The fisherman was so excited that he was caught in a car accident.

"Wow, that's great."

In an open handball training field, Naruto hit the bull's eye easily with his handball.

This drew applause from the audience.

"Hey, this is the basic skill of driving a weapon!" Naruto was very satisfied.


In a small fish-catching stall, Naruto used more than a dozen fishing nets but still didn't catch a single fish.

Looking at the fishing nets with holes all over the ground, Naruto was furious.

Zi Wu Yin -

Naruto was about to cast a spell.


The vendor grabbed his hand and stopped him from casting a spell.

The vendor pointed to the paper on the wall, which said that it was forbidden to use magic power.


Naruto bought another mask and was very excited when he put it on his face.


He was excited for only three seconds before he fell to the ground.

Part of Ren Piaomiao's luggage fell out.

Naruto was about to pick up the things when he suddenly saw a book.

"The passbook of the lecherous immortal."

Naruto picked it up and opened it.

One, ten, hundred, thousand...

"There are... so many zeros,

With so much money, what's the harm in treating me to a little food!

Really, stingy guy." Naruto looked at the series of zeros and couldn't count them at all.

Picking up the things, he once again witnessed the outrageousness of the lecherous immortal.

Looking at the remaining change in his hand, Naruto thought of Ren Piaomiao who wanted to teach him to practice.

A smile appeared on his face.

At a grilled fish vendor, Naruto used the remaining money to buy a large piece of food and a grilled fish for himself.

"Where did that guy go?"

Holding two skewers of grilled fish, Naruto walked down the street looking for him.


Suddenly a voice came, and Naruto immediately recognized it as the voice of the lecherous immortal.

"Dance hall?"

Naruto walked in and saw Ren Piaomiao holding a wine glass and drinking wine.

"Oh, it's Naruto." Ren Piaomiao looked at Naruto drunkenly.

There were two women around him holding his left and right hands.

His eyes fell on a frog wallet on the table.


Naruto squatted in front of the wallet, looking at it empty.

His face was covered with dark clouds, and he shouted: "The three taboos of the monks, try to say it again yourself?

Don't break all three taboos at once! You idiot."

Naruto rolled up his sleeves and was about to take action.

"Wait, wait..."

Seeing that Naruto was about to take action, the two women ran away quickly.

"I don't care, you've spent all the money I saved with great effort, bastard, bastard, bastard."

Naruto hit him with the grilled fish in both hands.

"I'll give it back to you..."

"You actually made my frog so deflated..."


At this moment, Naruto's grilled fish suddenly flew out and landed on one of the people who came in.

"Asshole, who are you, and you actually stained my big brother's brand-name clothes?

Hand over 100,000 taels."

The bald little brother was furious when he saw the stains on the boss's white suit.

"Ah! Just this suit costs 100,000 taels?" Naruto was stunned.

"No matter what, this kind of outdated and old-fashioned clothes is not worth 100,000 taels." Ren Piaomiao said.

Bald younger brother: "Why, are you going to fight? My eldest brother used to be an inner disciple of the Earth Sect. He is a legendary cultivator that everyone fears. He is very powerful."

[Making a seal is really a big weakness of cultivators. Even a small vendor can stop him from casting a spell before making a seal! ]

[Maybe this vendor is not an ordinary person either? ]

[That makes sense, but I don't want to hear it. ]

[So how many zeros does the lecherous immortal have? ]

[He is a writer. Have you forgotten that the pornographic book was written by him? ]

[Yeah, my goodness, he has made so much money, but he still wants to cheat children's money. Really! ]

[Dance hall? It's really an advanced world of immortal cultivation! ]

[Damn it, I haven't even been there in the real world, and he, a character in the world view of immortal heroes, can go there? ]

[Oh, Naruto even bought grilled fish to share with him, but he actually used up all of Naruto's money! ]

[Poor Naruto, you will never dare to show your wallet to others again, right? ]

[Suits, advanced, too advanced, not only ancient costumes, but also modern ones? ]

[The ancient and modern combination of the fairy world, really bold! ]

[Oh, is the role of Tu Zong finally going to appear? I have been looking forward to it for a long time. ]

"What is the legendary...?" Ren Piaomiao was very disdainful.

