The old man was so angry that he was so angry.

"Boss, what's his nickname?" the younger brother whispered.

Boss: "Legendary..."

Everyone realized something, looking at the deep ditch and the Guanyin tears on his forehead.

He smiled happily.

Jingyin was panicked holding the piglet: "Everyone is happy!"

"Legendary, fat sheep."

On the screen, the casino boss and Ren Piaomiao said in unison.

And the face of Dugu Gang finally appeared in the picture.

Very beautiful, still charming, and with a deep career line.


"But even if she is the legendary fat sheep, I'm afraid she can't be found right away."


"Because she hates getting old, and now she probably uses a special spell to change her appearance.

Even if she is actually 50 years old, she actually looks only about 20 years old.

Not only that, according to recent news,

she can change her appearance according to circumstances,

turning into 20, 30, or 40 years old,

to escape from people who lend her money."

"What is this? This is too miserable."

"Because she has always loved gambling, but her luck and strength are extremely bad.

She got that nickname because she was always slaughtered by everyone.

Then she borrowed money every time and ran away.

Hehehehe, it's really nostalgic!" Ren Piaomiao was immersed in beautiful memories.

"Hey, is it time to miss her now? Then how can we find her?"

"I don't know. Although we can only look for her honestly,

there are still many ways."

Naruto exhaled a long breath: "I have no idea how much time it will take!"

"I won't waste time, because all the time on the way will be spent on you."

"On me?"

"The time that makes you stronger is training."

As soon as these words came out, Naruto immediately got excited.

Immediately put down the backpack, took out a tights from it, with a smile on his face.

This time, I have to use Teacher Kai's treasure.

"No, no, don't wear this clothes?

I don't want to be with someone wearing this kind of clothes."

When Ren Piaomiao saw Naruto take out Kai's clothes, he immediately, hurriedly, stopped him.

If he traveled with a guy wearing this clothes, wouldn't he lose face?

【Siguoyi, big thunder! 】

【Wrong, it's a big thunder! ]

[If she is already over fifty, it is not impossible. ]

[I see you are really hungry, this woman is mine. ]

[Fat sheep, not only the wallet is fat! ]

[You can still lose even if you know magic? ]

[What do you know? A true cultivator should not use magic and experience the world. ]

[Bullshit, Ren Piaomiao said that she would often use the transformation technique to avoid debt. ]

[Uh! Then I can only say that they will not use magic to attack mortals! ]

[Damn it, the transformation technique can be used like this, why didn't I think of it before,

What uniform do I need? A transformation technique can meet all my requirements! ]

[What are you thinking, Dasha Chun? ]

[Hahaha, Naruto must have fallen in love with this outfit, he took it out as soon as he heard about cultivation. ]

[You don't understand the love between Xiao Li and Kai! 】

“Hey, lecherous immortal, shall we practice quickly?”

“Don’t worry, we have to collect information about Dugu Gang while practicing,

otherwise it will lose its meaning.”

“Huh? Collect information?”

The two slowly came to a bustling city.

Naruto looked at the bustling atmosphere, which was even more lively than the sect.

He had never seen it before.

“Great, this is the first time I’ve come to such a place!”

“Playing is also a kind of practice. Recently, it has always been a festival here. I live in this city during this period.

Practice must also be practiced here.”

Ren Piaomiao said.

Hearing that playing and practicing are both in this city, Naruto smiled.

Took out a bulging frog wallet from his backpack.

“Oh, you are quite rich, a big local tyrant!” Ren Piaomiao pointed to the wallet in his hand and smiled.

“I have quite a lot of money, which I saved little by little by carrying out tasks.”

Naruto gently stroked the frog with a smile on his face.

"Wait, Naruto, let me keep your wallet."


Ren Piaomiao snatched his wallet.

"What are you doing?"

"You can only use these." Ren Piaomiao took out a

A little money, give it to Naruto.

"Eh, only this much?" Naruto was dissatisfied, this was his money.

Ren Piaomiao taught him: "Don't complain, there are three taboos for monks, you know that, right?"

"Three taboos for monks, what are they?" Naruto had never heard of them.

"What, don't you know?

The so-called three taboos for monks are the three desires that will turn monks into waste,

These three desires refer to wine, women, and money." Ren Piaomiao said seriously.

"What? It has nothing to do with me.

I'm not yet twenty years old, I can't drink, and I don't really understand the desire for women.

I've saved money desperately, and I don't really want to spend it." Naruto retorted.

Ren Piaomiao was stunned, but he would never let go of the money he had earned. He pointed at Naruto and said, "Fool, don't underestimate the desire for money. Once you start spending money, you will spend more and more. The magic of money is very scary. Dugu Gang, who we are going to find next, was almost killed by money." "The lustful immortal will obviously be tempted by women soon." Naruto's mouth was flat. "I'm going to collect intelligence next. You take my luggage. Even if you get lost, the psychic toad used for tracking will find my scent." Naruto took Ren Piaomiao's luggage, made a face and ran away. "Hehe, after all, he is just a child." Ren Piaomiao counted the money in his wallet. [It's over. I have a bad feeling when Naruto takes out his wallet! ] [Sure enough, Ren Piaomiao, the old man, really took a fancy to Naruto's wallet. ] [He even brought up the three prohibitions of monks. Naruto actually got away with it? ]

[Poor Naruto, it reminds me of the red envelopes I received when I was a child, which were all taken by my mommy!

I cried so hard, she also took most of them back then, leaving a little for me, woooo~~]

[That's right, he obviously took everything, but he was still so righteous. ]

[Just left Naruto behind? Aren't you afraid of being caught? ]

[This is a bit irresponsible, just like those scumbags, they ran away after having fun! ]

[I guess Ren Piaomiao must have gone to the Red Mansion. ]

At this time, Naruto looked at the bustling city with money in his hand.

He went up to buy delicious food when he saw it.

Soon he was holding a lot of food and snacks.

"Hmm! So full."

On a piece of grass, Naruto touched his bulging belly.

He lay on the grass contentedly.

"What are you all doing?

Teacher Duanmuxi, Yuwenzuo, Xiaoying, I have to practice hard every day,

I must become stronger when I go back, wait for me.

"Now digest it first."

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