brilliant As It Is

Gu Suping touched his head and suddenly realized why he didn't ask Clooney directly about the coordinates of the white dwarf.

Gu Suping hurriedly went to contact, Lin Feng shook his head, looked at the two girls again, and asked with a look of hopelessness,

"So, what are you two doing here?"

"I think dark matter particles can be observed more intuitively in the universe."

Bing He was the first to raise his hand to answer, and the other person was naturally Ye Mu.

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Lin Feng asked Bing He's head to eat a chestnut.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Luo also came over, but when she saw Bing He and Ye Mu standing beside Lin Feng, her eyes widened.

"Why did you bring them both here?"

Jiang Luo said with a look of surprise, this is not a joke.

"You didn't deduct this pot like that."

Lin Feng waved his hands again and again, indicating that he would not take the blame.

"Sister, we came here by ourselves, and we also want to go to space to have a look."

Bing He hurried to Bing He's side and hugged her arm and explained that compared to Lin Feng, Bing He was more afraid of Bing He, perhaps because of his family's relationship, Bing He was a little afraid of Jiang Luo.

"Aren't you joking?"

Jiang Luo raised her hand and rubbed Bing He's head. Fortunately, Bing He was not very tall, and Jiang Luo didn't have to tiptoe to touch her head.

"Sister, it's better for our experiments to go to space for research."

Bing He shook her head, her hair was messed up by Jiang Luo. Jiang Luo glanced at her angrily, then glanced at Lin Feng, as if asking.

"Objectively, she's right."

Lin Feng didn't go to anyone, but said truthfully, the probability of dark matter particles being observed on Blue Star is one in a billion, and the probability of observation in the cosmic space can indeed be improved.


Jiang Luo asked again, looking at Lin Feng with a half-smile.

"Subjectively speaking, I don't recommend her to go. First of all, because of the adaptation to the universe, we will inevitably have to leave the 'Kyushu'. If it is a planet with too low or too high gravity, it will inevitably cause some adverse reactions. Secondly, I think your subjectivity is more important."

Lin Feng said a few words appropriately, and then returned the initiative to Jiang Luo.

Jiang Luo looked at Bing He's pleading eyes and said helplessly,

"Then go."


Bing He excitedly shook Jiang Luo's arm, then went back to hug Ye Mu and was about to jump up with joy.

"Cough, you go to the logistics side to register first, and then bring the equipment you should get."

Lin Feng coughed twice and motioned Bing He to pay attention to the impact.

Only then did Bing He realize that there were a lot of people looking at him, so he calmed down, then dragged Ye Mu and jumped away.

Gu Suping also came back at this time.

"Clonney said that the environment around the white dwarf is not suitable for placing planetary coordinates, so we still have to go to Clonney first, and then let them take us there." Gu Suping walked back and said, seeing Jiang Luo also a little surprised , But he didn't say anything, instead, he began to think that he would find a girlfriend from time to time.

"If that's the case, then get ready to go."

After three days of sleepless preparation, Lin Feng and the others embarked on the journey again.

The 'Kyushu' traveled very fast and came to the edge of the solar system in just two days, and they also slowed down at this time.

Here is the Kuiper Belt, with the dwarf planet Pluton poised in front of them.

The movement of the Pluton star just got in their way, and they had to slow down to avoid hitting the Pluton star.

Pluton's star is mainly composed of rock and ice, so the entire appearance appears to be red and yellow, alternating white and blue. In addition to this, it has five moons and is also the dwarf planet with the most bodyguards in the Kuiper Belt.

Everyone had a short time to enjoy this rare beauty. This is a scenery that ordinary people can't see in their entire lives. The three girls chatting and laughing by the porthole can be regarded as being controlled by only men. The room adds another touch of interest.

"If there is a chance, you must recruit a group of female sailors, otherwise it will be torture for these big men for such a long time."

Lin Feng looked at everyone's envious eyes and thought to himself.

"Xiao Ke, positioning coordinates, Perseus Algol Namta planet."

Lin Feng looked at the many people sitting in the cab, and suddenly said, there is nothing important at the moment, and it is not a problem to sit here all the time.


A mechanized voice sounded in the cockpit, and Lin Feng specially transferred Xiaoke in the base to the 'Kyushu' before coming out.

"The positioning is successful, the automatic driving is turned on, and the estimated time of arrival is two months later."

"What should you do, everyone, leave a group of people to maintain the normal operation of the spacecraft's facilities, every five hours."

Everyone in the cab cheered and they should have left, leaving some people to watch them leave with envy, but they didn't hold any resentment, after all, they could play by themselves in five hours.

A month and a half later, the 'Kyushu' has come to the planet Perseus. It entered according to the route given by Clooney, and will not encounter the fleet of the Talmud civilization. They are far away on the other side of the Perseus constellation. .

"What planet is that?"

Jiang Luo asked as she looked at the star with a dazzling white light far away from the porthole.

"That's Tianchuan, a white supergiant, a star, not a planet."

Lin Feng explained that although it looked like it was in front of him, Tianchuan Er was much farther away from them.

"The blue one is Tianchuan 5, the yellow one is Tianchuan 2, the red one is Algol 6, and the biggest star not far from us is Algol."

Lin Feng explained casually, and then he took Jiang Luo's hand and walked to the other side. The porthole looked like the afterglow left by the setting sun, gradually changing color under the reflection, and it was like fireworks exploded in the middle.

"This is Perseus gk, the remnant of a nova, also called the Flame Nebula."

The large swathes of pink and purple covered the brilliance of the golden light, and the little flickering behind the nebula outlined the background of the starry sky. Jiang Luo looked at the flame nebula in front of her with some fascination.

Reaching out her hand and pressing it on the porthole, as if she wanted to touch, she seemed to have forgotten that she was in space, and the flame nebula in front of her was like a fireworks blooming for her, extremely brilliant.

"It's so beautiful."

Jiang Luo came back to her senses and muttered, Lin Feng looked at the porthole, Jiang Luo's figure was reflected on the porthole, and the splendid flame nebula was put into her eyes.

"Do you think we are like it?"

Jiang Luo turned her head to look at Lin Feng, her eyes were filled with tenderness, and the gentle gaze stopped Lin Feng's heartbeat for a moment.

"We will be like it."

Lin Feng held Jiang Luo's face and touched Jiang Luo's nose with her eyes facing each other.

"It will be as brilliant as it is."

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