"Do you want to suffer?" The suit brother roared.


, just in time, I'll show you a spell now, watch carefully. "

Ren Piaomiao looked at the man in front of him, and in Naruto's focused eyes, a blue magic ball appeared in his hand.

Before the suit brother could react, he pressed directly on him.

Spin, spin, the brother spun and flew backwards.

Ren Piaomiao calculated the opponent's strength and showed his expressiveness to the fullest, but did not tear his body apart.

The two walked out and saw the suit brother smashing other people's stalls.

"Well, I didn't even use any strength, and you fell down, you are so weak."

Ren Piaomiao sneered.

At this time, the suit brother looked at Ren Piaomiao, and in the sun, he finally aroused the legend he had heard before.

"You... can't be the legendary..."

"I'm so sorry for damaging your stall. "Ren Piaomiao apologized.

The man in the suit did not dare to say much, and even took out his wallet and gave it to Ren Piaomiao.

Ren Piaomiao gave part of the money to the stall owner, and even bought the other party's water ball and balloon.

Naruto looked at the part of the man in the suit that was hit, and there was a huge vortex mark on it.

What kind of spell is this?

"Naruto, let's go and start practicing."



On a mountain range in the distance, the two came here.

"Finally I'm in the mood to practice."

Naruto was very excited and was finally going to start practicing.

"Next, this is a water ball."

Naruto took a water ball: "What is this for?"

"Did you see the spell just now clearly?"


"What kind of spell does it look like?"

"Uh, the enemy seems to be spinning very hard. "After thinking for a while, Naruto said uncertainly.

Ren Piaomiao was stunned. Although the focus was wrong, it was almost the same.

"Yes, it is rotation."


Ren Piaomiao was holding a water ball, and there seemed to be something inside that was constantly gurgling.

It made a gurgling sound.

"The hand did not move, but it was rotating the water in the balloon."



The water ball in Ren Piaomiao's hand suddenly broke.

"In the practice of climbing trees, the mana is to hit and maintain it in the necessary place,

In the practice of walking on the water, a certain amount of mana must be released. You have practiced both of these,

In this water ball practice, you must create a flow of mana,

that is, rotation. "Ren Piaomiao explained.

"The flow of mana..." Naruto thought.

"The detailed explanation of the spell will be given after you have mastered the entry-level skills.

You need to use the essentials of climbing a tree to concentrate the mana in your hands,

and then rely on the ability to walk on the water to continuously release the mana.

Then you need to practice using the mana to press and stir the water in this water ball." Ren Piaomiao continued to explain.

Naruto smiled: "I understand, use the mana to quickly rotate the water,

until the water ball breaks. "

"Your comprehension is getting stronger and stronger. Okay, I will practice until tonight today."

"Okay! ”

[Ah, he is so gentle, he soiled someone else's clothes and beat him up gently!]

[The stall owner won without any effort, he sold all his goods directly.]

[This should be the spell he wants to teach Naruto, right? It doesn't look very good.]

[It's not as good as Chidori.]

[Indeed, the visual effect is too bad!]

[It's just a round ball, what big things can it do? It's probably to fool Naruto.]

[You are so stupid, this spell doesn't seem to require hand seals.]

[Hey, it seems to make sense, but what if it doesn't? Hand seals are not necessary for masters. For me, it should be very simple, right? 】

【The battle between masters is completed in an instant, just like a 100-meter race. A speed of 0.01 can only be achieved by crossing the limit.

Not to mention that in a life-threatening battle, the seal can determine the outcome. 】

【I still feel it is useless. Think about the raccoon cat and the toad boss. Each move can change the terrain. This small ball also has to solve the problem of close combat. 】

【Speechless, what are you comparing with? How can those two guys be compared with someone who has just started? 】

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