The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Hahaha, hahaha!

Inside the formation, She Tongtian laughed.

"Are you so happy that you're crying?" Hong Rizhan looked sideways and saw tears in She Tongtian's eyes.

"Or... are you still a little sad to kill your master?"



In Hong Rizhan's solemn eyes, the knife in his right hand passed through his front and stabbed into She Tongtian's own hand.

"I've been very sleepy since just now, and now I'm finally awake." She Tongtian yawned and said with a smile.

"Oh, I knew it was like this."

Hong Rizhan said.

She Tongtian suddenly let go of Hong Rizhan, hugged his shoulders and walked aside.

"I know you are not a person who acts out of hatred. You have no purpose and no motivation."

"Well! There is still a purpose!

If you have to say it, it is very interesting to see something that moves. It is boring to be motionless.

A windmill that does not turn, although sometimes it feels good depending on the mood, but it is basically not worth seeing."

She Tongtian threw the hat on his head.

"Now I will use the wind of the Destruction Fire Sect to make the windmill turn."

"Well, you haven't changed at all."




Duanmuxi is still fighting with the enemy and once again stops the siege of several monks. Kai takes the opportunity to knock three people away and comes to Xiaoying's side.




"I did teach you illusion in the survival exercise of the outer sect in vain. You really have the talent to use illusion."



"Go and remove the illusion and wake up Shikamaru and Naruto.

Naruto should be very happy. He hasn't been on a mission for a long time."

Clang clang clang!


"You have to be careful!

It's a B-level mission since the Land of Waves."

He swung the prop in his right hand and solved another sound repair.

"Teacher, what should we do when carrying out a B-level mission in this situation?" Sakura said.

Duanmu Xi: "Yuwen Zuo is chasing after Sha Luo of the Wind Sect. Sakura, you go and remove the illusion of Shikamaru and Naruto, and then chase after Yuwen Zuo."

He gently cut his finger, and a little blood flowed out.

"It's really good, that strange magic power." He could feel the strange power that had erupted in Sha Luo before.

"But if that's the case, why not wake up Ino and Choji as well?" Sakura said.

"I'm afraid that quite a number of Fengzong and Yinzong monks have entered the sect. If we move with a team of more than four people, we will lose efficiency and it will be difficult not to be discovered by the enemy.

You learned this during the patrol internship at school, right?" Duanmu Xi glanced at the enemies who were fighting and the enemies who were waiting for an opportunity to move, and made an analysis.

"Yes, if there are four people, it means that the teacher will go with them." Xiaoying said.

"No, I can't leave here now."

As he said this, he formed a seal with his hands and pressed them on the ground, and the formation started.


A knee-high dog appeared.

[How cruel, he stabbed his hand with a knife just because he was sleepy! ]

[You are stupid, this is because of the past feelings, and you are crying for this. ]

[You are stupid, why would you kill your own master if you have feelings? ]

[You are ignorant, some mothers say they don't want their children to suffer in the world? Doesn't she have feelings? Didn't she take away such a fresh life. ]

[Conflicting feelings! ]

[Even if you don't need more than four people, you can wake them up and help you fight! ]

[The dog shook his head when he saw it. ]

[What kind of dog is this? It looks like a bully dog, but it's a little cute. ]

"Next, this Pike will follow Yuwenzuo's scent."

"Could it be that the remaining teammate is this puppy?" Sakura looked at the sleepy, wiping puppy.

Pike jumped in front of Sakura, and a rough voice came out of his mouth: "Hey, little girl, don't say I'm a cute puppy."

"I didn't say cute." Sakura thought to herself.

"Okay, Sakura, go."


Sakura crawled under the seats in the audience, and Pike followed behind her.

When she got to Naruto, Naruto was still drooling, and the whole ground was wet.



Mobilize the magic power and point it at Naruto.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, stood up and wiped his eyes: "What's wrong, Sakura?"


"Get down."

Sakura hugged Naruto down.

"Let's talk later, now let's talk to

I'll do it."

She came to Shikamaru again, made a seal, and pointed at Shikamaru.


Shikamaru's eyelids twitched.

Sakura's face darkened: "Shikamaru, you have been..."

Pike came to Shikamaru's feet, and bit him without caring whether he had athlete's foot.


"It hurts."

Shikamaru couldn't pretend anymore, and quickly got up and threw Pike off.

"You can also rebound illusions?

Why are you pretending to be asleep?" Sakura asked.

Shikamaru picked up Pike and pinched his face: "I don't want to be involved in trouble, I won't go.

Yuwen Zuo's business is none of my business."


"It hurts. "

Swish, swish, swish!


A flying knife flew over his head, and Naruto stopped paying attention to the situation in the venue.

The audience had all fallen asleep, and there were still two groups fighting.

"What's going on?"


"Naruto, be careful behind you."

A sound cultivator appeared behind Naruto and was about to stab him.


Kai suddenly appeared and punched him into the wall.

"So fast." Naruto.

"Not just fast." Kai punched through the wall, and the enemy also went out.

"Teacher Kai."


Duanmu Xi appeared in front of several people.

"Now I will tell you the mission. After listening, leave from that hole. You go find Yuwen Zuo and meet him back to stop Yuwen Zuo.

Then wait in a safe place until new orders are issued."

Naruto: "What happened to Yuwen Zuo?"

Sakura: "I'll tell you the reason as we walk. Let's go. "

He picked him up and got out of the cave.

Shikamaru sat on the ground and watched: "Really, why should I..."

"Hey, kid, if you succeed in this mission, as a reward, you can touch my paw, so don't be so stubborn." Pike lay on Shikamaru's knees and said to him.


"It's very elastic!" Pike raised his dog paw and showed his paw to Shikamaru.

"Elastic...elastic?" Shikamaru looked disgusted.

"It's super elastic.

No more talking, let's go. ”

After showing off his paw, he bit Shikamaru's hand and dragged him out of the cave.

[Hahaha, this dog is so cute. Although it looks like a bully dog, its personality is so cute~]

[Didn't this dog appear before when the monk couldn't be killed? It turns out to be Pike!]

[Damn, Shikamaru was too lazy to do anything and just took advantage of the situation?]

[This cunning guy just has bad luck.]

[Pike is so cute, so confident in his paw!]

[Shikamaru is confused, I am confused too!]

[Who wants to touch a dog's paw!]

[No, didn't you notice that he can talk?]

[This is not normal. Naruto said it when he summoned the toad.]

[It's different. That one looks like a big demon, but this one doesn't look like one at all.]

[Humph, judging a dog by its appearance!]

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